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No Sperm......

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My partner and I have been ttc for 16 months now. He went for a SA and within 2 days had a phone call from thr dr to say they found no sperm, not 1, in his semen. He has to go again in April to see if there is any change or if they made a mistake. Has anyone been through this or similar? Really need some help on this

Nats xxx

User Image TTC#2 DD-3 DP-32 Me-24

2329 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hi Girls
I hope this works but this is my OvaCue chart, Mel do you think I should believe the OvaCe this time?

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Me 28 - DP 30 HSG all clear, very high AFC 42 SA 27million on Menevit,2% Normal Mild Teratospermia Been TTC since June 2011 Aug 2012 10dpo 10 weeks little boy Trisomy 16 Jan 2013 9dpo CP July 2013 1st round of Tamoxifen 20mg Ovidrel trigger and 4 pregnyl booster shots IVF November 2013 6 eggs collected, 5 Fertilized normally, Transferred 1 beautiful compacting 3 day morula, froze 4... FET Feb 2014 4DP5DT, Beta 11DP5DT 647 User Image

11 years ago

If that's the case im 3DPO :) YAY for TWW and I BD on CD 11 and 12, Great timming lets hope its right and I don't need to use the Clearblue fert monitor :) Pretty happy that I Od I was a little worried but it all looks ok so far. we shall wait and see in 9 days LOL

Me 28 - DP 30 HSG all clear, very high AFC 42 SA 27million on Menevit,2% Normal Mild Teratospermia Been TTC since June 2011 Aug 2012 10dpo 10 weeks little boy Trisomy 16 Jan 2013 9dpo CP July 2013 1st round of Tamoxifen 20mg Ovidrel trigger and 4 pregnyl booster shots IVF November 2013 6 eggs collected, 5 Fertilized normally, Transferred 1 beautiful compacting 3 day morula, froze 4... FET Feb 2014 4DP5DT, Beta 11DP5DT 647 User Image

11 years ago

Fingers crossed for you stillfun!! Wouldn't it be great to have a run of BFPs now, following Anastasia's?

Let us know how the ultrasound goes, Anastasia. 8 weeks already!

Mel, what did you end up doing? Hope O held off and you got an insem in time.

Hoping, how are things doing at home?

I'm still spotting very light pink after BDing and felt a very slight O pain on the side that usually doesn't hurt yesterday, so still not sure as to when I O'ed. Hopefully it was yesterday, as that would mean we got two BDes in time. My temp has been up and down - so now I'm wondering if it was high because I wasn't getting much sleep on the boat some nights.

Oh, and I'm getting a new foster furbaby today! Can't wait! This one s a hound that was hit by a car and is recovering with a broken leg. The two chihuahuas I had before have been adopted.

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11 years ago

Northern that sounds great!! Im glad you are keeping occupied with other things :)

Well I have gone from being happy with my readings to thinking its a annovulatory cycle :( Temp spike was 2 days after my V readings and I had a couple of days with questionable OPK's and none real blaringly positive ones like I usually get but I put it down to missing my surge because I didn't test as much as I usually do because I have been working, but my temp went way down this AM but I am hoping its my thermometer and not an annovulatory cycle.... I had one this time last year too!!

Me 28 - DP 30 HSG all clear, very high AFC 42 SA 27million on Menevit,2% Normal Mild Teratospermia Been TTC since June 2011 Aug 2012 10dpo 10 weeks little boy Trisomy 16 Jan 2013 9dpo CP July 2013 1st round of Tamoxifen 20mg Ovidrel trigger and 4 pregnyl booster shots IVF November 2013 6 eggs collected, 5 Fertilized normally, Transferred 1 beautiful compacting 3 day morula, froze 4... FET Feb 2014 4DP5DT, Beta 11DP5DT 647 User Image

11 years ago

Home life is ok. He has his moods and then they go away. Like PMS on steriods. My kids are gone for the week so he chills out some. Started spotting this evening, so looking like I'm out. Closing on my house in a few days....YAY!!!!!!!

Hopefully some BFPs start rolling in.....

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11 years ago

Well im contemplating going back to the clinic, I have got to go to town for a few days next week and im sure this cycle in Annov because I just did a V reading and it was really low meaning low progesterone, I will talk to DH about it and if he refuses I will go to a GP and talk about clomid, I don't want to see a regular GP because the clinic know my history and I wont need to start at square one with explaining everything, I will talk to Ken tonight and see what he says. I hate know that this month was a failure already and I still have to wait for AF to start all over again, im glad we didn't put too much into BDing this cycle.
Hoping that great with your house :) DH and I bought our first investment home over Christmas and we are already looking to buy again, its so exciting!

