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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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AFM – I’m currently 12w6d and I’m feeling really good (knock on wood) but I also feel HUGE – my belly is starting to get firmer now too and it’s more round – looks like a bump and not just bloat – lol, YAY! My dr said I’m showing sooner because this is my 3rd pregnancy and my last MC was just 3 months before I got pregnant again.

I shared the news on my FB page – it felt SO GOOD to have it be in the open finally!! The post got so much love on it too, over 750 “likes” and over 300 comments - which made me feel incredibly loved and supported!!

Baby is strong, healthy and growing like a weed! Got to see HIM on the 12 week ultrasound last Friday – yup, I got my NIPT results and found out we’re having a BOY! I really REALLY wanted a girl (I think in part because the baby I lost last Dec was a girl and maybe I was feeling if this baby was a girl it would kind of ease the pain from losing her even though this baby would never replace that baby in my heart) and I actually bawled my eyes out when I first found out it was a boy, then I felt so bad for crying about it that I cried even more. But, as the days go on I’m more and more okay and focusing on the fact that he is healthy and growing and I know I’m going to love him to pieces!

My NIPT came back negative on all the trisomy tests and the NT u/s showed not much liquid behind his neck so all looks GREAT so far!! VERY EXCITED and can’t wait to see him on u/s again at the anatomy scan on Aug 1st – feels so far away! Wish I had another u/s in between now and then lol. I posted my u/s pic on my page – if anyone wants to see it! His heart rate was 171bpm and he has long limbs and was very active in there! SO CRAZY to see him like that and not feel it yet.

My feet hurt and I feel I need a really good pair of flip flops to walk in – I walk about a mile to and from work and I’m going to Disney in August – I know, I’m going to be SO HOT at 20 weeks pregnant lol, we booked this before we found out I was pregnant so we are going! Any tips/advice for me

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6 years ago • Edited

BB2018 - Wow what an update! I'm glad to see your pregnancy is progressing so well and that you have such a healthy little boy. Have symptoms like nausea gone away for you at this point? As for your trip to Disney I'm probably going to say what you already know. lol! Remember to be easy on yourself and drink lots of fluid and eat lots of protein. It's good to see you are doing well.

6 years ago

Bb2018, don't feel bad, i cried pretty hard too when I found out I was having another girl. I am not having any more so I wanted a boy this go around. I am ok with it because i already have girl stuff and she can have a sister bond, but we haven't had a boy on my moms side for so long. I felt bad and ungrateful for crying. I am super happy she is healthy and all is well though. Im getting excited to see their similarities and differences!

6 years ago • Post starter

@dragonfly23 I really don't know if im carrying high vs low, i just look like I swallowed a beach ball lol. I'll decide at each appointment if I want to find out the gender. I'm seeing doc every two weeks starting at 20 weeks, so in about a month.

@BB2018 long time no see! Glad to hear you and the little guy are progressing well. Gender disappointment is perfectly normal. Don't beat yourself up.

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

BB2018 glad to hear you're doing well :) and the pain went after a couple of days thank you for asking, I have no idea what it was, hopefully won't come back. Hehe I can't believe we aren't finding out either, I'm starting to really want to know. I do think we are having a girl though, the baking soda test said girl, Chinese predictor said boy but said my daughter was a boy and my son a girl so I don't really trust that one lol. Really please to hear your scan went so well as did sharing your happy news with everyone, such a lovely time :)and yay for having a boy how exciting, boys are amazing, my son is such a mama's boy compared to my daughter always wanting cuddles and loves. I hope you have an amazing time in Disney, my advise would be just listen to your body, you know what you're capable of, and stay hydrated.

Dragonfly23 I am carrying low, but with my muscles separating last pregnancy it's not surprising to be honest. I still think girl though as my hips have gained weight too like I did with my daughter, and my bump seems more round too, I'm pretty big, but I think o was bigger by this stage with my son. Whay do you think? xxx

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6 years ago • Edited

Michelle00 - Welcome! How far along are you?

Lakarmw - Great bump, and yes, very low. I can't guess on gender because I've seen low be both girl and boy, but I love that you're not finding out. My other two pregnancies I didn't find out and I loved that moment the baby came out and we found out. I'll miss that with this one since we're finding out for the first time.

BB2018 - Welcome back and glad everything is going well. Your bump looks just like mine, so I feel more on track now. I've been feeling huge. RLS - Yes, I take meds for it but on bad nights, even those don't help. But buy some serious bags of epsom salts and take a bath in at least two cups of epsom salts before you go to bed. If you have a crappy bath, make it a sitz bath and just make is shallow but enough to cover your legs. Also I take Magnesium Malate supplement but run that by your OB first. Actually, it's good for you during pregnancy because it also lessens nausea and helps other symptoms. Nevertheless, OBs get a little nervous when you start a new supplement. Mine was suggested by my neurologist, and the "malate" form is better for pregnancy. The Oxide (i think) form helps constipation more though. Also, don't eat/drink anythign with artifical sweeteners and don't eat anything sweet a couple hours before bed. Both those are RLS triggers.

AFM, my 12 week scan went perfectly! Baby's HB was 174. No anamolies found and NT measurement was 1.5 - which is nice and low. I still haven't gotten my NIPT results yet but I have my OB appt. at 11am today with the regular Dr. so hopefully they'll have the results today and I get to find out if this little bump is a boy or a girl. I'd love a girl too, but I'm feeling boy. The baby was sucking his thumb in the u/s and all I could think of is my little 8yr old who we can't get to stop sucking his thumb. It made me tear cute.

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6 years ago

Bb2018 those sounds exactly like your first flutters the way I describes mine were like someone tickling me from the inside with a tiny feather. My first i felt them around 18 weeks, second 15/16 and this one was 13/14 weeks and I was having proper kicks by 16 weeks and hubby even felt baby at 17 weeks so must get earlier each time.
Gosh It's so so hot here today again, I do feel for the mama's who are close to their due dates this heat must be killing them, we aren't used to it in England xxx

6 years ago

Thanks, Calvingirl. Teresa Marie Denise is what I've been leaning on. Maria is my middle name but it was supposed to be Marie after my aunt but my mom liked Maria better. Janice Teresa Denise is next even though it doesnt flow good. Then they would have the same initials. My dd is Jordyn Isla Ruth aka Ruthie. So Ruthie and Reese is where i am right now.

6 years ago • Post starter

Afternoon ladies. I am not sure if anyone remembers me talking about the Sneak Peak tests that I was going to find out the gender to ease my mind of any doubt. It took awhile to get my package but patience was with me. I finally got my results today via email and now there is no more doubt and my mind is at ease.

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6 years ago • Edited

Gm! I started a reply yeterday and fell asleep writing and it isnt there now. So, this one will be short. Dd and i slept from 5pm-4am. Guess we needed it!
Baby Reese is doing great. At 19w2d she was a whole pound already and measuring ahead. She looks like her sister alreay!
I do have a low laying placenta and it is partially covering cervix. I get another scan every 6w til it corrects or i have a c-section. Praying to deliver natural again. No sex or heavy lifting, which lifting is my job so this will be interesting. She is breech and laying on her stomach. It was hard to get a face pic. All is well with her though.

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6 years ago • Post starter

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