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5 days post IUI...Cycle buddy anyone?

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I had my first IUI on Saturday, so I'm now 5 days out and analyzing every twinge and eating way too much chocolate. Anyone in a similar boat or close in days?

203 Replies • 11 years ago



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Replies (sorted by likes)

131 - 140 of 203 Replies | Last Page

Golden egg what's new? How many DP IUI are you?
Have you tested?
I am now only 4 DP IUI and I still have ovary pain.

Texasgirl, where are you?

JeanM how's your pregnancy going?

11 years ago

I just barely crossed over to 11dpiui. I have not tested but don't feel pregnant. I hope i can hold it until Saturday morning, when i do my beta, unless af shows up before than...which i hope she doesn't!
Hope this tww goes quick for you!

11 years ago

When is your AF due?

11 years ago

She is due Saturday.

11 years ago

Good luck to you and I hope she won't come! Go AF, go awayyy! :)

P.S. Have you ever checked your tubes?

11 years ago

I had an hsg in September. It was all clear

11 years ago

That's great!
If I don't get pregnant this cycle I also plan a hsg but I am so afraid my tubes can be blocked since I had the ectopic pg.

I am now 5 DP IUI and I don't have any pg symptoms. Just a few cramps here and there and I'm a little light headed. I assume this is all because of progesterone that's why today I haven't taken my morning suppository. I have never checked my progesterone levels but my doctor keeps prescribing me prog supplements. I hate taking them. They have a lot of side effects on me.
Have you Goldenegg ever checked your prog levels?

11 years ago

I wanted to do hsg before i started treatment. I thought what's the point of doing iui if there is a problem with the plumbing!
My progesterone levels were all normal unmedicated and medicated (on clomid), so progesterone was never necessary.

11 years ago

I ordered the AZO medications you have recommended to me. I'll get them in a week but I must say I am better now after taking some herbal pills.

About progesterone, I don't know what to say... My doctor still recommends it to me but we never checked my prog levels. You are lucky about not taking prog, supplements because they give so many weird pregnancy like symptoms.
I think you did a good job when you did hsg before starting the IUIs session. My doctor doesn't believe my tubes can be blocked. I don't know what to do. I must say my doctor acts weird and I am really thinking of changing him if I don't get pregnant this cycle. Yeah, this is my doctor! :)

How do you feel? You have one more day and then you'll test!!!! Have you cheated and tested before? :)

I am only 6 DP IUI and I can feel the following:

prog. side effects - not new for me:
skin itchiness
Sensitive nipples
Light headache

Ovary pain

11 years ago

Poas this am and it was neg. Will have my beta tomorrow if af doesn't arrive tonight. Then on to injectables.

11 years ago

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