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No Sperm......

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My partner and I have been ttc for 16 months now. He went for a SA and within 2 days had a phone call from thr dr to say they found no sperm, not 1, in his semen. He has to go again in April to see if there is any change or if they made a mistake. Has anyone been through this or similar? Really need some help on this

Nats xxx

User Image TTC#2 DD-3 DP-32 Me-24

2329 Replies • 12 years ago



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Woot, stillfun!! Sounds promising. Have a good trip into town and let us know as soon as you can how the bloodwork turns out!

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11 years ago

northernbaby: I put the period in the wrong spot lol! it was def. negative. I meant that I think that I O'd later then what I should've after a positive opk. lol! Good Luck with the SA hope you guys have GREAT results!!!

Stillfun: That's great that you are still getting positives and high temps! I hope that it continues to darken.

AFM: still no AF. I know shes close because I have been having some crazy bitchiness going on lol! but I def. had to have O'd a couple days later then what I should've. Stupid OPKs. They are so unreliable. Maybe I will temp this next cycle too. It just sucks because I haven't done enough temping to be able to really read into it and know when I'm about to O. Is it right after a drop?!

California Conceptions DDE #1 2/10/14 Baseline Ultrasound 2/15/14 Start Lupron 3/7/14 Lining check 3/11/14 transferred two embies!!! User Image

11 years ago

Mel, you can sometimes get a drop in temp when you O, but not always (I rarely do). I usually just see the rise after I've O'ed. So, you can only really tell when you O'ed afterward...not really helpful I know! It is helpful though for me when used with OPKs (when they work!) because then I know when I can stop BDing. In your case, it seems like the Ovacue is more useful in helping predict O, but the BBT can still help confirm it.

Sorry that you are out this cycle too. Hope AF shows soon so you can get on with the next one!

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11 years ago

Finally got to town and used a frer, I tested at 11am and 3pm and the3 pm is lighter so itlooks like bad news for me I think I will try a naturalcycle this month, I bought a clearblue monitor a fewmonths back and I will use it this cycle,

Me 28 - DP 30 HSG all clear, very high AFC 42 SA 27million on Menevit,2% Normal Mild Teratospermia Been TTC since June 2011 Aug 2012 10dpo 10 weeks little boy Trisomy 16 Jan 2013 9dpo CP July 2013 1st round of Tamoxifen 20mg Ovidrel trigger and 4 pregnyl booster shots IVF November 2013 6 eggs collected, 5 Fertilized normally, Transferred 1 beautiful compacting 3 day morula, froze 4... FET Feb 2014 4DP5DT, Beta 11DP5DT 647 User Image

11 years ago

Oh no, stillfun, it seemed like they were getting darker!! It's probably a good idea to switch back and forth between natural and medicated cycles - I think it would be hard on your body to keep it up (and would drive you crazy too!).

AFM, I'm having a really weird period. It was a bit lighter than normal for the first 3 days but still heavy, and then seemed to be tapering off as usual, but then hit with a vengeance yesterday. It's now CD6 and I still have a crazy heavy flow. Feels like two periods back to back. Anyone else ever get this? I'm wondering if maybe I had a chemical? I only tested once very early on and I thought I saw a second line but as I started bleeding after that I ignored it and didn't test again.

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11 years ago

Still fun: good luck on your beta tomorrow! I hope it comes back with Great news! I like to switch off too from medicated to unmedicated I feel it gives your body the little break it needs. My re always had me do that too. He'd put me on mess then next cycle birth control. That way any cysts I had would go away and restart everything.

Northern: that is weird. You drag. Could've had a chemical. They say it happens a lot but most people don't even know because their period shows up on time or only a couple days off.

Afm: AF is here today. So it looks like I Od 4 days after my solid smiley. Is that crazy or what! How does that happen?! So that means I was way off on insems since I aimed for 12 and 24 thinking I'd be on the early end. Boy was I wrong lol! This is the problem with home insems and not have a known donor. Hopefully this cycle I can time it better. I'm tempted to call my re but I'm trying to stay cheap but I guess it's not cheap if I'm throwing away $600 a month on sperm and timing it wrong.

