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November 2018 babies

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Welcome to the November 2018 babies club! I am starting this discussion a little early I am sure. I carried over from September and October 2018 babies and hoping to see some BFP soon!

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

380 Replies • 6 years ago



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@SheRiskers. I would continue to finish the other tube out but its up to you. I'm going to order more Emerita soon as I would't want to run out. That's weird with your temps. Are you still temping? I've been doing pretty good. My first ultrasound is tomorrow and this will clear up my suspisions. I notivmced quite a bit from O-4dpo, then would be dry from 4-6dpo, then pick up again shortly after for the rest. I will keep you/everyone posted.

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6 years ago

Hey Ladies
Being I’m a mother of 3, I should already know the answer to this but need advise...

Last Tuesday (13th feb) I had unprotected sex twice in a space of 20-30 minutes. It wasn’t until the next day when I added it to my period tracker that I noticed I ovulated that day (13th).
Anyway I’m 7dpo today and I have had lower back pain for 3 days now, was faint/light headed & somewhat dizzy yesterday...
R these early signs/symptoms?! And how soon can I test?!


6 years ago

@dragonfly23 I'm not temping every day... I haven't been sleeping as well either so I only temp if the conditions are perfect lol I ended up using Emerita last night and think I will continue on with that one to see if there's any difference. The other Now cream will be my backup. I've read so many good things about the Emerita, I should have just started with that one. I did read that a 0.3 degree temp difference is still barely in the normal range so hopefully it's just a "cool" month for me. I do notice a little more CM but not a ton. Question... Did you get any breast tenderness from the cream? Mine have been a bit tender on the outside from like 2DPO but I'm thinking it's just the cream. So glad to hear things are going well!! I'd love to hear how things are progressing!

6 years ago

@BekPlus3 - Those could certainly be early signs/symptoms! You should check out the When to Take Pregnancy Test under the Pregnancy tests drop down menu. You can put in when you ovulated and it will give you a good ball park for when you can start testing. Good luck!

AFM - I got my first High day on my OPK today! should have three high days and then my peak. I've been taking EPO this cycle and I've noticed an increase in EWCM already so I'm hoping this will help get DH's swimmers to where they need to go!

6 years ago

Had my first ultrasound and have ONE strong heartbeat at 6w 2 days. Next ultrasound is April 3.

@SheRiskers. The boobs ached on the side a bit but not too painful. I knew something was up because I was having a bath one day and the nipples ached when I was cleaning. I really like the Emerita cream. Doesn't leave your fingers greasy but it just smells strong. I feel confident that this will be it for you. Keep taking the cream two times a day. Where do you put the cream and do you alternate location sites.

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6 years ago

Hey yall!! How is everyone doing?

@dragonfly. So happy for you and thanks for sharing the happy news about lo. Hoping your pregnancy is an easy one for sure!

@bekplus hi and warm welcome symptons sounds promising are you ttc?

@sheseekers good luck with the cream you should be almost an advocate as you sold me thinking getting some

Afm 6dpo nothing really new to report other than hit flashes today ugh

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

6 years ago • Post starter

Anyone have aunt flow show 4 days early?? I'm currently 11dpo and usually don't expect AF until 14 or 15 dpo. I'm bleeding but not like a normal period. No clots yet, just heavy red and pink blood. Anyone think I have a chance or should I consider myself out.. been ttc for 16 months and this would be a just the cruelest trick my body could pull right now.. :-( my journey has been rough so far.. I'm praying it it IB!

6 years ago

Hi ladies! Congrats on bfps and ultrasounds! Good luck to those getting ready to and are bding, and a quick and successful tww....
Currently, 2dpo. Leaving outta town thurs til march 3 so hopefully it will go by without much thought. Can test march 4. I could test a few days before but the 4th is the day before period.
Wish me luck flying from ohio to alabama with only me and my 23m old. It was easy when she was little but she's getting more toddlerish and hates to sit long. Lol

6 years ago

@Kelliria. I totally hear you about kids not sitting long. My daughter will be 2 on March 29 and she is as fiesty as ever and doesn't like people touching her and doesn't sit still long. How long is the flight from one location to the other?

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6 years ago

Jeejeelyn, yes. My af showed early the last 2 months. Im usually 28/29 day cycles. Last month 25, the month before 24 days. My luteal phase shortened cause i track ovulation.
Dragonfly23, its only an hr and a half flight from columbus, ohio where i live to atl. Then 1.5 hr drive. It takes way longer to wait for flight and all. Total trip will be about 6 hrs. Not terribly long but she will be strapped down most of ride which worries me. Haha!

6 years ago

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