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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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@photomamma. Thank you for sharing your daughter's ultrasound and sharing some information about cramping and bleeding. I wish I could read those as I see the black circle but other than that, I can't see the fetus pole or the free fluid.

@Beaut1ful38. How are you feeling this morning? Feeling a lot better today about things?

As for me, I woke up numerous times throughout the night and super tired this morning. Thank goodness day is my Friday and I am thinking of taking the Tuesday off so I will have a 5 day weekend and Tuesday is my ultrasound at 8:30. I am feeling a lot better since Monday with things, I just hope the chills goes away soon. Also noticing that my nipples are getting sore so that's a good sign I think that things are progressing smoothly.

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6 years ago

It's nice to have your knowledge in here photomama. I see the gestational sac in both of the ultrasounds you ladies have shared but can't make out free fluid of fetal pole. I've never seen ultrasounds this early in a pregnancy so I find that quit exciting. I hope you are feeling reassured Beaut1ful. I'm glad you are getting a long weekend dragonfly! It sounds like fatigue is setting in for you, which is also a positive pregnancy sign!

I started taking EPO last night. The bottle says to take 3 a day so I'll try and do that. I'll definitely take 2. I'm interested to see how it changes my cm.

6 years ago • Post starter

Dragonfly- yes I am feeling much better today. As there is nothing I can do right now but just trust that the me above is taken care of my baby as I am physically.

FlamingoGirl- I think mine said 3 as well but I took 2 only as well. 1 morning and 1 late afternoon if I forgot would take at night.

Photomama- how are you feeling? Thank you so much for your knowledge it helped tremendously!!!

AFM, tired today as well. Nausea but hungry at the same time. Boobs/nipples hurt. Think I said it before but sports bras are my favorite right now. Lol

6 years ago

Hoping for a November 2018 baby!!

6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38. So glad you are feeling much better today and you are right, there isn't much one can do about it but trust in the Lord that He will protect us and our unborn babies to term.

@Niiquelove. Welcome and good luck for a November baby. Are you doing anything this cycle? OPKs, temping, pre-seed, etc.

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6 years ago

@dragonfly23 No I haven't tried anything yet. I am new to the TTC game lol literally doing research right now on what i should be doing. Any suggestions ?

6 years ago

@Niiquelove. It all depends on how tune you are with your body, like typically when you ovulate, and how long your periods are. My suggestion depending on what CD you are on to start temping with a BBT thermometre every morning before you get out of bed and to use OPKs as that will give you an estimate time frame on when the egg should be released. Pre-seed is good too as it mimics fertile cm and helps the swimmers stay inside longer. I don't know too much about it but I used it a few cycles. I also started taking prenatal vitamines as well. Do you have any questions? I may not have the answers to everything and this is based on my knowledge of trying for 8 months.

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6 years ago

HCG Levels@16dpo 848 @18dpo 2027 now my doctor moved my ultrasound appointment up to 2/27 I'm excited

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6 years ago

@Kimberke - That is exciting! Are they suspecting you might be pregnant with twins!!??

6 years ago • Post starter

@Kimberke. That would be awesome if you are having twins. Thank you for sharing the chart and now that I look at it, 14dpo when I had my blood drawn I was at 506 or 513 (I can't remember now) and based on the chart at 14 dpo that it doesn't match a singleton but does for twins. Which I suspected from the get-go and still refer my belly as they.

Does anyone know what I can take for a headache? It isn't too bad but my head is pounding.

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6 years ago • Edited

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