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September 2018 Babies

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Hi ladies, I am hopping over to the September board since I am teetering between Aug and Sept (due date Aug 30th if I conceive this month). For new ladies, welcome!! I am CD 12 right now and believe I will be ovulating in the next day or so. I just started using preseed and am BD every other day all month if we can! I also have an obgyn appt tomorrow just to get completely checked out and make sure there are no problems since we have been trying for a while.

Any Aug 2018 ladies that are moving over here you already know my story and I wish none of us have to move over to this Sept board but I am sending positive vibes to you all!!

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419 Replies • 6 years ago



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141 - 150 of 419 Replies | Last Page

@mir777 - Thank you! I hope you get your BFP soon! What DPO are you?

@Beaut1ful - Thank you. I was just shocked how watery, watery cm really is!

If your DH has a fever higher then 102 then it will affect his sperm but I think it's count that is affected. If his fever is lower then I don't think you have anything to worry about. That might also be for production down the line not the ones that are ready to go now. I don't think getting pregnant while he has a cold or flu will change anything about you pregnancy.

6 years ago

flamingoGirl- thank you i have been googling this question. I dont know if he has a fever, he said he going bc he feels as its coming cold or flu, so he wants to stop it. I hope we can still get some BDing in! i took one today looks + but still not sure, have plenty of ewcm as well. i think my opk is a positive as i didnt hold pee but 1 hr and i am cramping on left side.

6 years ago

Flamingo, I'm 10DPO, i did take a test this morning and BFN, one of those internet cheapies. I asked in the August group, but i'll ask here too, I don't have sore breasts at all! not even nipples! I always get those symptoms at least a week before AF, AF is due in 3 days. Just wondering if it's possible that i'm pregnant? hm - i might get a FRER and use it tomorrow morning.

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6 years ago

I am trying for Baby number three, if I fall this month I will be due 16th Sept 2018. I would love a boy this time as my first two are girly girls; although would also love twins. I fell pregnant the first month for my first and the second month for my second, so I’m hoping to fall just as quick.
We have BD everyday and will do until I am due again.

6 years ago

Welcome roundthree! If you're hoping for a boy you should look into the baby dust method. There is a facebook group and a book. It's been exact for all 4 of my pregnancies, and I'll be expecting a boy this time around as well if I conceive this cycle due to the timing of DH being home.

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6 years ago

@ Roundthree - Welcome! I hope that ttc goes quickly for you this time around too.

@Beaut1ful38 - If your temperature goes up tomorrow then I would say today looks like your O day. Those feeling sound like good signs too. I've never felt any ovulation pains. I wish I did! It would help narrow things down. Get some DBing in!!

@mir777 - My breast get tender before AF. When I was on BC they didn't so the first cycle it happened to me I thought it was a pregnancy sign but now I've noticed it happens 3 days or so before I get AF. Maybe yours not being sensitive is a good sign! Let us know how the FRER goes.

6 years ago

@ callmecrazy I’ve just ordered the book now, not sure when it will come. Is there a main thing I should be doing for a boy? X

6 years ago

@Mir777- all the best! Lots of baby dust your way and to all of us!!
@Midnight mystery - so sorry to hear that AF arrived! Hopefully December will be the month for us!!

6 years ago

Thank you Gem!!

Flamingo - I will test tomorrow morning ...stay

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6 years ago

Mir777- I reccomend a frer. I have a love hate relationship
With internet cheapies. They have bad evap lines too that are
So misleading sometimes to.

AFM- today I tested on a frer digi and got my yes+! I am 12dpo
And feeling a bit crampy today which is freaking me out so trying not
To think too much about it!

Me:30 DH:37 TTC since sep 2017 TTC #2 BFP dec 2017( femera 1st round) - chemical pg User Image

6 years ago

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