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New and Looking For Cycle Buddies!

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Hey yall my name is Stacey and this is mine and my husband's first month TTC and I ovulated on the 22nd and should test around June 13th!! Looking for a cycle buddy!!!

299 Replies • 12 years ago



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We BD the day before I think ovulation was...without knowing the real day we're guessing at this whole thing this cycle.

Is everyone else already taking pre-natal vitamins? Anything else you're doing?

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12 years ago

i have should definitely be taking them if you trying to conceive because the folic acid and other vitamins in them helps prevent several possible diseases in your baby. that being said..i don't take them every night. i suck at remembering that. I used the nuvaring cuz i could never remember to take the bc pill plus i have a very sensitive stomach..they make me nauseated if i don't take the pill and immediately go to sleep.

and don't worry i definitely didn't know the "real" ovulation day this month. but i know it was between the 21st and the 25th and on the 20th, 22nd, and 25th.

next month i'm going to try that sperm meet egg method.

and to all

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12 years ago

Me too I am trying the sperm meets egg method next month too!! And yes I take Pre-natal vitamins that have Folic acid in them as well. Gotta make a healthy baby! I have also cut down on my caffeine and started eating cleaner with less meat and more veggies, fresh fruit, fish, ect. I swear the book What to Expect When You are Expecting is helpful. It tells you what to do before you get preggers. Anymore good reads about trying to conceive! I love to read =)

12 years ago • Post starter

Yall are going to think I am crazy... I take prenantals for obvious reasons. I also take baby aspirin. Its supposed to help with implantation. I also have a auto immune disease. It is supposed to make my blood thinner. My body produces to many proteins. I also take B6 helps with fertility and energy. Zinc to help add conception and produce healthy eggs. I also drink Green Tea to help produce CM and healthy eggs. Miscarriages usually happen because an abnormality so I figured I needed to help my eggs be strong and healthy. This TWW is killin me this time.

User Image Miscarriage 1/6/2012

12 years ago

nicole..i don't think you're crazy. if i had the..i can't even think of the word..maybe patience? or organization? or determination? that you have..i'd definitely be doing all that too. PLUS i had a friend who it took 5 years to have a baby and she had several miscarriages along the way. She finally had a baby a year and half ago and not only did she take supplements but here husband took a cocktail of like 8 vitamins a day as well. And she attributes her pregnancy in large part to all the vitamins they both took.

meanwhile..i'm having a crappy day. I had two wisdom teeth taken out yesterday. I was overcharged by my dentist but I was in pain so it had to be done.

This morning I woke up soo nauseated and was like that all morning. I attributed it to the wisdom teeth thing but now i'm like passing out at my desk at work. I'm so so tired and I slept a good nights sleep last night. I normally wouldn't be this tired. BUT I am getting some mild period like cramps.
Plus I'm in this stupid waiting game to see if I'm getting AF. I keep going to the bathroom to see if it I got it. I'm on CD 33 at this point, no and still a BIG FAT NO . (I felt the need to type it out because I'm frustrated lol) I hate this.."am i or aren't i" game my body is playing with me right now. arrghh!!!

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12 years ago

Nicole I defintiely don't think you are crazy either girl!! You can never be too prepared!! I just recently in the past 3 weeks started researching what to take and do so I'm sure pretty soon I will be taking more stuff too!! =)

12 years ago • Post starter

Angel me and you are in the EXACT same boat!! I am at the point where I too and wondering is this PMS or preggers?? I am suppose to start on June 10th or 11th and I am still testing !! I keep checking to see if AF has come too and I am a nervous wreck!!! I'm so sorry about your wisdom teeth girl and you having to be at work! Poor thing! Hopefully as soon as you get home you can take a nap! That's what I'm about to do, I am sooo tired as well!!!

12 years ago • Post starter

Angel when are you expecting AF?? BTW I am totally convinced I am having period cramps

12 years ago • Post starter

I started taking the Prenatals this week. I had to come off meds for the TTC time so I'm drinking one-maybe two cups of coffee a day - is that too much?

Tell me more about this sperm meet egg deal?

I want to up my chances of this happening sooner than later so all that prep work for healthy baby is not crazy at all nicole. Does the separate zinc and B6 help or is it ok if its already in the pre-natal and you take more?

I really hope its not AF on her way stacey.

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12 years ago

Angel WHAT are you doing at work... I had my wisdom teeth out and was down for a week! Kuddos to you. I wouldnt be able to hang. Thanks everyone for telling me I am not crazy. I was telling a friend what I was taking and she goes "If you would just relax you would get pregnant" In my own terms I wanted to drop kick her in the throat... Lie oh yeah because I amtaking vitamins and doing cardio thats BAD???? Maybe I should just go smoke some crack right??? Ugh people... B6 helps your luteal phase be 14 DPO it regulates your hormones. My luteal phase was really short after my MC to the point that I wouldnt be able to get pregnant. Zinc (good for DH's swimmers too) helps promote healthy quality eggs. I take them on top of my prenantals because if you look at your prenatals they have very little of those two vitamins in there. The SMEP thats the link and it explains it in full. She says on her site that the women that have wrote her claim basically a 40% success rate the first time they try. We tried it this month for the first time so maybe I am one of those 40% :)

User Image Miscarriage 1/6/2012

12 years ago

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