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April/May 2020 TTC

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Morning/Afternoon/Evening Ladies!!

Hi lol...

You're one month closer to your bfp yay !! Hopefully this is it

341 Replies • 5 years ago



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Pando I am sorry af showed. I know your time will come when it is right for you. It is good to be on the same page as your hubby though.

Alex thanks girl! Still no ride in temp so no O yet. Still getting some O pains on and off but the stress from work during the day keeps me distracted from it. So yes Alex I get pretty intense O pains sometimes. One time I had such a sharp pain I stopped and nearly buckled over!! They go up and down for me. With the bbt I just make sure to note that the time was different than normal. If it was within a half hour of when you normally get up you should be fine though.

AFM: still no confirmed O. Been bding like crazy!! Hubby is totally on the same page and we were even to squeeze in some bding before I left for work this morning. I get up at 4am so I can get to school early. He usually just sleeps through my alarms, but not today!! Haha it was funny. I couldn’t check my cm because of that though haha will have to wait till later in the day. Really hoping the spotting I had a couple days ago wasn’t because of some other issue I don’t know about yet. Trying to stay positive though!! One more day with kiddos and then the weekend!! I already need a break!!

Good luck ladies!!!

5 years ago

@pandorica thanks for your wishes, taking decision is very important but as you say it's difficult when brain and heart say different things.

@alex I don't usually have any pain due to O, my clear symptoms are post ovulation, high BBT and sometimes horrible acne. Regarding the BBT I don't record it if I haven't sleep enough or there is more than 2 hour difference from my normal time of waking up. Thanks for the tips! We actually wake up early then that option is not valid for us, my problem is that I arrive exhausted, I need to change that and reduce the speed at work, it takes all my energy!!!

@shay so great DH is on the same page! I love your positive attitude, I hope your O arrive soon!

AFM I have decided to relax myself today and as selfgift I am currently having a spa manicure, pedicure, massage and hairstyle, ou yeah! CD8 and no O yet but today we start the BD!
Have an amazing weekend!

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5 years ago

Shay it’s so amazing that your hubby is so dedicated to this! Being on the same team is wonderful. My hubby on the other hand doesn’t want to do it just for doing it. I totally get it though. It shouldn’t be like that but you know sometimes in order to get something wonderful you need to go out of your comfort zone for a while! How you doing with O?

Neisa oh boy sounds so relaxing and it’s so good that you take care of yourself! I hope you’ll be having an amaxing weekend and the BD game will go smoothly!

AFM as it seems I’m 2DPO today so here we go again!!! So ladies this cycle I Od from my good side and hubbys supplements should be working for good by now. I cannot hide that I have very high expectations for this cycle and I’m so scared and almost certain that I will crash my self with this. I really wish from the bottom of my heart that I’ll be pregnant... I really really hope so....

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5 years ago

@pandorica that's really a tough decision to make, but it's good that you two are making it together. Hopefully you can try again soon after things settle down.

@shay are you considering asking your doctor for anything to help regulate your cycles soon or just seeing what happens for now? It sounds like you have your bases covered for the meantime!

@alex I don't really get O pains that line up with when I'm ovulating. I feel like I get twinges and stuff all the time after O though.

I don't think I'm going to O in my normal window this cycle and I'm so annoyed. My opks haven't gotten dark enough and today is CD23. So I'm thinking that makes my decision easier for whether or not to start Clomid. I'm at least going to try it, at this point taking some of the guess work out would be nice.

5 years ago

@kait I am waiting to see what happens with this cycle and then I am going to talk to my doctor about it. It has been 16 months of ttc with only two confirmed O’s since January. So yeah it is time to talk to her about it more.

@alex it has been nice having hubby on the same page. I know that part of the reason is because he has anxiety and has been having nightmares of us not being able to have kids. So he is trying his best to make sure it does happen. I am very hopeful for you this month as well!!! You can do this!! And remember, even if af does show we are all here for you. I believe you will see those two wonderful lines though!!!

AFM: not sure if I did O or not. My temp hasn’t spiked up much yet but it is slowly rising. My cm is now more of a lotion texture and drying up. My chest is starting to ache which is pretty typical for me after O. Trying to stay patient though.
Of course even though we are both on the same page, there won’t be much bding the next few days. Hubby has caught some bug and he is pretty out of it. Didn’t sleep at all last night and still feels horrible this morning. I am hoping I already O’ed so we are good, and that he is able to rest all weekend. If he feels better soon we will keep bding. Just not pushing him for it these next few days until he starts to feel better.

What do you ladies think of my chart? I think O was either yesterday or the day before.

