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5 days post IUI...Cycle buddy anyone?

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I had my first IUI on Saturday, so I'm now 5 days out and analyzing every twinge and eating way too much chocolate. Anyone in a similar boat or close in days?

203 Replies • 11 years ago



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Not really, but today while i was at work i was having cramping and pulling in my uterus. I'm only 6dpiui, so it seems early for implantation cramping, but i've never experienced that before.

11 years ago

The implantation can occur between 6-12 days, so you never know, maybe your little baby tries to implant. Let's hope for the best! Golden egg when is your testing day? Are you taking progesterone?

I can't wait for tomorrow, to have my IUI and then count down the days.

11 years ago

I have a beta scheduled for the 19th, if af doesn't arrive. I'm not taking progesterone.
I don't want to get my hopes up but that is definitely something new for my cycle. It would be great to have a 2ww buddy!

11 years ago

I am now 2 DP IUI and I got a cystitis :(

Goldenegg, how do you feel? Any pg symptoms?

P.S. I am taking progesterone suppositories.

11 years ago

Hey Sabrina! I'm sorry to hear that. What is cystitis?
Afm, I'm 8dpiui and i don't feel a thing, but i was having mild cramping the last couple of days which is new, i normally only cramp the day of my period. I haven't tested yet and my beta is this hopefully I can hold out on testing.

11 years ago


Cystitis is a urinary bladder inflammation that can result from any one of a number of distinct syndromes. It is most commonly caused by a bacterial infection in which case it is referred to as a urinary tract infection. The urination is painful. When I usually get this I take pills, now I don't know what to do...If it gets worse I will call my doctor.

Golden egg I pray this is your month! Definitely, it should be something there if you get unusual cramps!

11 years ago

Oh, ok. Have you ever tried azo? Its otc and can be found by the test infection works real well in getting rid of the symptoms and if the symptoms continue after so many days than you will need antibiotics. The directions spell it out. it works wonders and the relief is quick! You can get it anywhere. Hope you feel better!
So are we the only ones in the 2ww?

11 years ago

What azo means? I have never heard about it and I am not sure I can find it in my country, but if you could explain better...

It's killing me and it's getting worse. Why did it happen just right now???
I have no trust in this month it's like everything goes against me.
Golden egg how many IUIs have you had?

11 years ago

Check it out online to see if its available anywhere near you or maybe you can order it.
This cycle had been my fourth IUI

11 years ago

Thank you for help Golden egg. I am thinking of ordering it online as I am not from the US and I can't find it in my country. I should also discuss it with my doctor.

I see you have been very strong and motivated in ttc, you should not give up and I hope this is your last IUI. God bless you!

11 years ago

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