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Anyone Testing This Week or Next Week??

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I'm expecting AF tomorrow and I really hope that she has decided to leave me alone for a while or more like 9 months. I'm going to be testing in the morning tomorrow but I'm scared and very anxious.

Anyone else that's on just about the same cylce or any words of encouragement.

Good Luck to you ladies!

353 Replies • 8 years ago



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@ Sophe28
I used to temp myself a few years ago and getting a tri-phasic chart was the differentiation point from the non-pregnant cycles. I only measured for 4 or so cycles (the final one led to my son and after that I didn't ever get around to charting again). I saw a consistent three days worth of temperatures that were higher than normal for me. It was in the luteal phase when it happened and it was just a few days (I think a week) before when I expected AF. To be honest though, I have to get more clued up on how charting is done to give much detail.

@ HopefullyAMommy
How many days post ovulation are you now? The two week wait is a crazy time. Even after managing to stay off testing up until now I would look at the calendar and see that, "What, was that only yesterday? It feels like it was at least three days ago!" Fingers crossed for you for a sticky bean.

Thanks everyone for the congrats. It's so nice to be able to share my excitement without being judged that I delivered the news before 3 months have passed. The shared knowledge and wisdom of ladies young and old during the first sem is important in terms of us being able to glean from their own anecdotes and ttc stories but also for moral support. This peace of mind that comes with supportive sharing is so refreshing - thanks so much.

Love and light xx

8 years ago

Lucidity-honestly I really don't know how many past I am. It's kind of tricky because I had 6 days of positives back to back and I tried to bd as much as I could. I had the freaky bad ov pains on cd 11 through 12 and I only bded up until cd 12 so I'm kind of worried but at the sane time not really phasing it either. I've read really good things and then no so much good things so......idk.

You know there will be no judgements passed on here at all. Just as long as you don't forget is on your journey either No stressing because it's you and little bean now so still think positive Best of luck to you hun!

8 years ago • Post starter

Twwtoolong, Lucidity, and HopefullyAMommy: thank you so much for the welcome and the support!

Other than the first cycle I was off BC (which was 34 days), this is the longest cycle I've had. I have had longer cycles than his before going on BC, however. I normally have nice biophasic charts but I think this month mouth breathing and the colder temperatures have affected my chart. I think I am going to switch to vaginal temping if this cycle ends with AF.

My temperature continues to go up. I caved and took a dollar store test this afternoon. BFN. I'm hoping it's still a bit early to test (14dpo). I have an FRER I'm saving for when I'm more certain it will be positive. I wonder, though: is it possible to have enough progesterone to raise my temperature but still not have enough HSG to register on a test with a sensitivity of 25?

So many unknowns and so much waiting! I am going to wait a little longer and contact my doctor if I'm still getting BFN and no AF by cd 40 or 45.

HopefullyAMommy - please let us know how your test turns out tomorrow morning!

8 years ago

Sophe28- I am so glad you found us, I know these ladies have been a great support and comfort to me! Did you decide to test this morning or are you thinking about waiting a little longer? My fingers are crossed for you!

lucidity - have you tried testing again to see if it is getting darker? I am so excited for you! I have yet to get a positive that didn't require eye squinting and wondering if it's just an evap line!

HopefullyAMommy - are you still getting positive opks? I am thinking your tests may be more sensitve than the ones I use (just dollar store cheapies with a sensitivitiy of 25 ug). My fingers are crossed for you!

So here is my update - I did an opk yesterday afternoon and it was totally negative, barely a line, so I am thinking that my shift in temp yesterday morning was indicating that I was ovulating/ovulated. I had a big shift in temp this morning, my highest temp since I started tracking this month, so I definitely ovulated yesterday. So we bd'd again lastnight for a total of 5 times in 4 days (3 days prior to ovulation) to lastnight (ovulation day). Both DH and I are home from work today, so we may bd again today to just give good cover. I really hope we got our timing right this month!

Baby dust to you all ladies! I hope we all have sticky beans this month!

8 years ago

Sophe28-Your very welcome! But as for me no testing for me at all. I stopped doing that a long time ago. I got so upset with seeing so many negative testing that I couldn't do it to myself anymore and if AF decided to come she would. However, I always have the urges to, but I never do. Even though I'm stocked up on HPT's I try not to cave and test. It's way to heartbreaking for me. As for the charting and and all the temping I dont know anything about that either. I tired temping before but it just wasnt working for me. But I think you should try any and everything though.

So there's no updates on me at all. I'm still here trying to figure out which days I even ovulated on. I'm just trying to remain calm and just play this waiting game as best as I can. I mean unless you ladies think I should test, but I'm super scared about testing because I'm afraid to see that one line....idk. I'm still having some on anf off cramping but I'm not buying it until the witch doesn't show up.

8 years ago • Post starter

@HopefullyAMommy- I hear you about the not testing too early part- it's just crushing to only see one line again and again. How long are your cycles generally? I usually try and wait it out until at least the first day that I would expect AF to show up (I usually have 26-27 day cycles so the earliest I would test is cd 26, but I might try and stretch that this month). This ttc studd and the tww are so hard - sending you lots of sticky vibes and a virtual hug!!

Hang in there ladies!

8 years ago

@Sophe28- I meant to say that the dollar store tests are usually not very sensitive (25 ug) compared to the early detection tests (10 ug), so it might just be that the test wasn't sensitve enought to pick up the HCG in your system - if your temps are still climbing that is a great sign!!!!

8 years ago

@Sophe28- I meant to say that the dollar store tests are usually not very sensitive (25 ug) compared to the early detection tests (10 ug), so it might just be that the test wasn't sensitve enought to pick up the HCG in your system - if your temps are still climbing that is a great sign!!!!

8 years ago

Twwtoolong-thank you and I love the virtual hug definitely makes me feel allot better. Normally my cycles are 24 days averaging about 26 days. I'm just trying to focus on other things but it's actually kind of hard because I know this cycle I definitely tried something different so let's be hopeful. How are things coming with you hun?

Sophe28- I agree with twwtoolong. You should try another test with a higher hcg level, but if those temps ate still rising then this is definitely a good sign. Keep positive and we're all cheering you get your bfp. I would definitely get another test and wait some more days and then test. Good luck!

8 years ago • Post starter

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