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5 years ago

@Alex some cycles I get strong O pain too. I usually always know when I O and which side because of the O pain. Sometimes it is mild and some cycles it is pretty strong to the point where it gets pretty uncomfortable. Sometimes I can pretty much pinpoint exactly what time I O because the pain suddenly stops, it is usually 24 hours after my first positive opk and the pain pretty much peaks right before it completely disappears.
I really really hope you get a BFP this cycle! I have everything crossed for you!
@Shay according to my Obgyn if temp is under 97.5, it is unlikely you've ovulated. Not sure how accurate it is though. But if I remember correctly, last cycle you had an increase in temp but stayed under 97.5 or right around that and then a little later you ended up going up closer to 98 after you ovulated. Maybe the same thing is happening. To be on the safe side, it's probably a good idea to keep BDing some if you can. Hope your DH feels better soon! What day of your cycle did you O last cycle? Also, I know you're in the US and usually doctors say they will refer you to a fertility specialist if it'd been more than 12 months of TTC. If your doctor doesn't agree, I'm sure you can find another one who will give you a referral since it is the "standard" of care here usually.
@kait glad your DH tests came back normal. Hope O comes soon for you
@Anna thanks for your kind words babe! You look amazing! Hope your friend gets good news at her next appointment.
@Neisamar good for you! Hope you enjoyed your day!
AFM, I finally stopped bleeding the day we got back from the beach which means I wasn't able to actually go swimming at all but I still enjoyed walking on the beach and playing with my little ones. I haven't heard anything from my doctor's office about the chromosome tests. Hoping I'll hear back next week and can get a referral to go to the fertility clinic and hopefully get some answers. I'm trying to decide whether to start a part-time school program mid-September. It's a little bit of a hard decision because as long as I was due in March, there was no way I could have gone to school even part time this year so I wish it wasn't an option but now that it is, I'm thinking I should probably do it. I think I need to feel like I am moving forward in my life and not just waiting for a baby that may never come. If I am engaged in a project I am excited about, it would probably help relieve the stress of TTC and getting results from fertility tests...etc. The program I want to start is very flexible so I can start this year and take a break for a year or two after if I need to before I continue (it would be 4 years total if I stay in the part-time program all along). My husband thinks I am rushing things and should just take time to process the losses and be content with the meaningful role of raising my 2 children for now... But with one going to school 5 mornings a week and the youngest starting school too (although only 2 mornings for a few hours), I feel like I need something else in my life and going back to my previous carrier (even part time) is not really a good option. I am really excited about this school and the new carrier it would lead to.

5 years ago

@shay I hope they have some suggestions for you. Maybe we'll be trying out something new at the same time!

@agatch I think school is a great idea if you feel ready for it. It's hard putting your life on hold for a baby. I have put off planning a birthday trip for myself thinking I may not want to do it if I wind up pregnant. I decided this week that if I'm not pregnant by Halloween, I'm going to just plan it. If I shoot for spring, the most i would be is 6 months pregnant so what's the worst that could happen? Even if I have to cancel it, who cares.

5 years ago

Hello everyone,

So sorry for the losses. I cannot even imagine the pain. Stay strong and keep going.

@Ana you are glowing. Almost there....feel free to ask any questions regarding delivery. Wondering if our babies will share the same birthday ?? my edd was Nov 15th. He came Nov 21st.

Welcome to everyone new to the board.

AFM: 1st time teacher here. My hours have been crazy. I'm struggling a lot but hanging there. Health wise I have feet issues. They swell and hurt. Still have not been able to see a doctor. On the plus side I got my eyes checked and my periods finally came on their own yay!!! I have to take provera every single cycle for the past 8months. I am starting to work out this week as well and continuing health eating. Hoping to be pregnant by Christmas's. Praying for everyone.

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5 years ago

Kate even though I heard that clomid has so many uncomfortable side effects, I also read that it’s working wonders for some ladies! I don’t really have any experience but if you’re willing to try it I say go for it. It won’t do any harm. The opposite I’d say! But before that I really hope you’ll ovulate in the next few hours who knows? Maybe you won’t need the clomid
PS if I remember correctly is that the trip to Greece that you’re talking about?

Shay I’m not sure I can see a noticeable temp rise on your chart. I’m not an expert on charting though.. if I were you I would keep BDing just to be sure till I see a good difference in temps! You can do this girl I’m very hopeful for you! I know this must be so exhausting but you got this!

Agatch I believe that something new in your routine it would be the perfect thing to do. It will keep you busy and you will change you daily thoughts! Our life is unfortunately very short and we don’t get a second chance. Staying on hold for TTC won’t change anything and if a baby is to come is very welcome and plans can start from then on! I haven’t even went through what you’re going through and I would love to have a new challenge in my life just to take my mind out of it! I say go for it!!!

Lalou Glad to see you and I’m so sorry about your feet issues. I hope it’ll go away soon!
I hope your exercise and diet plan will go as you want and it will be lovely to see your bfp even before ChristmasM fingers crossed.

AFM I’m going crazy and I don’t know where did this came from but I haven’t been like this for months. You know that I don’t like to symptom spot since our bodies either way give us pregnancy symptoms. I’m very well aware and I’ve researched it, that the female body is preparing for pregnancy each month after ovulation and gives us same symptoms pregnant or not. I’ve accepted this long ago and this was what kept me sane.
Well... I don’t know wtf is wrong with me now.. I’m only 3dpo and even if I conceived this cycle I couldn’t have any symptoms till I implant and even later... I know this but still my brain is pushing me and I’m constantly thinking that I have pregnancy symptoms and that this is it... I’m telling you I’m insane and I’m so disappointed by myself. I’m not so ignorant and I just wanted those two weeks to pass calmly.. pfffff At this point I’m preparing my self for a huuuuuge disappointment and you ladies better prepare you self to see me crying in here in a few days lol

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5 years ago

@alex no sign of O for me yet! My mom is visiting Greece next month and I was wanting to go on that trip with her when she was planning it. Obviously, I thought for sure I would be pregnant by now. It's also tough for me with school, I am still taking classes for my MBA. Most of my friends and I are turning 30 in the next year and we were going to plan a trip to celebrate. The planning for that has kind of fallen apart but I would like to do my own trip if the one with them doesn't happen. I miss travelling a lot, but it also limits my options since I wouldn't want to be 8 months pregnant and wandering around Europe or Thailand or somewhere equally far. Your thoughts are totally normal! I try to ignore symptoms too but sometimes every little twinge or cramp makes me think that it's implantation. Don't be too hard on yourself!

5 years ago

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