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Anyone else 4dpo. . . cycle buddy?

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Hello. . .
I'm about 4dpo - - not entirely sure since I didn't use an OPK and just went off of using temps and an app that predicts when I should (for now...I will use OPKs next month if AF shows)

I was just wondering if anyone would like to be a cycle buddy. . . or a listening ear to all of my symptom spotting and my POAS addiction in another week.

We can drive each other crazy? lol

130 Replies • 8 years ago



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Hello ladies!! Kentucky, I would suggest taking a test in the morning!! (Lol join the dark side and become a POAS addict!! )

Supermom.... Sorry to hear you're still getting BFN, but don't lose hope until she shows up! Hope you had a great day though to keep your mind busy!

AFM... AF is overstaying her welcome this month! I'm on CD5, almost CD6... And she's usually gone by CD4.... But the good news, my OPKs should be here Tuesday, so I have that to look forward to! Lol

8 years ago • Post starter

Supermom I was hoping for a true BFP for you !!! I cramped a lot during the night and still brown spotting when I wipe . I didn't test but will tomorrow if she doesn't show . Dang AF that witch plays with our heads

Rachel those OPKs let you pee on sticks more lol . When I see lines are getting darker I do three a day lol

8 years ago

The witch showed her face this morning.

8 years ago

Yay for OPKs arriving soon! I normally ovulate on CD15 sometimes CD16 and i start taking opks on CD13. I take one with SMU and one in the evening.

8 years ago

Awe, Supermom--- I'm sorry to hear that she showed up...

Kentucky-- have you tested yet??? Your will power to not POAS is strong... I wish I had half that will power!! lol

I've always thought I ovulated on CD13 since I have a 26/27 day cycle--but honestly, I'm not totally sure since I never really did anything to know, just went by apps and I tried BBT for a month---and that went out the window quickly because I never end up getting up at the same time the entire week. Between kids, and him working midnight shift--- my sleep schedule is a bit of a hot mess.

Here's to possibly having a February baby ladies!!!

8 years ago • Post starter

I did pee on a stick Friday night at 12 DPO and it was stark white

Still no AF . I should be right behind you supermom . Still some brown spotting just when I wipe . This is beyond frustrating . The witch caused me to spot once on 8 DPO very ligh creamy brown and once on 10 DPO same cream my light brown. Spotted once evening of 12 DPO dark brown , same for 13 DPO. Woke up yesterday to a spot when I wiped . Assumed it was AF and used a tampon and ripped my guts out that afternoon cause it was dry . Spotted last night and once this morning . I am having normal period cramps . Boobs aren't sore or anything .

8 years ago

Rachel my ovulation has started to be all over the place . Last month I O'ed on cycle day 18 . This month cycle day 13 .

8 years ago

I completely understand the frustration. . . and not knowing why you're spotting if it isn't implantation bleeding. The past two cycles that I've had, I had spotting on days 8dpo and 9dpo---but only once each day. Honestly, I've been rather stressed out lately... There's a lot going on for us right now, I thought maybe what I thought was implantation bleeding, could just also be something caused by high amounts of stress?

I'm also starting to wonder if I have problems with implantation, due to being on different birth control, but consistently for the past 6 years since I had my daughter, and probably an additional 4/5 years prior to having her. If I'm having some implantation bleeding, but it's not quite implanting, that could be my hang up---- OR, I'm not ovulating at all. I was always under the assumption that if you had a period, you were ovulating...but after researching a bit, I found that you can still have a period, but not ovulate. My periods since having the mirena removed have gotten longer each cycle that's passed. My first period after removal was only 3 days long... This last one was nearly 6 days long. Also part of the reason that I purchased the OPKs, just to actually see if I am ovulating, before involving the doctors... Since all the disclaimers prior to having an IUD placed say that it could cause fertility problems...and the pill isn't that much better....

My boyfriend actually would prefer that I not involve the doctors, as he doesn't believe in going on medication to help the process--- he feels that isn't "natural" and forcing something to happen when it's not meant to be. While I completely understand his thought process, I don't necessarily agree 100%....I feel like if I'm having problems just because my hormones are all out of whack, that wouldn't be a problem to try to adjust to be where they should be---but one step at a time.

8 years ago • Post starter

Rachel- i only temped for one month (got pregnant that cycle) but spent a few weeks asking questions. One trick i used was to temp at a time i knew I'd be asleep. For example, i knew my kids (at the time) always woke up anywhere from 6-7am so i set my phone alarm for 5am. Hsd my phone, thermometer, pencil and paper next to my bed. When the alarm went off I'd temp, write it down and then go back to bed. If i remember correctly I was told it was only important to sleep at least 3hours before temping and to not move or get out of bed before temping. I managed to get pretty reliable temps and was able to pinpoint ovulation (which lined up with my opks).

This cycle is my shortest cycle since before i started having kids 7yrs ago! It was 29days but I'm used to a 30/31 day cycle. I ovulated a day earlier than usual. Now I'm very curious what my next cycle will be like. My cycles are always irregular. When we conceived our youngest I didn't ovulate until cd30! (45day cycles at the time) His due date was February17th

8 years ago

AF arrived late yesterday ! bummer

8 years ago

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