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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Good Morning!
Cronins I'm excited and very nervous at the same time. I've just been dreading the holidays this year more than ever. It really has me depressed as I thought I would definitely have a baby in my arms for Xmas this year :-( it makes me cry each time I think about it. It's crazy how moody I've been and will have a good day and then I get all emotional again. Im just trying to keep my faith.
Dandy yay for the tww. Hoping the timing is perfect for you! What an amazing Christmas gift:-) I will start my stims 3 weeks from yesterday :-)

7 years ago

Cronins, glad to hear that at least your ok with it. About what cycle day will you be in when you go to the new RE?
lucky hugs honey. I hope my dream comes true. Two nights ago I had a dream that we all met up somewhere. I kept trying to see mine and cronins belly but I couldnt. But you walked in with a huge belly. You said that the drs say you have two but you knew there were three and that you already hired a nanny for help. Lol. Wierd dream huh? Lol. I dont really remember much else.

7 years ago • Post starter

Dandy I would be ecstatic if that dream comes true. I will be the happiest pregnant woman even with morning sickness. I can't wait for this to finally happen to me.

7 years ago

Lol. I was blessed to have no morning sickness at all! Im sure I will pay for it this time around. Im ok with that : ) I really really hope its my month!
Gotta go grab some groceries in case this snow storm hits us. Wish me luck Im sure the store is gonna be a zoo!

7 years ago • Post starter

Ladies, can you please pray for my 1 year old Isabella. She has been sick for the last three days with high fevers that nearly reach 105 degrees. They think that she has some viral infection causing the fevers, not sure yet if it's the flu. She is very lethargic and irritable at times. I think that she is in pain. Yet she doesn't have any signs of an ear infection etc. I am just beside myself with worry. Thank you dandy and lucky!

7 years ago

Cronins sending prayers for your little one. I hope she starts to feel better soon as I'm sure its very hard to see one of your children not feeling well and especially if they are unable to tell you :-(

7 years ago

Oh Cronins prayers coming immediately! So sorry she doesnt feel well. Poor kido. Love the name by the way.
Lucky that is so spot on. When they cant tell you whats wrong... Thats the worst!

7 years ago • Post starter

Good morning. Cronins, how is your little girl this morning? Been thinking about her! Did you test anymore?
Lucky, how are you today?
Afm, all my charts now have two possible O days that put me at 2 or 4dpo. Not gonna worry about it. It doesnt really matter. Cnt help but think Im just gonna start my period in a few days anyway. : /. Not hopeful for some reason. Ill know if my temp drops again. So glad Im bbting.
I forgot to add that during the scan my lining was 8.7. So all good there. She said it was perfect. Im ready to poas. Lol.

7 years ago • Post starter

Hello ladies,

Dandy : Isabella is doing a little bit better. Her temperature dropped to 101.8 this morning. Hoping this trend will continue.

As for me, I got another bfn on the FRER and walmart cheapies. I am due for AF to arrive tomorrow or Sunday. I am just going to wait for her arrival and then start a new cycle this time using Clomid 100 mg and no trigger. I still have to order letrozole 7.5 mg and more hcg trigger injections x but I am interested in waiting until I see the new re on January 9th. By then I will be approximately 7 dpo, so I will either get a bfp or I can start a medicated cycle at that point. So excited to see the new re.

Dandy, how are you doing? Hoping that you get your bfp soon.

7 years ago

So glad she is better. Its so scary when temps get that high. Bless her little heart. Sounds like you have a good plan for this next cycle. Switching things up can be good. Especially after no meds at all. Im excited for you!
Im good. Just in waiting mode. Already started thinking about testing tmrw since I could be 5dpo tmrw. Lol. Cnt help it.
It was an emotional day yesterday. We thought dh lost his job! He came home early telling me the company was temporarily disolving his position due to low oil prices. He works out in the oil field. There are only 9 ppl that do what he does and they downsized to 4! They told him it would be at least 90 days but he would b the 1st they called back. But talk around the company was saying it was permanent. A few hours later he got a call. One if the other guys took an early retirement. So hes back to work today. Thank God! That was a little scary. But all is well. : )

7 years ago • Post starter

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