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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Oh lol. I guess you learned that one the hard way:-(. I'm betting your opk is positive especially if still on meds.

7 years ago

Yes Lucky, I learned the hard way for sure. N yes my opk was positive. Two more days left of meds. Im sure I will keep testing though till they go negative then back positive for the real surge.

7 years ago • Post starter

Dandy how is the smoking thing going? Have you been able to quit completely?

7 years ago

Good morning. No Lucky I have not completely quit. I still have good days and bad days. But the bad days are still better. On a good day, I just smoke 2 or three, but a bad day can be up to 5 or 6. Still fighting it. Dh joined in and is doung better than me. Lol. Hes almost completely quit. He smokes one w his coffee n the morning n one after supper. But he chews( yuck) so its not fair. Lol.
Tmrw is my last day of meds. Getting there. I will be driving myself crazy with hcgs before I know it. Lol. Just hoping to get a confident positive opk no sooner than cd 11.
Cronins. What cd are you now? When do you think you will O with out meds?

7 years ago • Post starter

Good morning everyone,

Dandy: I am CD 4 and AF has finally vacated, lol. Without meds I usually ovulate anywhere from cd 14-20. I will definitely be tracking now that AF is gone. Let the o pl k testing begin, lol. It's so weird not taking any medication except supplements. Now I just need to be patient and let the next cycle arrive. That's going to be a hard one as I am always hpt testing, lol. Goodness, I will have to live vicariously through you dandy. Fingers crossed for you and your bfp this cycle.

7 years ago

That's good Dandy, keep it up. Yeah I agree with you chewing (yuck).

Cronins are you trying this month or just going to skip it completely and go for the next cycle?

7 years ago

Oh I jst whitnesses the true spirt of giving! My heart is so full of joy. In line to pay on layaway, I was small talking with another gal. She asked how old my son was so I told her then noticing she had a cart FULL of little girl toys. I asked her how old her little girl was. She stated she had two boys, then explained that all these toys were for a girl she works with. She is recently divorced and having a really hard time making ends meet. The lady was crying this morning at work about how she doesnt know how she can get anything for her daughter. So this lady I was talking to, took her lunch break and went to walmart. She was in front if me in line. The total came to 255$ she pd half and said another lady from work is coming in an hour on her break to pick it all up!
I was so touched! Ive heard of things like this but never actually seen it. : )

7 years ago • Post starter

That's awesome dandy! There are good people out there :-)

7 years ago

Dandy: That story is beautiful. There are some very good people out there.

Lucky: I am sitting this cycle out completely. I will opk test until ovulation, but no bding at that tine.

7 years ago

I'm actually doing bbt this cycle so I have an idea when I ovulate since last months cycle was longer. I did ovulate between day 12-13 but last month had to have been later so I'm curious to see. I have 2 of my clearblue digital left from the summer so might just use them but not sure which day I'm going to start lol.

7 years ago

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