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November 2018 babies

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Welcome to the November 2018 babies club! I am starting this discussion a little early I am sure. I carried over from September and October 2018 babies and hoping to see some BFP soon!

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

380 Replies • 6 years ago



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No I’m not actually TTC. I miscarried at 13wks 15 months ago and decided that I couldn’t put myself through that heartbreak again so decided that 3 was plenty for me.

Really beginning to panic as my boobs on and off ache but more so at night. I’m only 8dpo today so don’t think a test would show any results

6 years ago

Hey ladies. I started bleeding today but only when I wipe. It’s pink/red/brown. No strong cramps but just some very very mild cramps lower mid area but no backaches. Called doctor she said it’s normal since 2 days ago had intercourse. Go in tomorrow for my 2nd ultrasound.....I’m scared nervous but trying to stay calm.

6 years ago • Edited

@BekPlus3. So sorry to hear about the loss. I can't imagine what you and hubby went through.I started testing with FR 6 days sooner at 8dpo (posted) and got a very faint; then I tested every day leading up to AF and all positives so anything is possible.

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6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38. Oh no, I really hope it doesn't get worse and it stops on you. Try not to worry and I know how hard it is not to. Hope your ultrasound goes well tomorrow. Keep us posted.

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6 years ago

@dragonfly23 it was extremely devastating, I actually went into an extreme depressed state. I blamed myself for a very long time but turns out it was more than likely caused by the medication I was on at the time.
Well in that case I might buy a 3pk and start testing...
Any specific brand?!

6 years ago

@ Beatuf1ful - Thinking of you! I hope the ultrasound shows you are all in the clear today .

6 years ago

@dragonfly23 I really hope it is our month! My due date would be hubby's birthday. Also, how weird is it that my son will turn 2 a month after your daughter and now I may be pregnant a month after your second too! Haha I'm feeling good about the Emerita. The Now brand is so greasy and requires you to apply so much. It also doesn't rub in very well. SO ecstatic you got to see a healthy heartbeat! It gives me so much hope.

@katyfootballmomma It's definitely worth a try! Once I researched it, I realized I had a TON of the markers for low progesterone ever since my son was born. So far, even if I don't particularly feel pregnant, I at least feel like my moods are more balanced than they have been in a long time!

6 years ago

@BekPlus3. I really liked the First Response 6 days sooner as I started testing at 8dpo and got a very faint line then I tested everyday leading up to my AF with the same brand. Good luck.

@SheRiskers. That's awesome that you will have the same due date as your hubbys. Pretty interesting to hear that your son will turn 2 after my daughter does. It put a tear to my eye seeing the flicker on the monitor. I brought my pictures with me and will scan them to the computer since I don't have a scanner/computer at home. I know the site doesn't allow us to post ultrasounds in forums but will see what happens.

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6 years ago

Hi ladies. I posted my ultrasound picture on "Not just cycle buddies" if anyone wants to take a look, by all means. Hope everyone else is doing well and getting some much needed relaxing time in.

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6 years ago

Hi All! I'm 37 years old and trying for my first baby! I'm currently 5dpo, got a super dark OPK on Friday (2/16) morning and I swear I feel pregnant already - hopefully it's not just in my head from wanting it so badly. I found out I was pregnant last October (I knew at 3.5 weeks because I could smell everything from a mile away and I took an FRER and sure as sh*t it was positive... at a 10 week appt the dr tried finding heartbeat w/doppler and couldn't - sent me for ultrasound and baby was measuring 8.5 weeks with no heartbeat - devastated wasn't even the word, my whole world was CRUSHED, but I'm trying to focus on the positives and right now I am feeling pretty positive that I am pregnant again! That would be a MIRACLE! Only had 1 period since my D&C that was on Dec 6th, so I am hoping and praying that this is my sticky bean!

Anyone else a POAS addict like me? I already started testing even though I know they won't show up positive yet. My symptoms... tingling/larger breasts, bloated, gassy, moodiness on and off, exhausted and SO HARD to get out of bed in am, slight headache (always a sign for me), vivid dreams past 2-3 nights (I usually NEVER remember my dreams), pronounced veins in arms (another sign for me - usually can't see my veins unless I'm just out of shower or a hot compress on my arms), extra milky/creamy cm (usually dried up by now if AF is coming) and I just "feel pregnant". Would LOVE to have some TWW buddies! I usually have a 26 day cycle (not sure if it would differ after D&C, but it didn't the last D&C I had 2 years ago for another missed mc) which would make AF due to arrive on March 2nd...

6 years ago

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