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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Wow, dandy. I forgot to even think that there could have been something wrong with the hpt's. Maybe we got a bad batch. Hoping your lines eventually turn into a bfp.

7 years ago

I do think we got a bad batch. If I remember right. We both ordered from amazon on the same day or a day apart. Im going to try n find an email or costomer service number. I dont want to use them. Nothing else to do. Our roads are iced over so were home bound today.

7 years ago • Post starter

I found an email for costumer service and sent them a complaint. Lol. Probably rushed it but after your lines too Cronins it makes me leary to use them. It makes me question the opks that came with them since I never got a surge but ovulated anyway. They came together. But one probably doesnt have anything to do with another. But at least now its been brought to thier attention so if there is an issue they can fix it and nobody elses hopes will be falsely up.

7 years ago • Post starter

Thanks for reporting that dandy. I don't have too many left either. I just got a fresh shipment from BFP brand to use next cycle. Looking forward to getting the show on the road, lol.

7 years ago

Never mind, AF has officially reared her ugly head, lol. I am going to take 150 mg of clomid CD 2-6 this time around. Hoping this does the trick.

7 years ago

Well shucks Cronins here is to your new cycle! Clomid here she comes : ). Hoping af takes it easy on you!
Afm, i was looking to see if my follicle scan results were up on my portal and noticed my last hcg test was 3. Guess thats good cause if implantation does occur, it will double after a couple days to a 6 and be seen faster on a test xx
Ps. My boobs are killing me!! Tried to ignore it yesterday bc it realy hasnt meant anything for me lately. But today, Im like a ninga protecting those bad boys when potential poking is near. Lol

7 years ago • Post starter

When did you have your hcg tested dandy? Was it with your follicle scan? That would be so cool to see you get your Christmas miracle! Fingers crossed for you!

7 years ago

Cronins no. It was on day one of my last cycle. It was day 21 bloods but I started af that day so they added a hcg test to rule out any potential pregnancy bleed.

7 years ago • Post starter

Oh, I forgot about that, lol. Boy can I be dense sometimes.

7 years ago

Oh no. Dont say that. Lol your not dense. Keeping track of all of our cycles, bloodwork and other tests is impossible. Lol. I have to ask to be reminded all the time. : )
Feeling a little crampy. Im a little worried. Ugh. Af just seems to come whenever the heck she wants with me, for no ryme or reason. Im sticking with 5dpo since my bbt has had constant temp raises since then. Plus it makes me feel better about testing so early. Lol.

7 years ago • Post starter

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