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April/May 2020 TTC

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Morning/Afternoon/Evening Ladies!!

Hi lol...

You're one month closer to your bfp yay !! Hopefully this is it

341 Replies • 5 years ago



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Agatch and Scuba I am so sorry for you ladies. It makes me sad.

Alex I am very hopeful for you this month!! It is definitely your time!!

Kait it is great news that hubby is normal and that isn’t an issue. Hopefully you will figure it all out soon.

AFM: cm has increased a ton the last couple days like it normally does before O. Yesterday and today it was an egg white consistency too!! Been feeling my normal sharp O pains too. This afternoon I even had some light pink/spotting going on. This has happened around O a couple times before. We have Bd the last three days in a row and today. So we definitely have everything covered if this is O!! Trying to just stay positive and hope for the best!! I am only on cd16 so this is definitely and early O for me! Usually takes till cd22 or later!! Glad we decided just to bd as much as we wanted with a minimum of every other day!! Really wanting this to be our month!!

Good luck ladies!!! We got this!!!

5 years ago

Oh ladies I've come on here this morning hoping for good news but my heart just breaks more

@agatch I'm so so so sorry babe my heart goes out to you and I'm sending you so much love and support I literally want to cry with you from this side

@scuba girl it is unfair and it hurts and no one deserves it I'm here to talk whever you need someone okay my inbox is always open

Things have been rough this side as well... My friend found out that shes pregnant on Friday (after being off the depo shot for 4 months) but we have no idea how far she is we're thinking about 5 weeks eventhough according to period dates it should be 6+ weeks... She went to the OB yesterday but they couldn't find a sack on the screen but her hcg increased so they ruled out miscarriage... I have a slight feeling that it might be ectopic as that was one of the reasons he gave her as well but even with mine I was able to see a sack at 4.5 weeks so we're waiting to see what happens... Good luck to everyone though I'll definitely check in more often

5 years ago • Post starter

@scuba - I'm so sorry hun.

As for me, I'm expecting af to arrive any minute now. Although I barely have any of my regular af symptoms. The only thing that hints that af will be here soon are some pink spotting. But not even the spotting acts like it normally does. Usually it goes from light pink, to brown, to af. So far I only have the pink spotting and have had it for 3 days now. Guess it's just an odd cycle. Got a faint but still clear line this morning that I'm gonna count as an evap until proven otherwise. Despite my body acting weird, I still expect af to show. We "timed" it pretty good as far as NTNP goes, so the chance of me being pregnant are low.

5 years ago

Agatch Relaxing times on the beach with family sounds great idea to distract you. You’re indeed so blessed having your two children but I know that still doesn’t make it any easier.
Keeping yourself busy and even better spending quality time with the family will make time pass faster and the pain to fade easier! Sending big hugs your way!

Kait what a relief it must be! So happy that everything with your hubbys SA was normal! Hopefully they will give you some answers and a plan so we can see your bfp soon!!! where are you cycle wise now?

Shay sounds like you got all your bases covered Let’s hope this cycle will be your lucky one!!

Anna I’m so sorry about your friend and I understand that now you’re pregnant, you’re more sensitive to everything especially when it comes to a pregnancy, so this must be sad for you too.. Hopefully she’ll be feeling better soon. A loss is always so unfair..
How your little princess doing? Do we have a bump yet?

Pandorica I saw the pic on your gallery and indeed I can also see the line but as you said not counting it as a positive yet since those test were so bad giving false lines. Still hoping though that this more carefree cycle will give you two true pink lines

AFM I’m pretty sure I’m on my fertile days and I could be ovulating any day but unfortunately I’m out of opks and my order isn’t here yet Hopefully cm and temps will help me figure it out. We on our side doing our best on BDing

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5 years ago

@alex I'm currently CD20. I usually O between CD19-23, but my opks haven't changed yet. I'm kind of hoping O holds off til CD23 otherwise I could get AF before my appt and have to change it. Also 9/4 is our 3rd wedding anniversary and who wants AF to show on their anniversary? I hope your order comes soon! Not having anything to track with is frustrating.

5 years ago

Hi again ladies! First, I'm sorry for all of you who have suffered losses. Life is so unfair sometimes.

I'm trying to read through this board to be more aware how's everyone. I've been away for few weeks and have missed pages of your discussion. Trying to find some extra time to be more active here.

AFM. I'm now on my fertile window and I'm not sure when I'm going to O, if at all, but I think it might be today. I've been having horrible cramps today and lots of CM. Decided not to do any OPK's this cycle. Those stress me out little too much. Eventhough those are only way to be sure I ovulate as we don't have any treatments going on. I just hope my antibiotics don't mess this cycle. Last cycle was already rough and it took a lot of mental effort to recover from my disappointment. It's been a rough year so far and I really hoped to finally have something good on our way.

5 years ago

@alex I'm not sure exactly where she's standing with this yet she's got another appointment in 2 weeks to see what's up but with my history I'm fearing the worst... I'd rather be prepared for the worst and have a good outcome that not be prepared at all

She's doing good she's super busy SO always says she's a little fighter when he feels her... I have 13 weeks left then she'll be here I'll post a photo now the bump is forming lol I feel huge now...

5 years ago • Post starter

@alex on a side note maybe not knowing when you ovulating and just having fun with SO could be a good change I'm rooting for you girl !!

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5 years ago • Post starter

Aww Anna your bump is so cute, I had to give in and wear a pair of maternity jeans today 17weeks and feeling huge but I guess this is baby no.9 so my body just jumps into it now

5 years ago

Kait well at this case I hope you won’t ovulate till cd23! It would be a very good surprise if you end up pregnant this cycle so you’ll be having an amazing present for your anniversary

Mira Hi! I wish I could be like you. I could drive myself crazy without opks.. and right now I don’t have any and I’m going crazy! Fingers crossed for you this cycle. Are you planning testing early or wait it out till AF is late?

Anna oh my Goodness you’re a proper pregnant with your belly and all That’s a beautiful round belly but you’re not huge at all! You’re a tiny one with a lovely belly!! I’m so happy for you guys

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5 years ago

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