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BYOB: We Want Some Chirstmas Babies!!

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Hi ladies!

Well, it's that time again! Lets kick things off the same as usual, with an update...

My name is Joy
I am 28, and dh is 29
we've been together almost 10yrs
Got married and bought a house together in 2009
From Canada
I'm currently a housewife, but hope to soon be a stay at home mom

I got pg back in the summer of 2010 then m/c'd at 8 weeks
We ttc for 8 cycles after the m/c, (10 months)
We have a nursery room all set up waiting for baby

I got a BFP on June 30th 2011
Had a missed m/c on Aug 18th 2011
Since then I have been rushed to the hospital 3 times for excessive bleeding (once via ambulance cause I passed out)
I have had 2 emergency D&C's, 2 Folley Ballooons, 3 blood transfusions of 2 bags each, & a Hysteroscopey. (Not to be confused with a "HysterECTAMY")

I am Finally back to TTC and am currently on cd12
Right now I am taking my prenatal vitamin, my iron suppliment (which I plan on stopping), I chart my bbt, use opks, and take EPO from cd8-Ovulation.

This is the best group out there - these ladies are all amazing!! They are my online bffs and I love them all! Dont know what I would do without you ladies!!

Hope everyone had a great Monday!!!

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266 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hi ladies!

Lindsay - EPO is a vitamin that helps with cm for o time (a lot of women supposedly get pg on their first cycle, I did, but then m/c, so am trying it again this cycle) It also helps with some other things supposedly.

Gummy - Sorry to hear about af, but glad you and you mil had a nice time!!

hoping - yay for a smiley!!

Emma - Happy bd-ing!! for you!!

Nicole - How are you doing?

elle - I get the munchies before af too... hope af doesnt show!!

Kristine - I take EPO from af-o (I usually start it after af leaves tho) and usually take about 1000mg a day. You arent supposed to take it after o as it can apparently cause contractions and a m/c if your pg. So make sure you stop when you get a +opk! Hope it helps for you!

Keico - Sorry about the bbt drop... still hoping af doesnt come for you!

AFM - Busy day... cleaned my Granparents house, went our for tea with them, then took Grandma shopping. Now I am at home briefly and need to run out to the grocery store before we meet my Grandparents for dinner tonight! Then after dinner I need to clean my house cause we have company coming tomorrow! Busy busy busy!

On the ttc front, I am officially in the 2ww... FF says I O'd on Saturday and ctp thinks I O'd on Sunday (but says I dont have a signifacant temp spike to verify with bbt) Whatever! So I am 2-3dpo today!


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12 years ago • Post starter

I am 10DPO and took a clear blue easy digital with the words and it read Not Pregnant

so sad, I really thought this was my month

12 years ago

Morgan- 10dpo is still early. Wait it out a little and try again.

I'll reply to others once I get on my laptop. I'm on my phone ATM.

Afm- still no AF. Had some major cramping last night that I thought I should go to the er for. I didn't go but I was sure AF was going to start. Nothing. Don't know what that was about. My symptoms are fading. That happened with my last bfp too though. says I'm 5w5d today if pregnant.

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

12 years ago

Morgan don't give up hope! The timing calculator puts 10 dpo as "hold off if you still can, it's still a little early" I didn't get my bfp last time until the day af was due.

I had to poas on something this morning, so I took one of my opks that I had lying around. Thought it would be negative, but i got a very dark second line! I am supposedly at 7 dpo. Could I be ovulating again? Or could it be a sign of a bfp soon? Trying not to get my hopes up just yet don't know what to think.


12 years ago

Hi ladies!

Lindsay - hmm... not sure what that could be. I heard the only way you get a +opk when pg tho is once you are pretty far along, but who knows! GL!

Jil - Hope your cramping doesnt mean af is coming!

morgan - like the other girls said, 10dpo is still early.

AFM - nothing new.

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12 years ago • Post starter

jacksonwest- hmm that is confusing I have heard of women getting + OPKs when they are pregnant but I have no idea how that works haha good luck during your wait

morgan5- yeah like everyone else said 10dpo is still early, I don't usually get bfp til AF is late.

snowwhite - I hope you get some answers soon it's a real pain not knowing whats happening with your body. I once went 9 weeks 4 days without AF and all the HPTs and blood tests from the docotrs were negative

joy - ah the 2ww, I hope it doesnt drag for you

AFM today I am CD35, AF could come anytime from now til CD42. I keep thinking about testing and then talking myself out of it I will wait....

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12 years ago

Hello ladies

CD1 for me. Spotting has turned into full fledged AF, right on time. I will up my dose of Vitex this time around, hopefully it helps...not very hopeful about getting pg on my own anymore...

Good luck to you lovely ladies :)

User Image and and to all!

12 years ago

Morning Ladies,
Thanks for all the positive feedback. IDK i just feel defeated for some reason. I have been so positive this whole time and thinking all the symptoms I had was a baby but now its like it was all in my head. I am so unhappy, cause not only do I feel like I left myself down I feel like I let DH down cause we really want a baby together.

Oh well enough crying.....

Joy: good luck on your TWW, it will fly by.

jacksonwest: thats confusing to me , just keep waiting.

to you all..

12 years ago

well nothing to report im about 4 dpo so this is boring lol. i thought i had a bladder infection but now im thinking kidney infection :(. have been drinking copiuos amount of water and cranberry pills ,but woke up this morning with back pain on the sides right where the kidneys are, im tired and feel just all over yucky, so im gonna go to work finish my day and head off to the walk in clinic to get tested, bleck i just hate feeling so yucky,and hate doctors but i gotta go cuz kidneys can turn bad really fast.. well joy we have made it to this point only 10 more days for me and 11-12 for you. we can do this, im kinda thankful im feeling so yucky as i can't even be bothered to 2ww obsess lol right now soo yay, and im not going to buy any pg tests this month im going to actually wait for af to show, instead of wasting money.

12 years ago

Well I woke up this morning incredibly nauseous and with a little headache. Didn't sleep very well last night kept wondering if I am or not and praying if I am it will stick.

Test this morning with fmu was neg but I'm still too early so I don't know why I keep torturing myself

On a happier note it is dh and I's anniversary today, he surprised me with some jewelry at midnight last night and we're going out tonight to celebrate

to you all today


12 years ago

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