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November IVF buddies

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I'm doing my first IVF this November. I don't normally post on here but if there was ever a time to reach out it is now.

Anybody else?

Mrs. Fridley

952 Replies • 10 years ago



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Just thinking of you both hoping things are going well.

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi all, just checking in.

SOMEDAY: did they approve your schedule? Care to share?

MNOR: doing ok? Your genetic tests come back yet?

Hugs to you both!

10 years ago • Post starter

No word about the genetic tests yet, should hear in another 2 weeks or so. Other than that I am now cd29 and impatiently awaiting the hopefully near arrival of af so I can start bcp, have my hsg and get my schedule for the fet.

Any exciting news from you? Is it seeming real yet?

10 years ago

I'm confused by what the HSG is for. I understood it to be like Rotor-Rootering your Fallopian tubes to ensure the eggs travel down during normal ovulation. And with IVF it seems like that is bypassed, correct? So I'm confused at its purpose.

How many frozen did you have? Are you going to stick with two or bump it to three?

Me? I'm just getting fat. I've acquired a spare tire and my ass and thighs have spread. I'm peeing and eating constantly and had some scary points with glucose levels. My 2nd Prenatal visit is Wednesday morning. And no, I've still no clue that I'm pregnant even though I've just entered my second trimester.

I hope you both get these same problems soon.

10 years ago • Post starter

HA! I hope I get those same problems too! I have never been more anxious to throw up one morning (or every morning more likely lol).

The HSG is mainly to check for abnormalities in the uterus and to check for blocked tubes. The convenient positive side effect of that is it can clear out minor blockages, but not always. We are running it again to check for any scar tissue, lining issues or anything else abnormal. I just want to be absolutely sure that nothing is going on there to prevent implantation.

We have 6 blasts frozen and I discussed with my RE at the last appt that I would like to only thaw 3 of them. If it works I'd like to have 3 still frozen for a future sibling or be able to do a 2nd frozen transfer before having to move on to my last retrieval cycle. I'd like to transfer 2 again, but if all 3 survive I may ask to transfer all of them. If 1 or none survive then I will probably ask to thaw 1 at a time from the remaining 3 until I get 1 or 2 good ones.

10 years ago

Crossing fingers and saying prayers that this works.

You've been through so much!!!

10 years ago • Post starter

I got my calendar in. My ER is scheduled for Nov 27 and the ET is March 4th. I have an appt tomorrow for u/s and trial transfer. I start my injectables on Friday. My schedule is showing a 5-day transfer. Did y'all have 3-day or 5-day? Also, what sort of side effects should I expect from my injectables? Thanks.

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10 years ago

I had a 6 day transfer due to the PGD testing on the 5th day. In my opinion the 5dt is better is it gives them more time to grow and establish the healthy and strong from the weak. For me they had extracted 23 eggs, fertilized 18, 10 made it overnight, 5 made it to D5, then only 2 tested normal with the PGD testing, then only 1 took. It's a miracle that I'm pregnant at all.

The symptoms with the injectables are bruising/pain at the injection site, slight hormonal imbalance ( but wayyyy les than I had with Clomid which turned me psycho), and abdominal bloating and tenderness. This is all my experience with Follistim and Menopur. My ovaries were even still enlarged (but shrinking) at my last ultrasound mid-January. And my ER was the week before Thanksgiving. Will you be completely sedated for your ER? I was and am grateful. You also experience a lot of cramping, bloating, and tenderness in your abdomen for a while after. What drugs are you taking?

My biggest advice is keeping calm and distracted. The less you think about it the better. Anything you can do to focus your mind elsewhere will help. Stress and fretting has never helped anything. Watch a Netflix marathon of some TV series, knit, jigsaw puzzles, books, anything to keep your mind at bay.

And we will be right here all the while to support you and hear about all of your adventures and questions.

Hugs from iced-over Ohio!

10 years ago • Post starter

Yay! Things are on their way for you! Doesn't it feel great to have an actual date and a plan?!

I have had a 3dt, 5dt and 6dt lol. Little bit of everything. 3dt after a fresh cycle with 2 embryos was a bfn, 6dt with 2 frozen embryos resulted in a bfp but mc at 6w and most recent was a 5dt after another fresh cycle of 2 more embryos which resulted in another bfp but a chemical pregnancy loss at 4w6d. Definitely have had better results with 5 and 6dt. At least something stuck...

As far as side effects go I didn't have many luckily. Nurses said I was very easy at the stimming part. Lupron made me a little moody but not bad. Estrogen made me cry over anything and everything lol not a horrible side effect. Gonal f and follistim made me bloat and on the initial higher doses I got headaches but they went away like 3 days into stimming. That was pretty much it. The only bruising and soreness I had was with the intramuscular progesterone injections in the tushy. I also can feel when I have mature follicles based on the level of pressure I feel in my ovaries but it wasn't painful. At this point I can tell the u/s nurses "I have a bunch of 15-16 mm follicles" and sure enough... my RE was like why do we even bother scanning you? :-)

Egg retrieval wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I was also knocked out completely. Afterwards it just felt like really bad period cramps. If they offer you a prescription pain killer though...take it! You don't really need it and could get away with just tylenol but it helps. Tylenol never really worked that well for me anyways for period cramps, i am a die hard ibuprofen user for that but you can't take that during ivf and early pregnancy. I was on the couch for like 3 days, including retrieval day and then I felt fine.

Lots of luck! Definitely keep us posted on how things are going!

10 years ago

Thanks for the input and thanks for overlooking the nov when I meant Feb lol. They sent me Lupron, Bravelle, my trigger, and progesterone as well as my antibiotic, valium, and dexo-something-or-other that I'm sure of its purpose. I'm slated to inject 150 u/i of Bravelle twice a day once I start stemming which seems really high to me. And I am sooooo not looking forward to the intramuscular injections...ouch! I'm gonna be knocked smooth out for the retrieval. First beta is scheduled March 18 and that seems like an eternity away. How many betas are typically done before the pregnancy is blessed off on and I get to transition back to my OB? Thanks again for the support.

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10 years ago

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