Me 28 - DP 30 HSG all clear, very high AFC 42 SA 27million on Menevit,2% Normal Mild Teratospermia Been TTC since June 2011 Aug 2012 10dpo 10 weeks little boy Trisomy 16 Jan 2013 9dpo CP July 2013 1st round of Tamoxifen 20mg Ovidrel trigger and 4 pregnyl booster shots IVF November 2013 6 eggs collected, 5 Fertilized normally, Transferred 1 beautiful compacting 3 day morula, froze 4... FET Feb 2014 4DP5DT, Beta 11DP5DT 647 User Image

11 years ago

Stillfun: Your chart looks amazing! I would say the ovacue was right on for you this month!!! Thats exciting about the investment property. Me and my dh would love to do something like that but going to have to wait until the baby stuff is all situated. :)

northernbaby: Thats so great your chis got adopted and your getting another foster baby!!! I so wish my hubby would let me do it. although during the school year I'm pretty busy and it would be really hard to try and foster when we are both working full time.

Anastasia: YEAH!! Almost time!!!! I'm so EXCITED for you!!!

Hoping: Glad things are going a little better right now and Yeah for closing on the house!!!

AFM: I've been so busy lately. My yorkie was sick for a couple days (I think due to stress from me and the hubby going on vacation) but I was dealing with that and then the child who was missing near us we were joining in on the search parties, and on top of it I'm getting ready to head up to VA on Sat. to be there for my nephews birth. So anyways Had my doctors appt. yesterday and the cyst is finally gone!!!! WOOHOO! I had a beautiful follicle that hadn't released the egg yet, unfortunately my doctor didn't fill out the paperwork in time for me to go pick up a vial and I ended up O'ing that night before I used my Ovacue. Which by the way instead of a pink I got a yellow which was weird. Atleast I will be ready for next cycle and will be able to forget about it all for the next two weeks in VA!!

California Conceptions DDE #1 2/10/14 Baseline Ultrasound 2/15/14 Start Lupron 3/7/14 Lining check 3/11/14 transferred two embies!!! User Image

11 years ago

Mel- I don't think I Od this cycle nothing adds up, I posted my opks so you guys can see, I am really thinking of getting some more help

Me 28 - DP 30 HSG all clear, very high AFC 42 SA 27million on Menevit,2% Normal Mild Teratospermia Been TTC since June 2011 Aug 2012 10dpo 10 weeks little boy Trisomy 16 Jan 2013 9dpo CP July 2013 1st round of Tamoxifen 20mg Ovidrel trigger and 4 pregnyl booster shots IVF November 2013 6 eggs collected, 5 Fertilized normally, Transferred 1 beautiful compacting 3 day morula, froze 4... FET Feb 2014 4DP5DT, Beta 11DP5DT 647 User Image

11 years ago

Stillfun: that is very strange. Your right your opks don't look great. Could just be you got the surge and then it just didn't happen. If you can go to the clinic that might be best. So sorry that really sucks!

California Conceptions DDE #1 2/10/14 Baseline Ultrasound 2/15/14 Start Lupron 3/7/14 Lining check 3/11/14 transferred two embies!!! User Image

11 years ago

Hoping, congrats on the house! So exciting!

Stillfun, that really sucks. I hope you can get into the clinic, or even to see a GP. I hate that feeling of trying and trying and getting nowhere - time for some help.

Mel, glad your cyst is gone!! Too bad you didn't get an insem - next month! I hope you can take a break in VA and forget about ttc for a bit.

AFM, just waiting out this first boring week of the tww. I really hate these two weeks. It's like waiting for Christmas morning that never comes. Foster pup is amazing. Sweetest and most well-behaved doggie ever. Mel, I really do love fostering but the chis I had were a handful - lots of issues from trauma. It would be really hard to do when you work full time. This guy - either he's on his best behaviour or is just an awesome dog. My hubby is not fully on board with fostering either, but tolerates it, lol. He does like this guy though, even though he says he doesn't like hound dogs. I think this dog was owned by a man before, because he totally loves my hubby.

Stillfun, how's your puppy doing?

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11 years ago

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