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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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1521 - 1530 of 4483 Replies | Last Page

Those opks are coming along nicely Cronins! Darkening enough for ppl to vote positive. Lol. Yay for that. Looking like it may not be to much longer for that positive.
The three muskateers together on this one. Gotta be a good sign right? : )
Had a great time with family today. Lo even behaved in the restaurant. Lol.
Its going to feel so wierd not opk testing right away. My last clomid will be on day 9 thats usually when I expect my opks to darken. Lol. Good maybe I wont start af on day 21 like the past several months.

7 years ago • Post starter

Awe Lucky I can only imagine how many different emotions are running through you right now. Deep breaths. : ) Im so excited for you.

7 years ago • Post starter

I'm so glad you guys are here! I just cried through Christmas Eve service, but with this being the first Christmas without my dad I feel like that's making me that much more emotional. I can't get a grip on myself and then when my mom grabs my hand it just made the tears flow more. I need to keep in mind how hard this is for her after being married for 41 years, she's the strong one :-) I don't think I had this much emotion my whole life, or I did a darn good job of hiding things lol.

7 years ago

Of course this is going to be extremely hard for you Lucky, especialy since its your first Christmas with out him. Christmas is about being with family. Cry when you need to honey. Find a way to honer him on Christmas like light a candle in his memory while everyone is there and let it burn while you guys are together : ). Thas what we did at my wedding. My dad passed 30 days before my wedding and thats what we did. I almost postponed it. But didnt bc he paid for a lot of it and chose to take his own life, even handing me more money the last time I seen him to make sure it was all paid before he left. Its what he wanted. But back to you... Hugs honey. Talk about it if you need to. Share stories around the tree, maybe even make his favorite sides. Ill be thinking about you Lucky : ) Merry Christmas Eve girls.

7 years ago • Post starter

Merry Christmas dandy and lucky! I pray that God's abundant blessings be upon each of you this Christmas season. May he grant us all a happy and healthy pregnancy very soon.

7 years ago

Merry Christmas Cronins and Dandy! I hope you enjoy this time with your family and friends :-) May God bless us all with our bfps very very soon and a happy and healthy 9 months.

7 years ago

Ho ho ho Merry Christmas gals! : ) hope everyone has a wondeeful day. Drive careful. I too pray we all get our bfp blessing very soon.
Hoping the witch takes it easy on me today bc so far she has been a grinch. Lol

7 years ago • Post starter

Merry Christmas everyone! Hoping AF eases up a bit for you dandy.

As for me cd 9 and my opk's are progressing nicely. Been bding every other day but will soon move to daily.

7 years ago

Good morning everyone,

I hope that you two had an awesome Christmas weekend. I know that I did.

Dandy: How is AF this morning? Hopefully easing up for you.

Lucky : woohoo, stimming is coming your way soon. I have my fingers and toes crossed for lots of fertilized eggs.

As for me, I am progressing nicely. I got a high reading on my clearblue easy advanced monitor this morning. I think that it's only a matter of a day or two before I get my peak reading. It's definitely been much less stressful this time around. Just taking it one day at a time.

7 years ago

Awesome Cronins it sounds like your getting very close. I hope you had a great Christmas as well. It was different this year without my dad but we had a good Christmas. I cried some but mainly when I saw my sister even though she's not showing yet. The hard part was I thought for sure I would have a baby in my arms by Christmas this year and it hit me hard yesterday. Anyway, start cycle appt in 2 days :-) Praying hard this is my cycle!! I appreciate you ladies and all your prayers and encouragement.

7 years ago

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