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TTC June 2019 babies

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Okay bring back my ladies lol!!

No idea when I'm ovulating Should be sometime this week (not keeping track) but where are my girls at?

New month and here's to our bfps

161 Replies • 5 years ago



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I'll go buy another one after work and test tomorrow morning again and then bloods should clear everything up

5 years ago • Post starter

ok so you maybe only have less than 50 mil of hcg hence the negative result where as the cheapies are anywhere from 10-25

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5 years ago

@confused I have no idea but I guess it'll clear up tomorrow... I thought a cb digi would actually give you positive results with a few hour hold on the day of your period (last day that it could possibly show) so I dunno... Super confused right now but not losing hope just yet

5 years ago • Post starter

@itsanna, who knows but I know with my last baby I didn't get a positive digital until 18dpo. Be thinking of you, hope your blood test comes out positive.

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5 years ago

I checked my cervix again and it is high and out of reach plus still no sign of any blood... So that makes me feel slightly better...

5 years ago • Post starter

Update: Bloods came back negative so just a waiting game for AF to show...

5 years ago • Post starter

Oh no! I’m so sorry. Sounds like it could have been an early chemical :( I think that happened to me last month. I had a very faint- but def positive test at night, then woke up to AF.
Hugs. I’m so sorry.

5 years ago

Just wanted to share my progression from 9dpo to 13dpo today. We’re in for June! I had a missed miscarriage in March, and An ectopic rupture of my tube in 2017. If all goes according to plan this will be our third child! We have 2 now with a miscarriage in between as well.

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pregnant with

5 years ago

Okay AF officially arrived today... Bloods came back negative, apparently the tests give false positives and 58 000 other women also had false positives from the tests so they have to pull it from the shelves

5 years ago • Post starter

ItsAnna, so sorry to hear that
How awful, the only other thing I can think of is a chemical pregnancy, I've have 4 and only got the one positive test then all negative, then period! It's so cruel.

Mummy to Skyla & Joey

5 years ago

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