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TTC October 2020 Babies

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Hi all! I'm back in the TTC game as of today. I just got my first post postpartum period so now I feel like I can try and track ovulation. I ordered some OPKs and will start using them in a week or so. I can't track BBT this time around because of my DD.

I used this site heavily while trying to conceive our daughter and made a bunch of friends that I still talk to. I'm looking forward to meeting some new ladies and sharing in this TTC journey again.

Here's a little bit about me. I started TTC in 2017 and it took us 9 months of tracking to get our first BFP. Our daughter was born on Valentine's day 2019 and is almost one! We want our kids about 2 years apart but know that it's not really our choice. We are hoping it will take 9 months (cycles) or less to conceive baby number 2. I expect to have irregular cycles starting out because we are still breast feeding. I had very regular periods before getting pregnant.

So! Who is trying for October babies and how's it going?

145 Replies • 4 years ago



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@K+Nsmamma - I haven’t checked my cervix this cycle. I’m usually not great at telling anything but open or closed from it. I did check my cm and I did have ewcm 2 days ago. I’m still taking OPKs because I haven’t seen an equal sign yet...

4 years ago • Post starter

I finally got my peak on day 16 and I'm 3dpo if It's correct. AF is due ON my hubby's bday. Please be my month!
Ladies how are y'all doing?

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4 years ago

Yay!! Good luck Kaybee!! I haven’t ovulated yet so I might be looking at November if we concieve this cycle.

4 years ago • Post starter

Af came yesterday....
Only a 9 day luteral phase
Any suggestions how to lengthen this naturally before a see a doctor

4 years ago

Hello everyone,

It seems like we are most in the tee. Saw doc and she agrees for next cycle Femara cd3-7 50mg iui. But now we have to figure out whether insurance will cover or not. All my tests look great. Just thyroid levels are high and I'm trying to lose weight. DH swimmers are perfect. So fingers crossed that insurance can cover. Should have AF this week. Baby dust everyone.

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4 years ago

@Mommy2021 - I'm not sure how to get your leutal phase to be longer. Have you posed this as a questions to the whole CTP community? You might get some more ideas if more people see it!

AFM - I never got an equal sign on my OPKs it looked like I was starting to get a surge three times, each 4 days or so apart from each other. After taking OPKs for 2 weeks I got tired of it and we'll just see what happens. I'm expecting this to be a long cycle at this point At least 40-50 days long. DH and I are just going to BD every 2-3 days and if we catch it we do. If not hopefully my next cycle will be shorter. I will try the OPKs again after my next period!

to all in their TWW!

4 years ago • Edited • Post starter

13 days DPO. Normally a 28 day cycle with a 12 day luteal phase. 13 temps well above the cover line and holding steady now for four days. Breast tenderness (especially in the nipple area...?) We've been TTC for a year now, so im really hoping this is it!

4 years ago

My line is gone.
I tested again at bedtime and again with strong fmu this morning.
It was an evap or something.

I knew better.
How are you supposed to not test early?
Well I have 4 days left so...

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4 years ago

Ladies, I'm kinda feeling like i'm out this month even though I am only 10dpo. Yesterday and today I have felt like my period was going to start. I took a test this morning and thought i saw the FAINTEST line but i have some serious line eye too and the FRER and their terrible tests lately. I have had sharp right pelvic pain on and off since the day after O and so my Doctor had me come in for an ultrasound as i have a history of cysts. I should hopefully hear back on that today.

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4 years ago

Brittany - I also suffer with cysts and last month had a 38 day cycle thanks to them???? Keep positive. X

4 years ago

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