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Anyone Testing This Week or Next Week??

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I'm expecting AF tomorrow and I really hope that she has decided to leave me alone for a while or more like 9 months. I'm going to be testing in the morning tomorrow but I'm scared and very anxious.

Anyone else that's on just about the same cylce or any words of encouragement.

Good Luck to you ladies!

353 Replies • 8 years ago



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BabyDreams-Plus you have us cheering fo you too! I mean I hope the way we are feeling is a positive sign but I'm still not really looking into the symptoms though. I hate having to be heart broken at the end of each cycle, which is why I don't test anymore either. Hopefully the witch stays away.

8 years ago • Post starter

@ Sophe28 - That is a super curious chart and a little hard to interpret when ov happened - but if you bd'd on cd 29 and the temp shift at cd 30 is progesterone related than it might just be too early to tell - as long and your temps are climbing and AF is staying away you are still in the running!!!

@HopefullyAMommy - So many symptoms are supposed to be similar between preg and AF it's so hard to tell! I am not sure about the rest of the ladies here but it sounds like for many of us this is the first time ttc so you don't even know what your body feels like when pregnant at all! From my mommy friends, super uber fatigue and sore nipples were their first signs (followed by nausea). So maybe they are good signs! Try to not be too hard on yourself - you got some good days of bding in your fertile window - it only takes 1 sperm to catch that egg! I haven't tried the pillow under the hips trick yet - I'll keep that in mind for next cycle if this one doesn't work!

@ Baby_dreams - I never knew that about flaxseed oil - I put ground flaxseed in my morning breakfast smoothie just to get the fibre, this is great to know! I have never heard of geritol (I don't think we have it in Canada) - is it just a multivit?

Stay strong and positive ladies!

8 years ago

Twwtoolong- thank you for the optimism it definitely helps me feel better. But for me on the other hand, I've had two pregnancies that actually resulted my baby's becoming angels watching over me. One was 6 weeks and the other was at 15 and a half weeks. The first one I just remember my friends noticing that I gained allot of weight. The second I had a heightened sense of smell I was very sick on top of catching the flu. I hated my favorite foods and I loved pizza. Idk I've been trying to conceive for more than a year now and idk..... why won't a baby choose me as it's mommy.

Idk ladies guess I'm a little down.

8 years ago • Post starter

@hopefullymommy your not alone stay strong

8 years ago

@ HopefullyAMommy - I am so sorry to read about your losses. That is just so hard and it's totally understandable to be frustrated and down. We all have our good days and our bad, but you have lots of support here! Vent all you want and know that we are gonna be here cheering you on!

You get to test in less than a week now so just try to take care and be kind to yourself, get lots of rest if you are tired and try to not stress too much.

My indulgence this month is re-watching Friends! I have a tonne of marking to do from home (I teach at a college and it's midterm break), so Netflix and Friends are keeping me company/sane!

8 years ago

Xoxojadorecouture-thank you! How are things coming for you?

Twwtoolong-thank you, reading that definitely made me feel like some still some light at the end of my road. It's OK though my angels are protecting and watching over me. Teaching at a college.... how is that? Being in finance there's always work for me so I might just work a little late next week and try to get some reports in. Try and get myself focused on something else. Since it's the last couple of days inmy tww. That's exactly what I'm going to do is hey some much needed rest!

So the only update I have on myself so far is that I went to the bathroom earlier and it looked as of I were somewhat spotting. That has never reallu happened to me before. Idk.... I'm trying not to look into it to much anyway.... what do you ladies think?

How are things going with you ladies?

8 years ago • Post starter

@lucidity - how is it going? have you continued to test to see that darker ! Kepp us posted!

@xoxojadorecouture - have you tried testing again? My fingers are crossed for you!!

@Sophe28 - any updates on what's happening with you? I am hoping you'll keep seeing the temps rising and you get your bfp soon!

@HopefullyAMommy- maybe your spotting is implantation bleeding! It could be a great sign! Teaching at a college is pretty awesome actually - our program has pretty small class sizes (45 max). My students are great and other than my teaching schedule, my time is pretty flexible!

So here is my update, DH and I still bd'd the past couple of days just in case and my temps keep shifting up, so we bd'd 3 days before ovulation, the day of and 3 days after. If that doesn't work, I don't know what will! Thankfully I have pretty busy week next week with post midterm meetings etc and my mom is coming for a visit next weekend (she's a 3.5 hour plane ride away), so that should keep me occupied during the last week of the tww!

You ladies are awesome!! Happy Friday!

8 years ago

@twwtoolong yes, Geritol is a multivitamin that also includes all of the minerals your body needs. They also have a liquid form. If you google it you will find that lots of women swear by it to achieve pregnancy and you can order it online! I'm so glad my coworker told me about that and the flaxseed oil. I'm almost positive that the flaxseed is what caused me to finally have a normal luteal phase...I've always had a LPD.

@hopefullyamommy hang on to your Pom poms because the is in town...while I'm a bit disheartened, I'm really happy to finally see what feels like a "normal" cycle. So maybe I'm getting closer to my

Hope your slight change in symptoms turns out for the best

8 years ago

@HopefullyAMommy - remind me which dpo you are? If it's 7-12, then maybe the spotting is due to implantation! Are you having any cramping? Fingers crossed for you!

@twwtoolong - I'm impressed with your BD'ing schedule! It's great that you'll be busy next week. I do think that can really help keep your mind off of things and make the TWW go by faster.

As for me, my temperatures are still high but have leveled off, which is fine. I am more convinced that I ovulated really late this month and that I am 5 dpo today. I should have a better idea whether or not we were successful in about a week.

Anyone planning on testing this weekend?

8 years ago

@Baby_Dreams8285 - That sucks that the witch showed up - it sounds like you have made a number of really positive gains this month with regulating your luteal phase! Let's hope that you catch a sticky bean this new cycle!

I am going to have to look in to geritol! I already take a prenat vit and 1000ug of B12 daily (I am B12 deficient) so I'll see what else is in there to supplement!

Sophe28 - Thanks - we worked hard this month (though DH is not complaining ;) )! I really hope we get a sticky one this month! My fingers are crossed for you and that you get a positive next week!

8 years ago

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