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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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1411 - 1420 of 4483 Replies | Last Page

Welp. No trigger. I already Ovulated. Yup. I had a slow rupturer. Its consistant with my chart. Thats what happens with no lh surge. O day was either yesterday or today. I have been having O pains for two days but thought I was nuts. Lol. She said thats why she doesnt like opks. They arnt accurate. And said I might still get one but it wont be right. So never rely on them and just bd every other day. She said to go home and do it, do it, do it. Lol

7 years ago • Post starter

Now knowing that I did ovulate. Im pretty sure it was yesterday. Cervical fluid changed today as well as it got firm again. Still open though. But gonna bd again anyway and Ill call tmrw 1 dpo. Ive been charting on 3 sites to see whitch one was more accurate. And this one is the only one that said I ovulated yesterday. The other two havnt marked it yet. Fertility friend and glow, thums down. Lol. I changed countdowns O day to today though. Ide rather be a day behind than a day ahead.

7 years ago • Post starter

Well dandy at least you know you ovulated:-) now to catch the egg! Go home and have a good time lol.

7 years ago

Yes Lucky. I have some relief now. Lol. Anxiously awaiting little ones bed time for mommy n daddy time. Bow chica wow wow haha

7 years ago • Post starter

That's awesome dandy! So excited for you. Fingers crossed that you catch that egg. Have fun bding, lol.

7 years ago

Cronins, whats up with those lines you got going on? Lol. I can see something. I tried tweaking your last one but it gets blurry on me ( its a picture of a picture after all. Lol) Im not sure if I see color or not. But it would be enough to keep me testing!

7 years ago • Post starter

I am not sure what's going on dandy. I keep thinking I see a faint line, but then again I am not sure. Guess time will truly tell. I am not going to get excited, unless it darkens, lol. Come on, darken already.

7 years ago

Right. Get dark you stinker! Lol.

7 years ago • Post starter

Cronins, what does your test look like this morning? Lucky, so where are you now, bc pills then injections?
Afm, had a pretty good temp shift this morning to accompany the two smaller ones from previous days. So its pretty safe to say that Im 1dpo. My apps are giving me two possible O days. Yesterday and two days prior when temp first shifted. But im going with yesterdays. Tww here I am. I swear if I start Af super early again, im going to scream!
I just did an opk out of curiosity. Its near positive! The dr was right when she said I may still get a surge. Crazy!! I wander how many times Ive been bding on the wrong time relying in that surge.

7 years ago • Post starter

Dandy : I think that I am out. I am 12 dpo and I don't see even the faintest of lines this morning. I am doing okay with this news. It will happen wit God's timing and not mine.

Glad to hear that your temp shift indicates ovulation. Yay for the tww!

Lucky : you must be getting really excited now? Can't wait for you to start stimming.

7 years ago

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