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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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He did one just before lo was concieved 3 years ago. Hes a strapping young 26! Lol. So im sure his count is still fine. Just ruling it out. There is a bit of an age difference between us. : )
Im starting my opk really early this time. Hope my follicular phase isnt shrinking. Thats not a good sign. My mom was in full blown menopause by 39 and I am an only child. Im seeing a patern here. Lol

7 years ago • Post starter

Ah crap. I opk tested jst to see n its positive. This cant be accurate. Cd4. Its got to be from the meds, right? Im just going to keep track, keep testing and keep bding. Got one in today, but im not trusting this positive. Uploading it as soon as I figure out what to say. Lol
Ok. Im back. Lol. Uploaded it. Pic was taken at about 3 minutes. Then went back and looked n it was even darker. Praying this is a faulse positive. My poor little egg won't be ready.

7 years ago • Post starter

Dandy I am betting that is a false positive due to the meds. If not you are correct and there is no way those little eggs would be ready.

7 years ago

I am with lucky, it's probably from the meds. Keep testing and keep bding just in case.

7 years ago

Lmao. I just watched Bad Moms. So funny. I laughed so hard I cried, more than once! Warning though one character is rounchy, but that was the funny part. Oh I needed that. Dh was even in tears and he doesnt ever watch chick flicks.
Af is completely gone. Checked Barbie, shes kinda high but still firm. So pretty sure Im good.

7 years ago • Post starter

Oh my goodness Im never ever ever taking epo again. My IBS is at its very worst. Plus uturin contractions/cramping so bad. The first night I took it, i only took half to see how my body would react. Woke up at 3 am with diahreah. But just now put 2 n 2 together. Last night I took the full dose. I had read that women used it to enduse labor as well. But now I see why. I feel like I did when I went into preterm labor with my son at 28 weeks! Plus a bad IBS attack on top of it! Its supposed to be good for endo and IBS. But a side effect can be diahreah. Never ever ever again. I threw the bottle away!!

7 years ago • Post starter

Dandy : that totally stinks. Glad You threw The bottle out. Sometimes we never know how these supplements react with our bodies until we consume them. At least you know it is something you can't tolerate.

As for me, CD 3. AF is light to moderate still. I anticipate that she will vacate by Thanksgiving. At least I hope anyway.

7 years ago

Cronins, glad af will be gone by Thanksgiving. She is a pain to have around when trying to do 100 things at once. How was not medicating? Weird, I bet? I wish I was having a diner. With three other places to be and my oven on the frits, its just not going to happen. My mom is making an extra Turkey so we can have left overs. lol Turkey and noodles, turkey sandwiches, mmm so much more.
Lucky, how are you on this cold Monday morning?

7 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies! I'm doing well this morning, still just counting down days lol. Dandy what did you say you were taking that irritated your system?
Cronins I hope AF is gone by Thanksgiving, it is definitely a pain. It's funny bc I try to make plans around her because it's such a hassle lol.

7 years ago

Lucky, evening primrose oil. Its for ewcm. Its what I didnt want to take last cycle bc I read it can make you O late. Oh man. Awful, just awful! With the help of a heating pad and a little time, Im feeling better. Going to do a opk in a bit. Any bets on a positive? Lol

7 years ago • Post starter

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