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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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@Beaut1ful38 I'm praying so hard for you and sending you a big virtual hug. I just read through this entire thread and feel like I got to know each of you a little bit xoxo. Try your best to stay calm, the baby feels everything you feel. Maybe try to do something that calms you? Take a bath, watch tv, go for little walk, read a book?

6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38 - My heart is aching for you. I hope and pray the bleeding stops and that you get answers on Friday. I hope this little bean holds on and sticks tight. I'll be thinking of you and your lo tonight. Please be good to yourself and do what you need to do relax and stay calm. We are always here for you.

6 years ago • Post starter

Thank you ladies. Has been emotional roller coaster for DH and I.
Dragonfly- oh yes I took a test when I got home and 2 solid lines came up. Helped calm me down but since levels are 450 I kind of knew lines would.
BB2018/ thank you for the viral hug. Dr put me in bed rest till Friday so Movie’s it is and praying too.
FlamingoGirl- thank you for the support as well. I’m such a mess crying now writing this. DH and I just held each other and cried. Which he is wanting answers too so we can move on either way. He has been sooo supportive even missed work to be here.
I did forget to mention they also found 1 fibroid in my uterus which they said isn’t nothing to concerned about but google freaked me out!! Trying to put that back behind me. Dr should be looking at everything from ER to compare her thoughts and give me answers as I have been calling them all day today. The vaginal ultrasound did more bleeding which I was not happy about.. I asked the tech was it going to harm it more she said no when done was bleeding dark red and had small black looking things not clots though. So that freaked me out even more.

6 years ago • Edited

@Beaut1ful38 - Glad to hear you are on bed rest. I hope that helps everything calm down. Sorry the vaginal unltrasound caused more bleeding... that’s upsetting. Will be thinking of you tonight.

6 years ago • Post starter

@Beaut1ful38: sending you lots of good vibes and warm thoughts to you and to your DH and to your LO! Hang in there, get some rest and try to calm down (I know this part must be the hardest thing to do). I also have fibroid, but I was told it's not a big deal. I'm 17 weeks 2 days pregnant now and 2 doctors told me about the fibroid I have. It is just something that a lot of women can develop especially during pregnancy with all the hormonal changes. They just always let know about those kind of things and make notes so they are aware of it. So if your doctor already saw it and told you that it is not concerning, it is not something to worry about.

Also, they often told me that there might be more bleeding after having an ultrasound in general. There's just more blood vessels there so when one is being checked there, it can often lead to some bleeding.

I'm so sorry that you're experiencing this emotional rollercoaster... But it's good you're under medical care, getting things checked and that you're getting some bed rest. Try to take it easy: for you and for your baby and for your husband who sounds like such a loving, caring, devoted man!

Lots of big virtual hugs and positive energy your way! I hope you'll hear some GOOD news soon and that everything will calm down!

My baby was born on July 26th, 2018 And it's a ! And my 2nd baby boy was born

6 years ago

Good Morning Ladies!

@ Beaut1ful38 - I hope you are getting that bed rest prescribed and that you can go to the ultrasound sound tomorrow feeling much better. I've been thinking of you and sending positive healthy vibes your way.

6 years ago • Post starter

Oh Beaut1ful, I’m so sorry you’re going through this! My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Just wanted to check in you with ladies. Waiting for ovulation, negative (but not super light either) smiley on my clearbkue opk. Will prob ovulate mon tues or wednesday according to the fertility friend and this app. Cervix is getting softer and more open. Didn’t want to miss this month’s egg in case it pops out earlier than expected. Ladies I need to get something off my chest, I’ve been really resentful, and frustrated lately thinking about a few of my friends who blinked and got pregnant. It’s so hard not to be jealous. I wanted a summer baby but that didn’t happen, then would have been happy with a fall baby, and now we’re onto winter. If I conceive this cycle, my due date would be end of nov beg dec. I need to get out of this bitter place I’m in, I’m helping my cousin (best friend who was like a sister growing
up) with her shower, giving her all of Allie’s
most important items to borrow. I’ve been keeping them thinking oh we’ll have babies close together, I’ll be pregnant soon enough.
I know I need to be grateful for the sweet daughter that I have, but it’s sad to think that at first I wanted a 1.5 year age gap. If I conceive now, it will be an almost 3 year gap, as she’s almost 2 already. I got pregnant my 2nd month with my first baby. What the hell is going on that I’m not conceiving? I know that medically everything checks out but who knows if it was bad egg quality, (I’m 32), sperm couldn’t penetrate the egg, or implantation problems. My best guess would be egg/zygote quality. In IVF it was common to see over 50% of fertilized eggs arrest. Sorry for the rant, I just wanted to get it off my chest. Infertility can kiss my butt! This will be the month for us!

