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I'm currently 3DPO and absolutely hate the TWW! Was just wondering if there was anyone out there going through the same thing.

1111 Replies • 12 years ago



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That totally sucks bride, I'm sorry

Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

12 years ago

i'm so sorry to hear about the news bride .. it's nice to know that you are okay now.. yup wouldn't it be great we are still here to encouraged each other..

hi lizzy & lily ... how was it with you ladies.. hope this is our month.. may we all have our ...

still here with you ladies.. i am 2 days away from ovulation.. .. enjoying BDing with DH..

to all..

12 years ago

Hiya ladies!!!! Nice to see you lhen!!! I am excited to report I haven't had any normal cramps to speak of today!!!! Yay...and today I have been so incredibly hungry!!

I don't know what this means if anything but I'm feeling positive about this cycle!!! Can't wAit to test!!!

How are we doing ladies??? Burton u okay honey???

12 years ago

hi lizzy .. i am so happy & encouraged by your enthusiasm.. hope this month is for us .. may we all have our soon ..

i will be starting my 2ww a few days from now..

12 years ago

Hey, lhen! I hope you're right! It would be nice to see two lines!

Hi, Lizzy! This is sounding much different from last time for you, which is good!

I'm still hanging in there and doing good so far. I am 6DPO today. So far I've really only had a lot of cm. I'm having some very dull cramping too that just started today. Feels very much like last time though so who knows. I wish there was a way to tell sooner, I tell ya!! It'd be nice to know, but I should know this week!!

12 years ago • Post starter

Woohoo! You girls are making me smile tonight! I think this just may be a great month for you all! I never thought I'd be looking forward to a TTW, but you girls have me so excited :)

Thanks for everyone's kind words and support. Means so much. I'm CD 3 today and looking forward to the "dpo" days!

12 years ago

I'm excited [cheer for you to get into the TWW too, Bride!

How are we feeling today, ladies? Any symptoms?

Today I am 7DPO. Right this second, I have nothing going on but tiredness. I could just crawl back into bed and . Other than that, nada.

I hope you guys are having some promising signs!

12 years ago • Post starter

Hi everyone!!! How are we today ladies??? I am doing great!!!

Still no major cramps to speak of!! I had a bit of light cramping earlier this morning but nothing to speak of...and certainly not the major sharp (but brief) pains I usually have around this time. Yesterday is the normal day for cramping pre AF and nothing!! I hope that this is a good sign!!!

I am a bit sick to my stomach today but I think that is because of low blood sugar or something...

Don't want to get my hopes up too much you know?? I don't know if not having the cramps this month is a good thing or not?

I don't have ANY other I just don't know...LOL!! ARGH...darn you TWW!!! :)

12 years ago

Hi Ladies!! Well..the cramps are happening today instead!! They are a couple days late but feel pretty AF like...I have been nauseous today too which is wierd but I assume this means that I am out this month again!!!

Argh!!!! I know that it is so early yet but seriously losing hope over here. This is the only process I know where you can be so enthusiastic and positive one minute and then totally feel beaten down the next!!!!


12 years ago

Don't lose hope, Lizzy. You are what...6DPO almost 7? That's prime time for implantation, which can mimic cramping. You are by no means out!

12 years ago • Post starter

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