California Conceptions DDE #1 2/10/14 Baseline Ultrasound 2/15/14 Start Lupron 3/7/14 Lining check 3/11/14 transferred two embies!!! User Image

11 years ago

Temp dip this morning, I will still go to the clinic just to complete the cycle, I rushedout lastnight and got some girly stuff cause I have none with me.

Northern - I had one like that a while ago, it had stoped and I went out the nextday with nothing and had a really heavy flow, it last for 8 fdays all up and my period only usually last 3-4 days!

Mel I hope this cycle is a little more accurate, I find the ovacue didn't work for predicting my days but the vag reader is good. I might us both this cycle to see what one is better, I think the clearblue is not very user friendly.

Drive home today yay..... Looks like we are the same CD Mel, I'm 17 dpo today

Me 28 - DP 30 HSG all clear, very high AFC 42 SA 27million on Menevit,2% Normal Mild Teratospermia Been TTC since June 2011 Aug 2012 10dpo 10 weeks little boy Trisomy 16 Jan 2013 9dpo CP July 2013 1st round of Tamoxifen 20mg Ovidrel trigger and 4 pregnyl booster shots IVF November 2013 6 eggs collected, 5 Fertilized normally, Transferred 1 beautiful compacting 3 day morula, froze 4... FET Feb 2014 4DP5DT, Beta 11DP5DT 647 User Image

11 years ago

My poor hubby just came home from his two days of work and all excited asks me if I took a pregnancy test. I felt bad letting him down and having to tell him this month didn't happen. He told me he wants me to go in for an IUI this cycle. Yeah! So question what would you do... I have two banks I can go through. The same one as this last cycle and get two vials but I have no clue if the numbers will be good or I can go through the bank my doctor has me going through and get really good numbers but I can only afford 1 vial. Goal this cycle also is NO SODA it's going to be so hard but a couple people have told me that when they gave up the caffeine they got pregnant. Althought I couldn't find any studies against actual soda but its worth a try.

Stillfun: that sucks the clear blue monitor isn't user friendly. I've heard great things about it but I'm starting to think the people that leave great reviews on all these fertility things never really had issues they just got impatient really fast and no matter what they would've got pregnant right away. Lol.

California Conceptions DDE #1 2/10/14 Baseline Ultrasound 2/15/14 Start Lupron 3/7/14 Lining check 3/11/14 transferred two embies!!! User Image

11 years ago

Stillfun, any info from your clinic visit, other than the expected? Hope you had a good trip home.

Mel, exciting that your hubby wants to do an IUI cycle! What are the numbers you're referring to? Is it sperm quality? Are you going to do a monitored/triggered IUI cycle? If so, I would go with 1 vial of the best quality since you will know you're getting the timing right. If not, I'd go with 2 vials of the other on different days to up the odds of getting it right. But you have more experience with all this than I do!

Good luck on cutting out the soda Mel! I have started drinking a cup of 1/2 caffeinated coffee a day again (was entirely off coffee for a while) and I need to get off it. I get really addicted to coffee and it makes me GRUMPY. So, if you're cutting out soda, I'm going to cut out the coffee (starting tomorrow, lol). I'm thinking of entirely cutting out alcohol too for at least the next few months and the months that I'm doing IUIs. I typically have a glass of wine most nights before O. And want to clean up the rest of my diet etc...

Where's everyone else these days!?

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11 years ago

Northern: I'm excited too! I am not being monitored or having a trigger since I'd have to go through the re for that and then we are talking a $1200 cycle not including sperm. I just don't have that right now. But I'm thinking two vials for timing reasons too! :) I'm fed. Addicted to soda and its going to be really hard. Good luck on cutting out the coffee! :) I should cut back on alcohol too! :( man I hate changing a diet for what I don't have yet but everyone keeps saying act like you are and it will happen. Worth a try since I've tried everything else! :) good luck this cycle northern! Hopefully we will have a couple bfps this time around!!!

California Conceptions DDE #1 2/10/14 Baseline Ultrasound 2/15/14 Start Lupron 3/7/14 Lining check 3/11/14 transferred two embies!!! User Image

11 years ago

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