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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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@SheRiskers. Yea he/she is amazing. Be interesting to see the next ultrasound and how big it is growing.

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6 years ago

@dragonfly23 amazing!!! I’m so happy for you can’t wait for my first ultrasound!!! 6 weeks Sunday so fingers crossed

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6 years ago

Awwww so exciting to see our babies grow I'm so anxious about next week ultrasound Thanks for posting

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6 years ago

@dragonfly 23!: How AWESOME!! First baby photo! :) Next time when you have your ultrasound in April he or she is going to be SO much bigger. They change and grow so fast! And don't worry about cramping. Your uterus is stretching so cramping happens and is perfectly normal. :) I have it too, at times!

Thanks for sharing the photo! I can't wait for my ultrasound in a few days to see my boy. He gets bigger and bigger so it's amazing to follow the changes with ultrasound photos!

Congratulations again!

My baby was born on July 26th, 2018 And it's a ! And my 2nd baby boy was born

6 years ago

Hi Ladies!

I found this thread thanks to my GF dragonfly23! What a great idea since we are not just all "cycle buddies"! Some of you might remember my first posts in November 2017 and some of you are my friends here ....

My nickname here is "hope4rainbowbaby" because I had a miscarriage in early 2017. So I got my wish! I am now 17 weeks 2 days pregnant and it's my rainbow baby and my first child. So far, things seem to be progressing well. I had a few ultrasounds now so I got to see the baby. And it's a BOY! :) I posted a few ultrasounds photos on my profile page. I guess it's set "for friends" to view. He's growing FAST and he's super active and wiggly. I could see it during the ultrasounds. And I think I start to feel a bit of "fluttering" in my belly when I'm lying still. But it might take a bit longer to feel the movements more (I have anterior placenta).

Anybody here whose due date is close to the end of July 2018? My estimated due date is July 30th, 2018.

Congratulations to all expecting Moms and to all of you who are TTC. Stay positive. It will happen. :)

My baby was born on July 26th, 2018 And it's a ! And my 2nd baby boy was born

6 years ago

Welcome hope4rainbowbaby! I remember you when I first joined this site and started being active. I'm so glad you get to have your rainbow baby this summer! I think I was in the July2018 group for just a few days with you before my AF arrived that cycle. I'm on my 6th cycle ttc and going to ovulate this weekend so we're hoping to get the timing right this time. Both DH and I have realized that getting that BFP is not as easy as we thought it would be. I'm hoping for a November baby!

6 years ago • Post starter

Hi FlamingoGirl13!

Thank you SO much for your kind words and of course I remember you, too! It took me a few cycles after my miscarriage to get pregnant. So at times it just takes a while, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. It will happen for you, too! Enjoy this phase (TTC), too! :) And I'm sending you lots of good vices and wishes for that soon!

My baby was born on July 26th, 2018 And it's a ! And my 2nd baby boy was born

6 years ago

@hope4rainbowbaby. Thank you hun about the cramping. It worries me that AF is going to show up even though the tech lady said that my cervix is tightly closed but it still worries me. Hope your ultrasound goes well on the 27th. Keep us posted.

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6 years ago

Hey ladies not sure what’s going on nobody can tell me if I’m having a MC or not. Got back from ER and they said levels are 450 and ultrasound is saying 2-3weeks as they can’t see a sac nor free fluid. Since it’s still early. I’m soooo emotional ..go back to dr on Friday for more blood work. I’m crying my eyes out and there are no answers!!!! I am bleeding which all they say is normal in early pregnancy but they can’t rule out eptopic pregnancy just a waiting game

6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38. Been thinking about you all morning and wondering how the appointment went. Oh my god, that's not good at all. Is it still red or a mix? There's no clots right? I know this may sound crazy but have you tried poas to see what the line is at? I really hope it isn't a MC and I think with ectopic you would have a lot of pain in the stomach. Did they book you in for another ultrasound?

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6 years ago

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