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Anyone Testing This Week or Next Week??

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I'm expecting AF tomorrow and I really hope that she has decided to leave me alone for a while or more like 9 months. I'm going to be testing in the morning tomorrow but I'm scared and very anxious.

Anyone else that's on just about the same cylce or any words of encouragement.

Good Luck to you ladies!

353 Replies • 8 years ago



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I know that scary feeling...I've done an amazing job avoiding early testing this cycle...sounds like you have too! If AF does not show for me by Friday, my test day will be Saturday

8 years ago

@ Louie79! - I am so sorry to hear that it's been a tough couple of weeks for you. It sounds like you do have a wonderful hubby and that things are back on track. Do you mean this your third cycle on clomid? I haven't talked to our Dr. about that yet, but if I don't get a sticky bean this month, I think I am going to. I said the same thing last month too, but for some reason I have a hard time summoning the courage to do it in case something is wrong. It's totally silly of me to think that way, and my logical brain keeps telling me that it would be better to know and to deal with it than keep trying with no results, but there is still that fear! Keep us posted on how it's going - being less stressed just may be the trick for this cycle!

@ PrettyMama3boys - I have no idea how you have the fortitude to test everyday and deal with a negative! Most women won't get their first positive until 12 dpo or later! Hang in there and try not to stress too much!

@Baby_Dreams8285 - That is awesome - I am going to try and avoid testing until the day after AF would show too this month. Stay strong and good luck!

How is everyone else doing? Was there anything that you did differently this month that you think might help make it a sticky bean?

I mentioned before that I temped this month on top of opk's. I also really cut back my caffiene. I used to have 2+ coffees a day, this month I cut back to 1/2-1 cup a day, if that or have a cup of tea instead. I also tried to stay horizontal for at least 5 -10 min after bd'ing (I've read it doesn't really matter, but i figured why not guy little guys a bit of help with gravity)!

Baby dust to you all ladies!!!!

8 years ago

Hello ladies how are you all doing? Don t really know why I left the group. I guess I thought it was only for testing . Anyway I am back here, there, everywhere. I think talking and chatting with as many people as possible will help me get through these hard periods of the year.

If you click on my name could you please tell me what you think is going with my BBT? Also has any of you all considered adoption? I am starting to think about it more as the days go on.

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8 years ago

@Lalou3tt3 - Welcome back! It started off just for testing and then we all decided to stick around! lol

I am pretty novice at this whole temping thing- this is my first month trying it, but given that it looks like you didn't ovulate until cd 22 last cycle it might still be a bit early. I had a shift of super low temps right before ovulation and then it went up sharply. If you still have nice fertile cm, than I say go for it and bd if you can!

I am sorry to hear it's been a hard time for you. If you don't mind me asking, how long have you been trying? Have you seen your doctor about your options?

DH and I have talked about adoption before, as well as surrogacy. We would love to have our own biological children, but if that's not in the cards than we still want to be parents. We have been trying for over a year and a half now so we are giving it until the holidays and then will both get checked out (I may go earlier). If Dr.'s say there is a problem with infertility that we can't overcome then adoption is definitely on the table.

Try to stay positive. The bleak weather is no fun for getting outside in, but very good for snuggling up with your DH to stay warm!

8 years ago

@twwtoolong I've done two things different this month...I took flaxseed oil capsules from day one of my cycle up to ovulation and Ive taken Geritol from day one til now. I've had some pretty wacky hormones in the past and the flaxseed oil is known to help with balancing hormones amongst other helpful uses. For the 1st time I finally have a 14 day luteal phase

@lalou3tt3 My husband and I have definitely talked about adoption...I guess for me it's my way of coming to grips with the fact that I just may not be able to conceive considering how long I've be unsuccessful at it...on top of the fact that I just really want to be a mom. But I don't think even that will fill that void of wanting to experience pregnancy for myself.

8 years ago

@Lalou3tt3, I agree with twwtoolong. It looks like last month you ovulated on cd 22, so it might still be a bit too early for ovulation this cycle. Please keep us updated!

My update - I tested this morning on FRER and it was BFN. I originally assumed my ovulation was on cd 18 (it's normally cd 16) but I didn't have a temp shift and I assumed the missing temp shift was due to poor charting on my part. Then I got a temp shift starting on cd 30. I was hoping it was due to pregnancy, but now I'm thinking it was just a super late (for me) ovulation. So I am likely 4dpo today. I am hoping I am still in the running though, since we BD'd on cd 29.

If anyone wouldn't mind taking a look at my chart, I'd love your opinion:

8 years ago

I started thinking about adoption, but my hubby isn't excited about it. He would rather get old, just thw two of us and he even thinks that would be nice in a way....

Maybe Ill change he's mind ;)

Anyway, he is more relaxed than me and thinks that it will happen with time. Hope he's right.

P.S. I'm testing next week

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8 years ago

Hey ladies!!

Prettymama-I give it to you hun! I can not test everyday. I vowed to myself that I wouldn't test anymore. I have seen so many negatives and I think I have line eyes, it was too heatbreaking for me to see this every cycle. I'm cheering for you to get your BFP! Definitely keep us posted on how the rest of your testing goes.

Louie79-I'm very sorry to hear that you have been so down. I was wondering where you were for a couple of days. I'm glad to see that you got some rest and relaxation though because that definitely helps throughout this process. Your more calm this cycle, which means hopefully you can kind of focus on other things. When it was my third time vs the very 1st, I'm sure I was still excited and nervous, but I was stressing every little thing. Now, I don't pay mind to nothing anymore. I just do my opks when I have to bd when I have too and thats basically it.

BabyDreams-Hopefully the witch doesn't show her face and you can see those pink lines. How are you feeling now that its coming down to the wire?

twwtoolong-I'm glad that you are trying to change your caffeine intake also. Did you ever try propping up your hips with like a pillow or two while you bd, I've also heard good things about that as well or just keeping your hips propped up afterward. I mean hey we're trying everything we can right.

Lalou3tt3-Welcome back!! I think we all just decided to stick around and we have a lot of support in here also. I have given adoption thought before but everytime I think about it, I start to feel really upset. I mean if at the end of the day it has to be like that, then I understand, but I will try any and everything just too have a peace of mind that I tried everything I could and that was the route we chose.

Sophe28-I would think your still in the running if you bd'ed around that timing. Keep positive and be confident.

Tayla-I'm sure he'll probably warm up to it. You might just have to take it easy with presenting it to him, since you saw his reaction to it before. But I mean if it will help you guys be parents, I'm sure he will warm up to the idea!

Good Luck ladies and I really do hope that you see your two pink lines in those tests!!

8 years ago • Post starter

So an update on me I just really feel out of it. I've been feeling really moddy lately and extra extra tired. I could barely keep my eyes open at work this week. I'm starting to give up hope because normally when AF comes or is about to come, my nipples get sore and they definitely sore. I feel like I tried to doeverything I could this cycle, but I don't know anymore. I'm dure Nov 4th, I'm still not reading into the symptoms, but its still kind of upsetting though. I'm keeping my promise to myself of not testing at all though so idk....

8 years ago • Post starter

@hopefullyamommy I think I'm feeling a bit like you today...out of the game. But then in the back of my mind I feel there's still a little glimmer of maybe. Because I did some things to alter my hormones, I don't know if what I feel is my new normal for post ov or if it means what I tried really worked for me this time. I've still got hubby cheering me to victory! Lol

8 years ago

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