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5 days post IUI...Cycle buddy anyone?

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I had my first IUI on Saturday, so I'm now 5 days out and analyzing every twinge and eating way too much chocolate. Anyone in a similar boat or close in days?

203 Replies • 11 years ago



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Aweeee honey dont don't cry.
It will be ok,,,, I know it is stressful and it can make your heart hurt but it will be ok.
When time is right and the Lord says it is now time it will happen. I have to hold onto that thought.

I did not get to do my iui because of my re was closed at the time of ovulation at New Years so i am having to wait untill Feb. :(

11 years ago

Hello again! I am still following and cheering for you ladies! DO NOT GIVE UP HOPE! I really think that our struggles are truly a matter of perseverance and detective work. Trying different combinations of drugs and interventions until we find out what the magic combo is. While many woman try longer than I did, I felt like two years was torturous! And I credit this BFP to my brilliant doctor. If I had stuck with my regular OB, I truly don't think she would have figured this out, even though she is smart and great. So, be aggressive with your choice of doctor. If he/she is not increasing and changing your protocol and checking hormones and doing ultrasounds to monitor and adjust as YOUR body needs, I say find a doctor who will. With my fertility doc, she changed what we were doing day by day, depending on what MY body was doing, not on what my body was SUPPOSED to be doing.

DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED! Feel empowered and hopeful and do all that you can to make sure you are recieving the best care you can. I don't know if any of this helps or not...I remember reading about people who were finally successful in conceiving and feeling both encouragement and jealousy. But please feel encouraged. There were so many days that I felt that we were just going to be childless forever and I felt such sorrow. It all turned around in a SECOND. Now I, of course, am worried about all the things that might go wrong. (What if my child is the next Adam Lanza?!) But we CANNOT live that way. Each day is a gift and we are exactly where we are supposed to be. So pick yourself up and dust yourself off and for goodness sake, GO DRINK while you still can!!

Love to you, girls!

11 years ago • Post starter

Thanks for the words of encouragement! I did hcg shot this morning and have IUI Saturday, then into the dreaded 2ww. I'm going to try and take it easy this cycle. I really feel like the injectables will be our best shot, other than ivf, but if we end up not needing them, that's ok too!

11 years ago

I'm with you. The injectables were what we needed. Everything before that did basically nothing for me. Even with the injectables, I still ovulated late...around day 17 instead of the standard 14. And that was after the trigger shot. Amazing what they can do! Good luck!!

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi can i join in. my name is Dot. I am 36 years old & my husband and I have been ttc for almost 2 years. we are in the tww of our 3rd iui. we got pregnant in july on our first iui, but miscarried in early Sept. This cycle seems similar to my pregnancy cycle. my first sign and on going sign is sore nipples. I've had some light cramping off and on and am have just started feeling tired these past couple of days.

the specialists say that my honey & I are in the what's called "unknown" infertile catergory. Kind of frustrating to try for a baby on your own for so long, seek treatment and have them say there is nothing wrong with you. I am grateful that we are healthy. My af is pretty regular which is great considering I am overweight. I am seriously hoping and praying and affriming a BFP this month. if not my DR's next suggestion would be IFV. I really can't start ifv until I drop at least 60 to 70lbs. needless to say, i feel like time isn't on our side to do that. I will be 37 in March & my husband 43 in August. We want this sooo bad , but at what cost...

well positive vibes and baby dust to all you beautiful ladies and best of luck this month.


11 years ago

Hi welcome we are a loving bunch

11 years ago

Heyyy welcome and keep us informed if this cycle works for you!

Thank you all for encouragement, I definitely feel better today. I have more trust in this cycle. I didn't tell anyone but I feel I was pregnant in my last cycle, but I probably lost it. I had a very weird period and it was 4 days earlier than usual. My endometrial lining was very tiny as even my doctor was skeptical to do/not to do the IUI. But we did it as I had good follies.

I have trust in this month as we took one month break and my lining was very good the other days.

You are all right, we have to be tenacious and do our best, finding the right doctor. We must not feel jealousy for the pregnant women because no one knows how much she has waited/tried to conceive etc.

Texasgirl I am very sorry you didn't try this cycle because of your doctor. I hoped we could both do it this month and then wait together to see the results.

Jean I am glad you did not forget about us :)

11 years ago

Hey my ladies, I need a piece of advice!

I am CD 11 and I have only one dominant follicle of 19 mm which is good. My doctor recommends us to ttc naturally this month. I don't know what to do.
Do you think I have a chance to ttc naturally and I should not waste my money this month?

I don't know what is the best decision, I feel like doing IUI would increase my chances of conceiving.

Please advise me!

P.S. Goldeneeg how do you feel? How many DP IUI are you now?

11 years ago

Hey Sabrina, i'm not sure. If it was me and i was paying out of pocket i would probably just do TI...but of course, you should do what will cause you the least amount of stress.
Afm, i am currently sucks how slow the first week goes! If course not feeling a thing, i think I'm immune to the trigger now.

11 years ago

I am CD 13. I have a lot of small follies but the biggest one is 20,4. I triggered this morning and I am scheduled for IUI tomorrow (Saturday).

My DH will be 36 on the 27th of January and I wish I could give him a on this occasion! This would be so amazing!

Golden egg, still no symptoms?

11 years ago

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