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October/November Babies 2019*

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Hi ladies

I'm back in for another month as most of you know... My due date would be end October i think so I'm combining the two months again.

Good luck girls !!

568 Replies • 5 years ago



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Thanks Alex, this was out 13 cycle and it drove me nuts but I relaxed a bit this cycle and finally got my bfp, not sure I see any progress but as I said I’ve only the digi left so I’ve now got to wait to test again, hoping to see some more positives this cycle ladies, got everything crossed for you all, Anna I think your attitude this cycle is awesome and really hope it’s your month with you both being so relaxed and just enjoying it xx

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5 years ago

Hi. I’m new here. I’m 38 with a 2 year old daughter trying for #2. I’m currently 10 dpo. I had cramps around 7-8 dpo and swore that it was implantation, but then the cramping completely went away at 9 dpo. I don’t have any symptoms anymore and got a bfn at 9 dpo. Trying to hold off another day or two to test again, but it’s so hard to wait!

5 years ago

Hi everyone!! just to clarify, I did not test, I marked @scuba pic
But I hope AF stays out, I'm cramping since yesterday but still no AF, its due today, so I will keep you guys posted :)

5 years ago

Alex, chin up buttercup! We are not giving up, we are not quitters! We are BadASS women that KNOW the struggle better than anyone! AND WHEN not if but WHEN we all get our BFP its gonna be even sweeter! remember that, dont give up. I know its hard and I literally just posted a super depressing post of my feelings but you know what sometimes all a girl needs is some good lovin' ant that makes you feel better. We are here for each other!! so dont get discourage. We will get there xoxo

5 years ago

As for me I am pretty sure I ovulated yesterday but I am going to BD today and try tomorrow too. Dr told me to bd for a straight week starting this past Monday, so far 3days down. but both my hubby and I are exhausted, its been a tiring week. As for the tea I ordered online i have gotten used to the taste and tomorrow is my last bag. I wont re-order it untill I see what happens. I also havent logged any info on any of my apps, I feel like mehh just by stopping the tracking has actually been a bit less stressful - looking at a calender and thinking if I missed it of anything of that sort is not good for me. so I am just going with the flow right now.
Lets see how I am in a week from now. Actually I am going to a concert next friday which I am really looking forward so I am just going to put my thoughts on that.
its good to have something else to think about, it takes your minds of things and makes the time go by faster.

5 years ago

@Alex don’t give up yet!! There is still time for your BFP and I hope you get it.

@scuba, that is so exciting! I pray it turns into a blaring BFP in a couple days.

@emma, congratulations!!

As for me, no more spotting through the night or today yet so hopefully it is a good sign and I am just off a couple days on whenever I ovulated.

girl, boy, boy

5 years ago

Is anyone else going absolutely nuts waiting to test...or is it just me? LOL. Hoping to get some spotting here in a few days to give me some kind of hope

5 years ago

I'm starting to wonder when my AF is actually going to arrive. FF says Sunday but that assumes a short cycle. Another FRER and I think I imagined the faint faint line. Maybe I'm testing way too early. I don't feel like AF is going to arrive any day which I normally do. Keep getting ewcm. And no early spotting like last cycle which is a relief. Just want to know now so I can crack on with my next cycle! xx

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5 years ago

Right I've decided to disregard my temp on Saturday when I was away. I think the one hour time difference skewed my temp and I don't trust it. It was a bit off the chart and unreliable. Temps now look a little bit more stable and consistent. xx

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5 years ago

@Alex I've overlayed my chart with my pregnancy with my daughter in 2016! Lol xx

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5 years ago

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