Oh and for some reason I’m annoyed (maybe due to some jealousy?) of the choices my friend had made for her registry. $46 onesies from Neuman Marcus? Give me a break! She wants the Uppababy vista stroller, I first had it in black but scratched crazy easily so I returned it emmediately to get the silver frame. I warned her about that and she changed it to the silver frame with blue seats. I went to go buy a car seat from her registry (she would give it to us once done using so we can use it for our next baby) and Just saw that she changed it back to black. Don’t know what to tell you missy, but I ordered the $360 car seat in blue, not black. She told me she’s super grateful to me for sharing Allie’s things with her/buying the car seat brand new for her/ just jealous, that’s all. She got pregnant her first month trying! I know it’s sooo stupid and petty but thanks for letting me rant! anyone else feeling jealous lately?

6 years ago • Edited

@Beaut1ful38. How are things going for you. I hope you are getting the necessary bed rest and getting lots of rest. I also hope that the bleeding has stopped. Good luck at your appointment today and really hope it goes well and you will get good news.

@photomama. After having my daughter March 29, 2016, and when my husband and I started trying for baby #2 that I literally believed that I had estrogen dominance and when I bought the progesterone cream and used it for the first time, I got pregnant. I didn't really change anything else. Used pre-seed, baby asprin and tried Maca but other than that, that was all I did. Your time will come when you least expect it. I would of been upset if my friend started changing items in the registry without telling you. How are you feeling about this cycle? Are you close to testing?

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6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38 - How are you feeling? Did you have anymore bleeding since put on bed rest? Good luck and positive vibes for your u/s today! Keep us posted!! Xo

@photomama - I can totally understand your jealousy... maybe envy is a better word? It's hard to watch people get what you so desperately want and have been trying for in the blink of an eye with not much effort. I feel like so many of my friends, esp on FB are sharing news of their pregnancy or posting belly pics or posting pics of their newborn babies almost every day - I'm not gonna lie, it's friggin HARD to see some days, so many days I wake up and think "I wonder how big my bump would be right now" or "I wonder what kind of symptoms I'd be feeling" or "I wonder what it would feel like to feel the baby kicking right now" or "I wonder what it would be like to HEAR the baby's heartbeat" - some days it's like a knife in my heart and I feel empty and devastated and some days I'm okay and some days it's like I almost forget... I think it's all part of the process, but thankfully we have this group and all the amazing women in here to help us along the way on our journeys! Praying for you that this is your month! Hang in there!!

6 years ago

@ Beaut1ful - Still thinking and worrying about you. I hope your levels have gone up and the ultrasound shows some positive growth. We are all here for you and if you are going though a tough time we understand that you might need sometime to process and be away from the site for a little while. I'm still crossing my fingers and desperately hoping for good news. I can honestly say you are one of my closest friends on here and I'm wishing you all the best. XOXO.

@photomama - I know how you feel. I thought ttc would be a blink for me and my DH too and I know we are only on the 6th cycle but it's still hard to see people I know posting announcements for summer babies and wishing I was going to have one too. I've changed my attitude on the time of year we have a baby and now know that it doesn't matter. A birthday is a birthday and when it falls is special and significant no matter what time of the year or season it falls in. My twins sister just came off of the Nexplanon and I have a very strong feeling that she will be pregnant with her second while DH and I keep struggling for our first. I can't explain why I feel like that's going to happen.

I'm nervous that I ovulated yesterday and we missed the egg... I got my peak on my CBD this morning so that suggests today or tomorrow. But I had a slight temperature rise this morning so maybe I missed my true peak yesterday evening? I'm nervous because the last time we BD this week was early Tuesday morning and we missed yesterday. We did BD before work this morning as I made that my mission after seeing that peak smiley and woke DH up to do it (which he really likes and turns him on...). I'll continue as if today is O day and BD tonight and tomorrow too. I was hoping it would be tomorrow but all signs are pointing to today. I think I possibly had lower right ovulation pain this morning right above my hip (actually still feeling that which is new for me). I'm hoping my efforts this morning were enough as I fear sperm does not stick around in me as long as it does other women and I can't imagine that there were any left hanging around form Tuesday morning.

6 years ago • Post starter

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