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April/May 2020 TTC

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Morning/Afternoon/Evening Ladies!!

Hi lol...

You're one month closer to your bfp yay !! Hopefully this is it

341 Replies • 5 years ago



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Hi ladies! Omg I'm overwhelmed by all your love and support. You have all kept me going month after month, especially after the doctor's diagnosis that my chances were so low. I surprised by hubby this morning on our 5 year dating anniversary! He couldn't believe it!
We are being cautious about getting too excited as we have a long road ahead with having a previous ectopic. I have my first blood draw Monday morning. Meanwhile I'm going to keep testing all weekend.

FRER is definitely darker today at 11dpo. I think the Progesterone last month messed with my cycle dates as the midwife couldn't believe I had such a strong position so early. So perhaps my dates are a bit out. xxx

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5 years ago

Hi ladies...
I am 11dpo, and my fr was negative this discouraged! I haven't been ttc that long but due to my advanced age for pregnancy feel like om running out of time...(41).
Its crazy i have a ton of symptoms this cycle and thought this was for sure it. I also conceived my other children on first trys sooooo,
Hoping that af doesnt show, but totally feeling that she is...
Anybody eles 11dpo and testing yet?


5 years ago

@anesakim I'm 43 and just got my BFP with a strong positive at 10dpo naturally after being told my egg reserves were too low. Good luck! xx

@agatch how are you doing? I'm just heartbroken for you xx

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5 years ago

Should be in my fertile week, baby danced last night! Let the tww torture begin Really hoping for some and leading to a
good vibes to you all!

5 years ago

Should be in my fertile week, baby danced last night! Let the tww torture begin Really hoping for some and leading to a
good vibes to you all!

5 years ago

Ladies I am struggling today. I just found out that one of my good friends is pregnant again!! They already have three kiddos and she was even on the Copper IUD. They were not trying at all!! She just happened to get pregnant and of course she is very healthy. They are due in January with another little boy.

I am just so heartbroken that she felt she couldn’t say anything to me since she knows we have been trying for so long. Plus I had to find out through Facebook. I just wish it would happen for me too. I am happy for them but still sad that it just hasn’t happened for us yet. Just feeling so down and discouraged already. Not even made it to O and I just feel out of it for the month.

Good luck ladies and sorry for the venting.

5 years ago

Ladies I'm a little worried. Just did a test with fmu with FRER and the line is really faint compared with yesterday Digital still says 1-2 but this doesn't look good. I did get up at 2.30am to pee and I tested at 6.30am. Do you think it's just before I didn't wait long enough? I'm really panicking now xxx

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5 years ago

scuba - my line on 12dpo was barely there, was the same on 13 and 14dpo and didn't get any noticeably darker till 15dpo. Don't panic yet xo

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5 years ago

@mistique, thank you but my line yesterday was really dark which is why I'm worried. Pic of yesterday's test attached... Xxxx

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5 years ago

Anesakim Hi! Don’t get discouraged just yet! You’re not out till AF comes. Fingers crossed!!

Magick Good luck

Shay I totally get you girl! Happened to me a lot in the past few months. It’s pike all my friends are getting pregnant even the ones they didn’t really wanted too.. it’s always like a knife in the heart and no one, even hubby doesn’t understand how that feels. I get you.. Happy for them but yet can’t help and feel a bit sad/jealous. Hang in there you’ll be feeling better in the next few days and of course you’re not out yet! It’s a new cycle full of hopes and a chance to get two beautiful lines in few weeks! Focus on that!! Hugs

Scuba don’t panick just yet! It could really be that your urine was diluted and not too concentrated after the 2:30am visit to the bathroom. Hopefully that’s the case. Try again late evening after a hold. They say evening pee is better for testing even from fmu. There is a research here in the site which gives you percentages. Keep us posted.

AFM a very weird thing is happening and I never had this before. Maybe you ladies can help or someone had this. I usually have AF for 5 days with the 5th day to be spotting. Day 6 is usually all clear and good to go. Sometimes I had still pinches even on day 5-6 and that’s normal for me.
This cycle AF stopped at day 5 as usual with some spotting but since then day 6 & 7 I kept spotting and had very light cramps. Day 8 today and I still have some pinches and a very very slight hint of spotting. Does this make any sense?

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5 years ago

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