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Confessions of a TTC Woman... Pt2

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Hi ladies!! Time to start a new thread!! Confessions pt 2!

for anyone who's new, this is what its all about:

"Well a long time ago there was a thread started by a good friend of mine (who went on to have her adorable baby last weekend) called "confessions of an infertile woman". It was a place for all of us to share our negitive feelings and vent our pain about ttc. It was a great place and a safe place for negitivity (as we didnt want to air our negitive thoughts amoung the positive threads) And I felt it needed to come back!!"

Lets keep the negitivity flowing lol!


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187 Replies • 12 years ago



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Jil- So sorry to hear about your Grandfather! Thats horrible. Both my Grandparents on my Dads side passed away shortly after dh and I got married, they werent able to come to the wedding and they will never meet my children, its really heartbreaking.


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12 years ago • Post starter

Jill, I am also sorry to hear about our grandfather. I too wish I could have children before all of my grandparents have passed away. We only have my husbands paternal grandmother and my mothers maternal grandmother left. Grandparents should live forever!

We had such a nice & beautiful weekend here! Today it got over 80*! Amazing for March 18th! Needless to say we spend some time outside but now I am confined to the couch with HORRIBLE cramps and a wicked headache! Stupid BBT spiked this morning so I was completely confused as I had already accepted the fact that AF was going to show. But she finally did this afternoon and now my nerves are rising about this whole iui business! I am afraid it's going to hurt and not work!

Me: Alicia (29) ~ DH: Patrick (29) TTC #1 Since August 2009 with PCOS 1st & 2nd (March & May 2012) IUI Cycles w/ Clomid = BFN's 6/24/12 - 3rd IUI cycle w/ Gonal-F and Lupron. IUI on 7/9. TWINS! Born 2/11/13 Back on the NTNP train as of September 2013 hoping for a boy someday!

12 years ago

hi everyone!

not been around much as things got a bit much for me a few weeks back, but pretty good today and just had to share this. Rant wise, why arent things simple!! but also i think its a bit amazing hwo things have happened...

so, i started spotting quite early this time but seeing as everyone saying CD1 is full red flow, i waited until then to count from CD1. That would have meant I would be on CD9 now and I dont normally ovulate until CD13. Even thought I started spotting early, because the red wasnt until 4 days later, that pushed by O date back a few days which worked out well as my DH wasn't home until very close to O, so these extra few days gave us more time which before I was quite upset at my period arriving early as it would have brought O forward to when DH was still away.

DH was sent home due to a cyclone in the area so he came home on Friday and just went back this morning. So, officially he was home CD6-9 which is too early for O but still good to get some practise in! Also, not worried because he was going to be home at the right time.

then, on Sunday evening, he went to bed early as we have to be up early to get him to the airport. I was sitting in bed reading and just got the urge to use an OPK again. I had been using them for the last three days with obvious negative results so still happy that he would be back for O later this week. But got this urge, POAS and lo and behold, there was a very strong positive OPK!!! Guess what I was doing 5 minutes later!! (and again this morning ) Strong positive again this morning so I decided to buy some Clearblue digital OPK and that came up negative by midday. Will test with other strips when I get home just to see though.

and you know what, when I counted backwards 13 days from today, I get the first day I started spotting which maybe isnt spotting but just light period!

So I think its a bit spooky that I had the random thought to test and it was positive AND DH was sent home just at the right time otherwise we would have missed it all this cycle and probably now wont be able to try for a while because he will be away for the next few Os, depending on when my next period starts (if it does!! ) O not confirmed yet with temp rise according to FertilityFriend but hopefully will see that tomorow morning.

I might start testing every time I pee now!! who knows when its going to turn up.

Cosmic forces are at work here... maybe my are looking down on me this time! Speaking of grandparents, I hope my grandpa and granny & grandpa have taken some action up there to help me out! xx

Dont worry, i'm not going to start on the whole "god" plan, but it does re-enforce my thoughts of other forces out there...

so, not really a rant but had to share. the rant would be why are things never easy, and thank god he was home when I got the positive otherwise I would be so depressed right now!!

here is a rant for you though!! By 12noon today I had counted 3 preggy bellies (bearing in mind i was at my desk or in the car for most of the time!) and front page news is about the shortage of OB/GYNs to deleiver all these babies in the WA baby boom!! Thanks cosmic forces, rub it in my face that I am not preg yet or when I am I might not get a OB/GYN!!

Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

12 years ago

Hi ladies

Katie - Ooo that is awesome that dh got sent home and you got a +opk! I must be meant to be! for ya!

bumble - Grr, sorry to hear af showed up Stupid witch!

AFM - No rant today... just feeling really sore!! Dh and I have taken the dogs out twice in the last two days on good long walks. Now my legs are sore and so are my arms! (My dog pulls!) Oh well, at least we're all getting some excercise!


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12 years ago • Post starter

Katie: Yay for your O and DH right beside you!

This cycle is a total bust. I don't even truly know when I O'd (FF and CTP are in disagreement with my O date) and DH was completely unhelpful. I'm so frustrated. DH gets so worked up right after AF is here and then he is hard to get ahold of once he gets his fix and I am ready to O. He says that he will "try" and make sure that he is up for bding as soon as I tell him it's go time, but then he finds something to distract him (going to friends, taking a last minute nite job, just not feeling good). I'm so irritated. This whole cycle is a complete wash. Sometimes - in my mind and I would never really do this - but I think to myself "Fine! I'll just go buy some sperm so I can use it when My body is Oing! Then I'll finally have some F*ing control! I get so mad at him - it's not like i can control when I O. Damn it all to hell. TTC is really making me an angry person right now.

~Ayrian User Image User Image

12 years ago

ctp now says I O'd on the 17th!! WHAT??? A full week after my +opk, what a crock! Im sticking with ff that says the 10th. Chart is looking a little triphasic maybe thats why..... so irritating

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

12 years ago • Post starter

My best friend thinks she's pregnant. The same one who doesn't support my ttc and doesn't want a baby and will have an abortion. Life isn't fair. Did I mention she's on b/c and missed a couple pills. What are the chances. Probably pretty high just to fuck with me.

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

12 years ago

Jill - Ugh so frustrating!

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

12 years ago • Post starter

Definitely not a rant.... I just got my bfp! So unfortunately that means it's time for me to leave you wonderful ladies as I know how much it sucks to have a pg person around let alone chatting with ya! But I will be following you all! Sending lots of baby dust! xx Joy

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

12 years ago • Post starter

*Krunchie doing the happy dance for Expecting*

Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

12 years ago

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