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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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Hmmm. Assuming your most recent period was August 30th - September 3rd then you'll be 6 weeks this Friday. Does that line up with a digital that says 3+ weeks? I think it does if you ovulated around 14dpo then you would have been 3+ weeks from ovulation when you took the test on Monday. We don't have the weeks ones here in the US so I'm not sure if the weeks is counting from ovulation or not. If this is all correct then you are due with a June baby! I'll be interested to see what your midwives think. I expect they'll do an ultrasound to help date or they'll go of your light LMP (which is what I did).

Have a good vacation. I hope it helps you both relax and come to terms with your baby news.

P.S. Question! When did you start getting your periods back after you had Nancy? And are you still breastfeeding?

5 years ago

Thank you :) I’m not sure at all, will see what they say when I’m home. It’s the strange period that concerns me to be honest and that’s the only time We dtd unprotected, no idea. My friend was saying oh they’ll not go from the light period only the last proper one so I’ll be 12 weeks, which I’m definitely not, I was all ready showing with Nancy by then and couldn’t fit in my clothes. But a June baby would be lovely, the longer away the better for me....Nancy being older and more time to get used to the idea too. They came back after 6 weeks but I didn’t breastfeed her at all xxx

5 years ago

@FlamingoGirl13 I can't believe we're both considering another! Haha I had to stop bf'ing around 5/6 months cause i just totally dried up. It only took 2 months for my cycle to return so I've had it since June? I think. Still waiting for it to regulate a bit but we're getting there! I'm torn... As silly as it sounds, I have a 2016 boy, 2018 girl, and I kind of want a surprise 2020 to keep it at even numbers Hahah Funny how after 2, more just seems like Eh why not loll

@lakarmw Omg! Congrats!! Everyone I know who had a baby with a larger age gap between the older ones have LOVED having 2 close in age. I hope you both find peace soon! It was clearly meant to be!

5 years ago

Thank sheriskers lol. I’ve all ready done both so 20mnths between babies 1 and 2 followed by a five year gap, and my word the bigger gap is 10x easier haha, but the older two do play amazingly together a now, it’s just the beginning it’s really hard.
We are currently on holiday abroad and I’ve had some brown spotting whilst we have been here :( Really scared me, seems to have stopped and was never bright red, just brown and mucusy/stringy I’m keeping everything crossed everything’s ok with baby, I booked a private scan for Friday afternoon for The day we get home so we can see what’s happening in there, what with the spotting and having no idea how far pregnant I am, I just felt like I need to see to put my mind at rest xxxxx

5 years ago

@lakarmw I had that with both of my kids early-ish on! I figured out what it was then but have no idea now. So sorry if that's not helpful. Everything I know is brown is not bad. It's the bright stuff you might need to be concerned about. Keep us posted!

5 years ago

Congratulations Larkarmw! June is a lovely month. Happy and healthy 9 months to you!
You know, last week I got an idea, and it turned out really good. I went back to the very first of my posts on this group and copied into a word document every post I made through the whole 127pages, plus any post that had any information pertaining to my pregnancy. The idea is to capture all the experiences I had during the pregnancy so my daughter can someday read it. It was really cool reading everyone's journeys from a year ago to today. I feel like I bonded with all of you all over again.... I highly recommend the exercise if you have time to kill. :)

4 years ago

Congratulations Lakarmw! June 1 is awesome! I hope all of you ladies are doing ok. I am finally getting in the swing of 2 girls and our routine is finally in place. Had a Halloween party at school yesterday. Here are my Reese and Ruthie!!

user submitted image

4 years ago • Post starter

Ruthie is 3yrs old and Reese will be 11m on the 1st.

user submitted image

4 years ago • Post starter

Kelliria, your girls are so cute - and look so much alike. It's so nice that you have sisters. I am the oldest of 5 sisters and I am still very close to most of them. I wish I could give phoebe a younger sister so she could have that relationship. And Lakarmw, Nancy will have a close relationship with her new sibling. I hope it's a girl so they'll be extra close. Hope everyone is doing well.
AFM I'm still taking this domperidone to keep my milk supply up. The side effect to it is that it messes with your periods - which freaks me out. There is actually a patent on it now to have it as a form of birth control, because it stops ovulation by increasing the prolactin in your body. I'm on day 61 of my current cycle and AF is not making any hints of an appearance. I've taken so many pregnancy tests just to be sure...but all bfns. It's like menopause or something. It's kinda nice. I hate to complain. But it's a source of anxiety, because I have no clue what my body is doing. It's very disconcerting.

4 years ago

calvingirl yes Nancy will have a very close relationship, her brother and sister who are 20months apart do. I am hoping for a boy, I’m not too fussed myself but my son was so upset when Nancy was born (he loves her now) as he really wanted a brother, so for him I hope boy. I think we will find out this time so if it is another girl he has a while to get used to the idea of another sister bless him.
And I can imagine how it’s a bit freaky having your cycles messed up so much, I’m sure they’ll return to normal once you stop taking it though. I guess you should just enjoy no periods lol xxxx

4 years ago

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