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April/May 2020 TTC

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Morning/Afternoon/Evening Ladies!!

Hi lol...

You're one month closer to your bfp yay !! Hopefully this is it

341 Replies • 5 years ago



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Thank you xxxx

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5 years ago

@scuba I am so so sorry! It's so unfair

We are all here for you xx

5 years ago

Scuba I am so sorry! I agree with Alex that it is a great sign you were able to conceive on your own though but it so unfair that it had to be an early loss. Sending you big hugs.

5 years ago

Hi Ladies! I am new here. Congratulations to all who got BFPs! @scuba just read your threads. So sorry about the loss.

I am 16 /17 dpo today. I have mild PCOS and this longer cycles of 30 - 33 days.
My last AF was on July 15. I am sure I ovulated on 02 / 03 Aug as I checked with OPK.
I was all crampy, had sore nips had pinching /pulling sensation on 14 and 15 August. Have had nausea and increase bowel movements since then.
Tested on 18 Aug morning and could see a faint line so did a Beta HCG which came out to be only 6.8.

I am very confused. Going to get another beta HCG Test today and hopefully there will be higher HCG levels!!!

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TTC #1

5 years ago

Scuba I am so so so sorry that is just so unfair!!!

Mrsshah welcome!! And congrats!! Hope those numbers go up!!!

AFM: only on cd15 and I usually don’t O till cd22 or so. My temp has dropped and I have ewcm so I am hopeful O will happen sooner!! Been bding at least every other day with a few days in a row here and there. Trying to stay positive with all of it.

Hoping to see a lot of positives here soon!!!

5 years ago

Thank you @Shay! But I am not sure if it's positive yet at HCG was only 6.8

TTC #1

5 years ago • Edited

It's all over xx Waiting for my AF xx

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5 years ago

Just got reports HCG increased to 7.8. I am really confused. It's increased only by 1 point in 2 days!!!!

Is it a bad sign

TTC #1

5 years ago

Scuba I hope you (and your husband) can be extra generous and kind to yourself in this time.
Alex I’m ok. Thanks for asking. Last time I felt like I was really going through the grieving stages of disbelief, deep sadness, anger and then accepting. But this time there is no real strong emotions.Just feeling a little numb and mildly depressed. We’re at the beach this week so I guess it’s helping a bit. Seeing my 2 kids having so much fun is reminding me how grateful I am to have them! Praying for a BFP for you this cycle.

5 years ago

@agatch I'm glad you're doing okay and you are able to enjoy some beach time with your family. I'm not a very emotional person so I totally get what you mean but feeling it slightly but not strongly and being able to rationalize it a little bit.

DH just texted me and told me the doctor's office called and said his SA was pretty much normal. His PH was slightly out of range but they said there was no reason to do anything about that. Everything else was normal. I'm supposed to have my annual 9/3 so we'll discuss next steps then.

5 years ago

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