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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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Here is a picture of me at 36 weeks

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5 years ago

Hey ladies! Just wanted to drop a line. Had 36 weeks check up today. And had some “bloody show” this morning so she checked me and found out I am 2-1/2 cm already. Been having some painful backache and uterine cramps. Doctor trying to wait till 37 weeks but she isn’t to concern about if he arrives 2 days before my 37 weeks. Getting excited!!!

5 years ago

@Beaut1ful38: Whooo hoooo!! It sounds like you're going to hold your baby VERY soon!! It sounds like you're getting very close to going into labor! Any regular contractions that are close and getting more intense? BTW: you look beautiful, Mama!

Short update about me: I'm now 24 weeks 3 days. My boy is moving and my husband could finally feel him too. :) No complaints besides getting more and more uncomfortable about turning from side to side while sleeping and some pressure in the pelvic area especially when getting up. My little boy who is almost 9 months old now is keeping me busy. LOL So the pregnancy seems to be going so much faster. I'll have the glucose test at my next appointment (yuk). Last time I had to do it twice so I hope it will be OK the first time cause the 2nd test took 3 hours and now I have a little boy at home... Anyway, the baby is growing, moving and the ultrasounds showed that he's a healthy baby (all normal). I also got a "sibling doula" to take care for my first boy when it is time to go to the hospital. That's all for now...

My baby was born on July 26th, 2018 And it's a ! And my 2nd baby boy was born

5 years ago

Hope4rainbowbaby- Hey omg how exciting. Feeling the movement and all. Feels like my pregnancy went by so fast too. I have been timing my contractions (I think they are) averaging about 15-20mins apart. Have had them all day. Not sure it’s bc of exam or it’s getting time to have him. I feel him move inside slightly. But I had them since last night. We shall see if he comes soon.

5 years ago

@beautiful you look positively radiant!! Sounds like you'll be cuddling your little man in no time!! I'm so jealous:)

@hope4rainbow I love when the other half can feel baby, its such a great bonding time for everyone! I wish we had sibling doulas here!!

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5 years ago

@Beaut1ful38: It's amazing how fast it goes, huh? Enjoy even minute of it! :) It's great you're measuring the contractions ! You want them even closer (like in rule "511": 5 minutes apart, lasting one minute for st least 1 hour: ). I'm sure you know that, but just sharing :)

I had contractions in my first pregnancy for a pretty long time... They started on a Tuesday around midnight. They went on the whole Wednesday and got intense at the end of the day so we went to a hospital on a Wednesday around 8:00 PM. They checked me and told me to walk for 2 hours in a hospital. They re-checked and admitted me then. And then I spend the night there and the contractions continued on a Thursday and were strong. But my water didn't break so my OBGYN broke my water around noon on that Thursday. And my boy was born on that Thursday after 4:00 PM.
Of course every birth journey is different. But the baby will come when it's time. :) Keeping my fingers crossed for you, your baby and easy delivery! You are SO close now! How exciting!!

@Rooroo917: Yes! It's great for the partner to feel the baby! My husband says that it's such a different experience for the guys in general cause they do not get to experience it like us - with all the movements, growth, body changes, etc. It does not always register, but it becomes more real when he gets to feel the baby or see the baby via the ultrasound. That's what he says and I'm sure it varies for guys, too. But it was the priceless thing to see how happy and excited he was when our first baby was being born and to see his happy tears. That was the best!!

My baby was born on July 26th, 2018 And it's a ! And my 2nd baby boy was born

5 years ago

Beaut1ful38 - you look gorgeous! You're getting so close. I'll be thinking of you this week. Phoebe was born at 37wks, 2 days and came home right away, no problems.

AFM, THANK GOODNESS!! AF came today. A full 14 days late. Freaked. Me. Out. Yes, another baby would be wonderful, but I'm not planning on having another, and my 43 yr old body is still recovering from two full term pregnancies in just 4 yrs. Actually, I think I figured out what it was. Not menopause, I'm not that lucky lol. I'm taking Domperidone, a prescription to up my prolactin to help my milk supply, and I just read that one of the withdrawal side effects is completely messing with your period. I ran out a few weeks ago, but I just got back on it, and 'lo and behold, AF came today. So I'm back on track. Just enjoying Phoebe :)

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5 years ago

@ calvingirl. You must be so relieved! I just got my first post partum period and I’m devastated! Lol. I was hoping it would stay away longer!

I keep coming back to this board to see how everyone is progressing and hoping to catch a glimpse of the next lil addition to our countdown family!

AFM: Lil Rylie will be 5 months old on Wednesday. She is such a happy healthy lil bub. I am so in love with her.

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5 years ago

Hey ladies!!!
Well Elijah decided to show at 36 week/4 days. He was 5lbs 3oz and 19” long. Born at 2:38am I arrived at hospital at 7pm at 4cm I’m april 24th with contractions 7mins apart and @10:30pm I was 5cm by 1:45am I was 10CM but had to wait 30-40 mins waiting on doctor to get there so no pushing!!!!!!!! We are both doing great and healthy!

5 years ago • Edited

Finally got a picture up!

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5 years ago

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