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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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@piecesgirl lol wow cervix check high n thick lol i thought we didnt know what we where doing i still do that and my finger doesnt seem to reach anything lol and with my nail i usually hurt something lol so what did she say the pshyic. piecesgirl i think ur dates my be wacky babe becuase of ur clomid cycle just like me dnt stress over dates luv look at me i went from a 25 to 26 cycle to a full 28 cycle last month when i thought i was 2 days late just like we dnt symptom check we should not mess with dates unless we like 1 week late then lets do this

@miricalmomma i always got luv for u hun there is plenty of me to go around lol keep smiling luv u and piecesgirl when u are postive it rubs off on me and when ur negative ohh all bad i am just a evil pieces of u know what so lets me postive luv lol i am here power of postive thinking.

@jxs see what u started lol i am still sceptic u never said what ur phsyic said to u how and what made her right.

@tiff may the lord be with u and fam idk where u live but i see piecesgirl is concerned which tells me ur in the path of that crazy tornado hope ur cool praying for u get at us before me and piecesgirl put out a amber alert.

AFM af should be here today says this chart by my period tracker stats tomorrow lol so idk but i have the cramps so i am sure the bitch is on her way lol cramps and i keep checking for the blood tp checking so i can get my surgery date.

11 years ago

@ introuble &@pisecs- yes we r ok lost lots of trees around r gone and electric was out around us for awhile but that's about it, more storms r suppost to hit around 3 today!! I hate this time of the year where I live, plus we don't have a basement or shelter at my house, my parents do but we don't here, last big tornado was very very bad for my family, my mom and dad barely survived so its very scarey here!! But I guess all over the world u have diff stuff like earthquake ( which we had a small one last year) living by ocean is scary to! Ne who......

I am doing great! Still bloated as hell, morning sickness,( just till I eat) I feel like I'm already 4 months preg, I feel so big, I think it's cuz it's third preg in 3 years plus I just gave birth 12 months ago so everything is still stretched out, and flabby(lol) I'm not a big girl, only wiegh 135 but my tummy never went flat after second one like it did first one!

@jsx- your story was so cute!! That sucks that turd looked in the trash!

11 years ago

@ topo- didn't c your post till I already posted mine, thanks we r ok, I hope u don't get af, but if u do then I can hurry up and scedual surgery and get the ball rolling! Get this party started lol

11 years ago

@tiff thank goodness girl I was really starting to worry but i figured it might be power outage and you were trying to preserve phone battery. But Amen you're safe. Please be safe this afternoon. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family. Yeah I grew up in Corpus Christi Texas and as a child hurricanes used make cry, I was convinced they were going to wash my whole family into the sea. Lol...I didn't know that other parts of the world had other things like tornadoes and tsunami's. I was here in DC when they had the 59 inches of snow and last year the my head. The snow was actually cool, fed govt was closed so I was in watching every tv show I could find.

@topo yes positive positive! Well I am praying you're a "surprise
, I wasn't even trying this month and got a BFP" kind of pregnant. Wouldn't that be cool? But if not for a change AF would be a good thing so they can get up in there and see what's going on so you can get healed and get barefoot and pregnant.

@jsx I just reached to her last night and I did the 24 hr thing so I'm waiting on her to respond. I think people with that ability are so interesting. I have a intuition but not a psychic at all. I swear I think I was a gypsy or a medium in a past life. I also think I was a twin before. I also think I have been white with red hair in a past life. Funny thing is that a guy from Ireland contacted me on FB and said me and his grandmother have the same name and he said the funny thing is that you resemble her a lot apart from her being Irish with red hair and you being African American. My sister thinks I was former royalty if some sort since I'm "high maintenance"'m really not but she thinks I am.

@desertchic wow a dip then a spike**eye brows go up and down in excitement** yeeeeeee haw! That's just happened to @jsx and then bAM 3 days later "we" (as in her) was preggo!!! I hope it's the same for you, I know you have been wanting this for a while. As for my OPK's it was a real confusing week. I Had positive OPK's for 5 days straight along ewcm. I got my first negative like Monday and all the cm dried up. It very well could have been sat when i O'd. Which would make me 10DPO and not 12DPO. And If you look at my chart today is my first real drop in temps and I am gassy/crampy today. Which could be implant or not. When AF doesn't arrive today and my temps spike tomorrow then you and @jsx were right.

@miraclemama how are you? I hope everything is alright. I hope everything is going well. I am praying for you and your decision whatever it is and praying that God gives you the direction to guide your path. We are here for you always

AFM: nothing new except gassy/mildly crampy.

11 years ago

Good Morning everyone.

@Tiff ~ Glad you are ok. I don't have cable tv but I read everything on the internet. I have been following the news for Moore, Oklahoma's recent tornado disaster. So sad. My prayers are going out to all those involved.

Well I thought I would cheat and poas this morning one day before AF is due, but luck would have it that I am all out of hpt's. Might be for the better. I think that I will just wait and see if Af is not on time tomorrow and test thurs morning if I don't see her.

