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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Af is due on the 28th and miss thang better not show up... lol I am so hoping that we hit it on the nail this month! I already have plans as to how i am going to tell everyone at my sons bday on the 29th!!

My plan is to get 1 balloon that say i am gonna be a big brother and put it in a box with othe pink and blue balloons so when he opens it all the pink and blue balloons go everywhere and the big brother balloon pops up for everyone to see(will attach to bottom of box)!!

12 years ago

TOO AWESOME OF AN IDEA!!! I pray you get your BFP!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

12 years ago • Post starter

This morning's opk is pretty much +. Once it dries I'll post them so you can take a look.

DH told me last night he thinks we have enough kids. I told him to go get a vasectomy so I can stop this wishing for a miraculous conception every month because I'm going insane. He told me to make the appt. So I guess I'll make the appt & hope for a miracle in the meantime. Then I'll try to be happy with my family size if the miracle doesn't happen. I honestly feel like I'm pushing the envelope sometimes anyway because of my age & increased odds of genetic abnormalities the older my eggs get. It doesn't change this horrible biological clock I have ticking in my head, though, wit this overwhelming desire for another child. I'm so torn.

Did anyone else hear on NPR or read about the Swedes doing uterine transplants to give some women a chance to bear their own children? Very interesting stuff.

12 years ago

Hi ladies. Sorry for vanishing, had to just deal with a lot of crap around here & honestly, just had to forget about a lot of things for a while. Now have new crap going on, which could potentially derail the remainder of my life. Guess we will see.
On to other things however, still since a week before Father's Day & still . Right now, I think I'm kinda glad, but it still bugs the crap outta me. I'm eligible for insurance with new job as of 11/1, so guess I'll just keep holding out until then to go to dr.

I'm sure I'll end up going into details about the stuff going on here, considering I have no one I can TALK to about it w/o having to deal with being judged for the decisions I make. I know logically they're not ideal, but I also know the dynamics in my life. Anyway, if was really nice being able to "chat" here and know that I had a support structure, that honestly I don't have to look in the face daily. Please don't take that as an insult, I swear to you it's not.

So, that being said.... I plan/hope to stay in touch more, around the work schedule anyway. Since I seem to have a LOT of alone time as of late, shouldn't be a problem. Anywho, &


& Shell

12 years ago

Welcome back, Shell!

Mooney - where u is?

12 years ago

Totally!! lol I feel crazy every time i post another pic that i see 2 lines in and i know no one else will. Sigh....

12 years ago

Good-Everybody notices I've lost weight.....Bad-Everyone notices I've lost weight! The hard part is explaining why I'm losing weight,.."So when dh and I decide we want kids, we'll be able to". They all say, " Oh you'll get pregnant easy when you start trying!". Little do they know we're already trying and can't. I'm exhausted. Went to a wedding shower that included entertainment of beer and cigarettes (not me, but my hair smelled like an ashtray), then to a bonfire with my MIL, her sister and their friends. Sometimes, I think I get along better with older ladies...they're such spitfires! We were cracking up! We were all roasting hotdogs on an outdoor chimney firepit and everyone was putting their hotdogs in the little door all at once...I'm like, "Why do I feel like I'm at an orgy?!!!" They maybe getting the senior citizen discount, but they still like raunchy jokes! ROFL!

@phat-So you're ovulating and he wont sock it to you?! FRY UP THE BACON! Read dh your post...he huffed and puffed and said, "WHY DO GUYS THREATHEN LIKE THAT!? And if they are going to do it, man up and make the appointment themselves!" Sorry your dh is being a butt muncher .

Hey Shell! Sorry life is being a crapshoot right now. Sounds like you might have the same thing going on as me in the AF department . Miss you! Feel free to vent about anything! Praying for God to calm your raging seas!

Hi Kenpo- I've had a lot of those moments! We all have line eye here!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

12 years ago • Post starter

Tara- Maybe we were separated at birth lol It has been a very aggrivating couple days! I snapped on my mom and sister when they called together to tell me how excited they were and how they think it may be twins because she is getting such dark pink lines and about how they know they will both be boy &&&&& my oh so darling sister "insert rolling of eyes" had the nerve to ask if she could name them Cooper & Austin if it is twin boys (Cooper Austin is my angels name) I threw down some medical facts and made them sound stupid and then snapped with How dare you even ask me that! That is MY sons name NOT YOURS! It seriously feels like they are mocking me! I have school starting monday and i am soooo freaking upset and stressed out that i dont know if i can even go to work let alone school! GOD PLEASE LET ME GET A BFP THIS MONTH! I told them that WHEN I get pregnant and my sister commented "IF" that they do not have to be apart of the pregnancy or my childs life if they want to mock the death of my child! It is cruel. Ugh I sm still crying!


Phat! Why didnt you text me this! Im sorry but that was a "dick" move.. My dh is good at those so i know what they sound like! My dear friend had problems conceiving and it was as simple as her taking progesterone and BAM pregnant! definitely look into it! Also Google the procedure for a vasectomy and print it out for him to read and see how comfortable he is with it then.

Tara- I love old people! Granted most of the time i have them as patients which is difficult but they always crack me up!

Ladies: I can not remember all your names so WELCOME!

TTC #2, 2 miscarriages, 2 years in My precious babies will grow in our hearts but not in our arms. As long as we remember, they are never truly lost

12 years ago

Wow! You guys are madder than I am. It really wasn't a threat - he's dead serious. My 3rd (his first biologically though he considers my second his, too)was unplanned. He says he hasn't wanted to have sex since I told him I was pregnant with #3. So we rarely DTD, and when I told him I wanted one more before I'm too old, he said no at first then told me yes if he could name him then said no. My thing is he's always gone hunting & fishing & I do ALL the child-rearing, so other than monetarily the impact on him is pretty negligible.

The reason I'm not mad (just dissapointed) is that I'm not sure my urge for another child is in the least bit reasonable. 3 children is already a lot by today's standards, and I'm already stressed because I am the one taking care of them all. I have no family here, and his mom is taking care of her mother so has her hands full. My ex-husband is an over-the-road truck driver who is rarely home, so all of the school, sports, and band activities for my 11 year old are on me because his mom is in poor health, and his wife is busy with their 3 girls. I work full time, too. It's weird to me to have no real support system. My mom was a single mom from my age 1 to age 11, but she was the youngest of10 kids, and someone was always able to help. I miss my big family.

So, if he wants a vasectomy we'll get it done. At least I won't be on the crazy train every month any more.

12 years ago

Keep in mind that I have three beautiful, wonderful, healthy children, too. Some people wish, pray, and hope for one child their entire lives without being so blessed. It seems incredibly selfish to want "just one more."

Shay - have I told you your sister's a bitch?

Tara - I like older women better, too. They are invariable smarter, more worldly, and funnier than younger ones.

12 years ago

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