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6 dpo, this suspense is killing me!

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Hello ladies, any of you waiting to poas with me? Let's help one another pass the time, and analyze our tests together. I still have at least a good 4 days before i can begin testing, and i am running out of distractions

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260 Replies • 6 years ago



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Maybe on the bottom Walmart cheapie. I’m sorry, I can always see them in person too!!! How late are you?

And bkc, you said something about the odds being stacked against us. In a philosophical way, did you always feel like you were going to have a hard time conceiving? I know I did. Even before I was talking/really thinking about shaving kids. It always concerned me that my cramps were so bad and I had so many PMS symptoms.
So, immediately, when we started talking about kids, and before we started actually trying to have kids, I started trying to get into the habit of BBTing, the cervix signs, etc. I’m still not great at that though. For example, last month, I missed a day of temping between when I think I O’d and 1dpo. Ugh. Makes me so mad at myself.
As if, maybe if I could do it correctly and consistently, I would know more about my fertility; while at the same time, I’ve already dismissed myself as difficult to conceive. Does any of this resonate with anybody?
My commitment is pathetic and I can’t say certain methods work or don’t work because I haven’t truly dedicated myself. Or, at the same time, maybe I’m just trying to make myself feel better for not having conceived already.

6 years ago • Edited

Sorry for the long post and glad to see you again dragonfly! Hope your pregnancy is going great!!!

6 years ago

Ok i found my cervix, took a lot of work...lmao it way up the towards my rectal region. What.does that mean? I can't remember who asked me...sorry. bkc your fine girl, i am probably losing my mind one fake line at a time. Lol

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6 years ago • Post starter

KY : The cervix thing is a good sign ! It's supposed to go down for your period !

On my side 10dpo, temp got above coverline again, I don't know what to think

6 years ago

Does it seem like maybe your uterus is swollen?

6 years ago

MrsButler: Is it a question for me ? I've been bloated for a few days, but it's gone; same with breast.

When I was pregnant, I could feel a weird vertical pulling sensation before testing but I just can't remember when it started. 10 dpo may be too early for that

6 years ago

My walls i guess you would say are, it was extremely hard to reach my cervix, it was facing towards my back too so i couldn't tell if it was open or anything. Mary i don't temp so is that a good sign for you?

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6 years ago • Edited • Post starter

KY: The back facing is normal and always like that for most people. The important thing is how far it is. If you needed your whole finger, it's high.

First time temping, and I am sooo confused

6 years ago

Oh it took my whole finger plus i had to push really hard to slightly feel the tip. I'm a tad crampy from trying to reach it lmao.

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6 years ago • Post starter

Well, it should mean at the very least that AF is not comming for a few hours

6 years ago

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