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March/April TT 2020 babies

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Welcome back to a new month everyone !!! You've got this ladies

315 Replies • 5 years ago



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This was the easy@home one.

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5 years ago

Lalou how interesting I never thought that my stress could have an impact to my pms. I’ll try to notice next time I’m having a stressful month! As Agatch said looks like you guys found your way to calm things down and I’m happy for you! Couples do fight but are always on the same team!

Agatch yes indeed! I did had more caffeine during rehearsals and show preparation! I actually used to drink way too much coffee like 5-6 cups per day and I cut it to one the last 2 years due to TTC. Now I’m drinking decaf at afternoon if I crave but this time I had like 1 cup in the morning and one in the afternoon. I don’t think I’m pregnant but I would totally accept it if I had a bfp this month lol
Hopefully something faint will start to form on your test tomorrow, leading to two big fat pink lines!!! Are you testing on cheapies or normal tests?

Crams Good luck girl this month! I hope you’ll manage to catch that egg!!

AFM 5dpo and pms still going hard. I cannot believe I have like a week in front of me and I have to deal with all of this till AF worst part is the nipples... I mean ouch!! Come on body.. why you play me like this?? Lol anyways.. one cycle closer to my truly hopeful cycles! Next one will be the actual cycle that doctor told us that supplements could start working! Plus I’ll be probably ovulating on my good side if my body is not a jerk lol

I hope everyone is having a relaxing weekend and hopefully we’ll see some bfps soon!!

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5 years ago • Edited

@crams sounds like perfect timing if your husband is able to be home tonight!
@Alex i’m Using the Clinical Guard tests form Amazon. They are not super sensitive but usually very accurate from my experience.
I did test this morning (only 8 dpo ) and it is of course negative. Maybe a shadow there but so faint i’m not thinking anything of it. I had some cramping yesterday that felt almost like mild AF cramps. I had a dream I got 2 pink lines last night. So far no PMS irritability which is the only slightly unusual thing for me because that usually starts a week before AF. My lutheal phase used to be 14 days (before my MC) but last cycle was only 10 days so the absence of PMS at this point at least means my lutheal phase is getting longer which is a good thing regardless of the outcome! I may pick up a FRER today...

5 years ago

Took my opts with fmu this morning since was so close at midnight. I think I have my positive. Now to just wait 9.5 more hrs for hubby and hopefully 21mo old will go to bed early lol

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5 years ago

And easy@home one.

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5 years ago

Got my scan date ladies, not till 23rd so feels ages away, I’m still super ill I’m either vomiting, feel like I’m going to, have a migraine or nauseous when I eat or my best days are when I have it all I’m 11 weeks now and was really hoping it would be wearing off by now. I even wake in the night with it. Hopefully it will have shifted in a couple of weeks. The worse bit is I’m going through all this and struggling to keep anything in me but have gained half a stone !!! How is that possible anyways, good luck ladies who are in your ttw xx

5 years ago

Oh my goodness! I just took another test (still a Clinical Guard) and I’m pretty sure I see a very faint line! We’re still talking about shadows here so I’m very cautiously optimistic
@Emma sorry you have to wait so long before your scan but i’ve Always heard the bad nausea was a great sign that the baby is doing well. I know it feels horrible though. I hope you get some relief soon

5 years ago • Edited

Here is tonight’s test (8 dpo). What do you guys think?

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5 years ago

@agarch I cannot see it well but I am praying for you mama

@Alex fingers crossed y all will catch it. In the meantime just relax and maybe listen to some nice music

@Emma bad nausea also means that baby is well. Hang in there mama. Have some ginger candies if you can. About your weight I am thinking that it is your blood volumes placenta growing uterus and maybe organs that are getting bigger. I am sure you look amazing with your pregnancy.

AFM now that we have all our things at home and just need to organize and decorate our stress levels have go down a lot. We are also taking individuals time for ourselves to meditate and relax. Our intimacy is getting better. Having make out sessions while baby is napping. We sure do feel like teenagers again. Our love was never lost we just needed to rekindle and to be completely move in I guess. Thank you again so much for the support. How are the other Mama's of the group doing? I am going to start taking my provera jumpstart my cycle.

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5 years ago

Emma Hang in there girl! At the end you’ll be holding your little one and all of it will be worth it

Lalou I’m glad that you slowly finding your rhythm again! Hopefully everything will get in place soon so you can just focus on one thing! You’re multitasking for so long time! Fingers crossed a bfp will be on your hands soon!

Agatch I don’t wanna get your hopes up but I can see the faint line! Did you picked up the frer? Maybe you should try with that one too?

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5 years ago

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