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Anyone else 4dpo. . . cycle buddy?

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Hello. . .
I'm about 4dpo - - not entirely sure since I didn't use an OPK and just went off of using temps and an app that predicts when I should (for now...I will use OPKs next month if AF shows)

I was just wondering if anyone would like to be a cycle buddy. . . or a listening ear to all of my symptom spotting and my POAS addiction in another week.

We can drive each other crazy? lol

130 Replies • 8 years ago



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101 - 110 of 130 Replies | Last Page

I'm definitely out this month. Bummed. :(

8 years ago

I'm doing better than I was a few days ago... AF should be almost done, maybe by tomorrow evening she will be gone. Like I said, I bought my OPKs and just waiting on them to be delivered. Lol good thing there's 50!

8 years ago • Post starter

I thought we were same supermom.
Rachel best of luck with your next cycle !!! I see a BFP in your future

8 years ago

I am sorry chall. Baby dust for February baby

8 years ago

Tested after 5 hour hold ... Stark white ladies . I looked at it from every angle . Talked to the DH and think going to take a break. Not out of frustration but know God has blessed us with 3 beautiful children and maybe he thinks our family is complete . Husband hasn't been totally on board either . Who knows that could all change tomorrow with the wave of emotions we go through . Baby dust to you all !

8 years ago

Hey ladies! Hope you don't mind me jumping in!

I told myself I'm not testing until at least the day af is due but I don't know if I can wait 3 more days... I might break my promise this weekend.

Normally I don't get many pms symptoms, only cramps the day of af and acne breakouts a few days before. No breakouts (my skin is amazing, someone commented on how "dewy" I look!), had some light cramps/pulling the past few days and dark brown spotting/discharge for the last 3 days (12 dpo today). I was so exhausted at work yesterday, by 5:00 I was falling asleep on the counter!

Sorry for the novel, we're keeping it a secret until we know for sure. Not being able to symptom spot with anyone is WAY too hard!! Baby dust!

8 years ago

Think i might be getting the start of my bfp! Felt a little different this evening. My breasts and nipples are hurting so bad! Took my last FRER with a little over 1hr urine and saw the faintest of line show up at the minute mark! It's still there and i don't have to squint too hard to see it. Tried my best to get a picture. Think I'll buy more frer tomorrow since I'll be at the store anyways! (yes, I'm last minute buying mother's day gifts lol). Don't want to get my hopes up though.

8 years ago

Oh supermom I hope so !!!! Keep us posted !!!

AF showed this morning for me . I had a few spots again 12 DPO in the evening and throughout day yesterday . Seriously girls first cycle of my life I have ever spotted before AF . She usually just shows up in full force . Weird ???

8 years ago

Supermom I am still waiting lol

AFM spotted this morning and nothing else . Like I said previously she has never spotted before . She comes all at once . Maybe I am getting too old for all of this lol

8 years ago

Bfns today af is due tomorrow and I'm sure the witch will be on her way. When she comes it'll be onto cycle#5. All of these "evaps" are driving me crazy!

So weird Kentucky! If af doesn't start full force tomorrow tou should test

8 years ago

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