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In Need of a 2WW Buddy - April Babies

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I start my 2ww on Saturday but I'm trying to get a jump start on having a group of ladies to journey the 2WW, discuss potential symptoms, type of cycle(no meds or meds, BDing or donor and etc.) The potential of having an April or very early May baby. Heck let's even journey down the discussions of the seasons of maternity clothes. I even want to hear what baby names you have picked out. What kind of delivery do you have planned (home birth, hospital and etc.)Have you used a mid-wife or doula before? I know we are not preggers right now but will be soon regardless of the day or month so why not discuss the thoughts we keep to ourselves and start speaking these babies into existence!!!!!!!!!

155 Replies • 5 years ago



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Also i have this weird smell for few days period blood..and i dont know where its coming comes and goes

5 years ago

Hey Ladies!!! 6dpo today...Pretty sure I may have been having implantion pain...cramping and some pain on the right side! I've been taking internet cheapies and maybe had a vvvvvvvvvfl this morning so tomorrow I'll test again lol I'm slightly addicted to poas...get blood test done Tuesday...hows everyone else holding up....anyone got a BFP yet????

5 years ago

Good morning lady's so I tried to wait until 14 dpo but I couldn't.I tested Sunday 9 dpo and the results was I was a little .So Today I'm very bloated and I have no other symptoms.Im still going to think positive until my AF comes wish me I'm hoping I hear good new from someone in the group today.

5 years ago

Good Morning liljai1429 I hope your Tuesday appointment goes well

5 years ago

@stephykatt i know the feeling 17dpo strong

5 years ago

@stephykatt i know the feeling 17dpo strong

5 years ago

@Minip13 Thank You!!

5 years ago

Okay ladies! I'm 9dpo and I gave in. It was a BFN
I know it's extremely early, but I'm a little sad.. I feel your pain Stephykatt!!

The reason i took the test was because I've been having metallic tastes in my mouth randomly today and yesterday. I've also been cramping.
I just think I'm pregnant. But maybe I'm not.. I really hope I am.
Last time I was pregnant I had metallic tastes too. But I found out I was pregnant at 9dpo last time, and it was a BFN today

5 years ago

18 dpo today ill test..but for the last time..this is too stressful.

5 years ago

@Mini good luck ima test first thing on the 14th...I’ll be 12dpo. Just noticed right now that the areas around my nipples are darker. As soon as I seen them I was like yea, their not that dark normally. I’ve been cramping, mildly in the middle and maybe occasionally definitely on one side. I really feel pregnant. However, if my AF does decide to show up Friday, then I just have to pray and continue on which is the hardest but we are built too. The more I go through this ttc journey, the more I know my body. Either way, I’m wishing us all tons of luck

5 years ago • Edited

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