Question ~ Is a opk a reliable source for wondering if you might be pregnant or not? Can you take one in place of a hpt and if you have 2 strong lines can it mean bfp? Or if there are no strong lines does it mean no bfp? Curious.

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11 years ago • Post starter

Miracle I have read that opk do show positive if pregnant but that an hpt will catch it sooner than an opk. You have to have quite a bit of hcg built up.

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11 years ago

When I connect with your energy, I feel that your aura is mainly Peach and green .Your aura is the energy center that makes up who you are in a sense, and can give a lot of insight into what your personality is like, or anything that is going on in your life. Peach is the color of innocent love intermixed with wisdom. It also implies your caring nature and how you tend to the needs of others. Love, health, balance, compassion, a nurturing nature, and abundance are many qualities of the color green. It both clams and refreshes your energy, and is a sign of renewal and growth. This color also represents someone who is practicing some kind of healing, whether on themselves or others, so it is often seen in those who would excel or are in the medical field, but I also see this color often associated with those who would do well as teachers. It is also seen with those who are struggling with, or have struggled with health themselves. I do feel a lot with â??healthâ?? also has to do with your miscarriage.

With your current TTC path, I do see that things are just very â??stalledâ?? and you're feeling lost and helpless at this moment in time, but I also see that things will start to move forward. It can take a couple weeks after starting provera to start your period, if you havenâ??t yet, ask your doctor about doing another round J Know that it will all fall into place. You can also try drinking red raspberry leaf tea as I believe that is supposed to bring on your period. Google â??natural ways to bring on your periodâ?? I am sure there are a ton. :o)

With timing, I am being shown the months of January as being significant to this baby. All of us do not have cycles that begin and end in one month, so the month that starts the cycle in which you conceive can definitely be tied to that month that I see. It can be also conception, when you get a positive pregnancy test, or birth timing. I know that may seem like a lot of things, but timing is not something that is ever set in stone, so I can only give you what my guides give me, which is a month tied to that baby, but how it is tied to them coming to you is left up to decisions you make on your path. I see the number 9 associated with this, which can be a date relating to when you start your cycle that brings a BFP, conception, or the date you find out you're pregnant. With numbers, they are just that-numbers, so it is hard to pinpoint significance, but keep those in mind. I see a little girl for you.

With pregnancy, I am being shown a lot of anxiety in the first weeks, and you really just needing that piece of mind. Because of your loss, I do feel that the doctor will allow an earlier Ultrasound, so make sure to advocate for that. There is a lot of cause for celebration surrounding this little one which can be that your baby will be conceived around a birthday or special date, or be born around such a date. I also see it being something that really brings a lot of joy and happiness to your entire family, and that from the word go, you're going to have an overwhelming sense of peace with where you are in your life. I do see it being an easy pregnancy, though I am being shown to make sure you're â??keeping trackâ?? of things. Normally I will see this with blood pressure or blood sugar, so just keep those in check to make sure nothing is off balance. I see the number 9 associated with birth too. Now it Maaaay indicate September as your birth month as it is the ninth month and I see January as being your month for timing, BUT it is just a number, so this can also be the babyâ??s due date, the date or time you give birth, or the number of hours you labor.

That's my reading girls as you see the baby will be due jan 21 I found out 9 dpo and the special birthday was my husband and mother in law and I am a teacher!! So as of now everything is dead on!!! I recommend getting her to do your reading! If you are sceptic of her then don't but I had a great experience! Everyone has own opinions!

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11 years ago

@miracle I locked my last two pregancy test in my safe at home and only brought money for lunch with me so I won't buy any. Lol so I know what you mean. As @desertchic said, am OPK can be used if there is enough HCG in your system but you would have to be late I think.

@jsx your reading was awesome. I am anxiously waiting for mine. I hope she she's good things for me. Thank you for sharing!

11 years ago

Where is everybody? It's eerily quiet in this forum. Iol

I got my reading and it was so cool!!! She has my personality (aura) down perfect purple n red. Purple-Career Sucess and Red -Passion, Temper. Basically, she feels I am going to have a boy and the month she centers on is June and the number 4. Soooo either I will conceive in June (next month) OR be due in June which means I will likely not get pregnant until October?? (Wondering if that means I am pretty much out this month???). She picked up on my negativity and feelings of discourage, want me to leave that behind :-D it was super cool. Now I guess I will just wait and see if AF shows up.

AFM: still no witch. All my cramps from this morning gone. I'm left with a headache and nausea which ironically started when I ate cake from a baby shower i threw one of my employees who is having a boy in June...lmao.

How is everyone else?

11 years ago

That sounds promising pieces! You could still conceive this month and not get a positive test til June! You never know as many ppl are different when it comes to timing as I thought jan would have been when I conceived but didn't turn out til may to be due in jan so well just have to see! You may need another cycle of clomid to actually get to know your cycle and for it to really get into your system it took me 4 cycles on clomif but 150 mg! All depends on your body! I hope you get your bfp ASAP you deserve it! Don't be discouraged if it not this cycle just be happy knowing it is def coming in near future!!! Hoping sooner then later!

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11 years ago

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