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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Ok. So the nurse I like jst called me. Apparently my dr wasnt there when I called to move my day 21 bloods. It was a dif dr that oked it. Shes not happy about that and wants them on day 21 no matter what bc Its more accurate no matter when I O. Idk. Just gonna do it next time. Lol. She also never said this cycle was unovulatory bc she doesnt believe the bloodwork was accurate bc we moved the day. She thinks we were catching it on the way up not the way down.
We are doing a pcos/ insulin panel tues. She said its comparable to day 3s but will be more spasific to my needs. Then we will see if I need metformin. She said I was reading her mind for more bloodwork. Still doing clomid and follicle check with possible trigger. Ah I love my dr. But dislike some of the nurces there!
Ok. Come on af n get here lets start over : )

7 years ago • Post starter

Dandy : glad that you have a plan in place. Sounds like your ob really wants to help. Do you feel AF is impending? Any symptoms to report? Phew, what a crazy day you had! I was mia because d h and I had couple time today. Our older kids got us a gift card for a local restaurant and we purchased tickets to "A Christmas Carol" at the Palace theatre. It was such a great day. We really needed that lol. Now to top if off with some bding, lol. See you in the morning ladies!

7 years ago

Oh thats right Cronins. It was your date night. Im glad you had a good evening. Thats great! It sounded so nice. Good for you.
Bbt droped all the way down this morning n af greated me with my morning wee. Looks like we did catch progesterone on the way down. Lol. Thought so bc of bbt chart. So here we go cd 1.

7 years ago • Post starter

Cronins that sounds like a lot of fun!
Dandy here's to January bfps lol. We will have October babies:-)

7 years ago

Dandy : sorry that the witch got you. But glad that you have a plan in place for this cycle.

Lucky : October babies all around would be nice. I can't wait until we all get our bfp's!

As for me, I am cd 7 and getting ready to really test this morning. Wish me well, lol. Hoping that those opk's darken nicely. DH and I are going to bd every other day until ovulation and then one daily until two days past ovulation. Hope we catch the egg this time around.

7 years ago

Cronins that would be awesome for all October babies :-) I was hoping you would have a September baby though! Would that be right if you get your bfp this cycle? Anyway in 2017 we are all going to have our babies!!! Pray Pray Pray

7 years ago

Mine would be Sept too Lucky. My cycle on here days my due date would be Sept 29. Plus I would have a c section a few weeks before hand. Im jst not so sure about it all anymore though. Dh n I were talking and if we go another 4 months with no Ovulation we are taking a break. Im just frustrated thats all. I may feel different when the time comes.
Lo n I are going to my dads sides Christmas in just a bit. Its always emotional with out my Dad. Pms is not going to help. Lol.

7 years ago • Post starter

Man I'm off on everyone's dates lol! You two need to get your bfps and then I'll join you in October lol :-)

7 years ago

I was just looking at my cycle and if I were to become pregnant this cycle my due date would be 09/23/17 approximately. Still pretty close for an October baby, lol.

Dandy : hopefully you'll ovulate and get that bfp before your 4 months is up. Praying for you.

Lucky : I can't believe that you will be stimming very soon. Come New Year!

As for me, my opk is pretty dark for CD 7. I just might ovulate earlier this cycle. I will upload a picture in a few minutes to the gallery.

7 years ago

Cronins that's a day before my bday :-) Yes, stimming is less than 2 weeks away, excited, nervous, scared all in one! Trying to just think about positive thoughts but occasionally the negative have have been winning. How can I stop these? I really and truly believe this is my cycle just with the way things are falling into place but sometimes second guess myself and feel like I'm talking myself into it lol, darn head of mine :-/

7 years ago

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