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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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1291 - 1300 of 1366 Replies | Last Page

Hope, he's beautiful. And as I named my son Oscar as well, I love his name! Congratulations and may he wear that name with pride and honor. He's such a cutie.

5 years ago

Beaut1ful38, that's wonderful! So glad he's making all his milestones and thriving. Do you have a picture of the cutie you'd like to share? What are you leaning towards for Halloween costume? I'm stumped with Phoebe. Here's a recent one of her - she's 9 1/2 months already. It's going so fast!

5 years ago

Flamingogirl- ooooh what a cutie!! Sitting up already. Is she crawling? Those blue eyes!! TTC again I hope it’s easier for you this time around.

5 years ago

@Beaut1ful38 - She is crawling! She loves to pull herself up too! Seems like time is going by so fast. I hope TTC is easier this time. Without my period I'm not sure what it will be like. We'll see soon.

5 years ago

SheRiskers - I remember you! She is so sweet! I'm going to start trying for #2 soon! We might be trying around the same time again! I'm waiting a bit longer because I want to nurse my Annika for at least a year so if we start trying around 10 months I'll definitely get a year of nursing with my baby. Are you still nursing? Have your cycles returned? Mine have not so I'm guessing that will be the deciding factor on when we get pregnant again...

5 years ago

@kelleria is that a slide on the bed??? Looks so cool!

@lakarmw. Congratulations! I know you must be spinning right now! Hope you are doing well though! Nancy will have someone else to play with !!

5 years ago

@Larkarmw - Congratulations! I think giving Nancy a sibling close in age will be a great thing in the end. I hope everything goes well and your DH comes around. Did you make an appointment to figure out how far along you are?

@ Kelleria - So adorable! There were so many girls born out of this group!

5 years ago

Hi! So I had a very very faint line postiive pregnancy test yesterday! My first positive! This morning, I went to the bathroom (had to go number 2) and had to strain a bit and when I wiped, I noticed a tad bit of super light pink blood, but I couldn't tell if it was from my bottom or vagina. I haven't seen any since (about 2 hours) and don't really have any AF symptoms . I do have some slight pinching sensations in my abdomen (here and there). I'm 13 DPO today and plan on testing again tomorrow morning to see if th eline has gotten darker. What are your thoughts, ladies? Praying for a BFP tomorow!

5 years ago

Good luck danielleeichholz! I had some pink spotting after I got my BFP too. As long as it's not a full AF, then you're still pregnant.

5 years ago

So.....can any of you ladies help me date my pregnancy please. Or a rough guess. My last definite period was 12th July. I then went on to have what I thought was a 49day cycle. I had a teeny bit of spotting when I wiped 1st August, I took a pregnancy test 19th of August, which I’m fairly certain was negative (May have been a shadow line but was a sainsburys test and I’ve seen those many times when I’ve not been pregnant so tossed it in the bin after a minute (maybe should have waited longer). I spotted a teeny (pink mucusy) bit starting 26th-29th followed by an incredible light period 30th August to 3rd September (it was more brown when wiping bit kept coming so I assumed a very light period) I then had a spot of blood (again pink and mucusy) 4th October, and tested positive pregnant 3+ weeks 7th October. All my periods before the random light 49 day one have been 32 days and very heavy, since having Nancy, my youngest who’s 10months. Before having Nancy my periods were very irregular so I just assumed they were getting to be like that again. I know I need to see the midwife, but we go away Friday for a week so I’ll call them when we are home, and hopefully the news has settled in properly. Many thanks xxxx

ps thank you calvingirl for your kind words, I’m sure it’ll all sink in soon. Phoebe is absolutely adorable xxxxxx

5 years ago

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