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Anyone Testing This Week or Next Week??

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I'm expecting AF tomorrow and I really hope that she has decided to leave me alone for a while or more like 9 months. I'm going to be testing in the morning tomorrow but I'm scared and very anxious.

Anyone else that's on just about the same cylce or any words of encouragement.

Good Luck to you ladies!

353 Replies • 8 years ago



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14Dpo still no bfp starting to feel out af 6 days away

8 years ago

@Lalou3tt3 definitely a comfort thing. I'm so thankful to have a "whatever makes you happy" type of hubby. He loves the idea of family no matter how our family comes together.

@lucidity thank you for your well wishes

8 years ago

Morning Everyone - thought I would check in, I believe some of you are testing today or will be in the next day or two! How are you all doing?

I can't seem to keep myself distracted enough this tww. I don't know if it's because we got our timing for sure right this month, or if it's because DH is super hopeful we are pregnant but this tww seems to be just dragging on and I am only 6 dpo and almost another week before I want to test! I did see a dip in my temps this morning too, which I am hoping is an implantation dip - it would be fair too early for AF, but will have to wait and see if it goes back up the next couple of days! Thanks goodness work gets busy starting tomorrow, or I'd just go out of my natural mind this week!

Hoping you all get your bfp's this week ladies!!!

8 years ago

I am also checking in to see if anyone tested this morning.

twwtoolong - I am just ahead of you at 8dpo. When is AF scheduled to arrive for you? I am due to start next Sunday. Because of my wonky cycle this month, I've already taken 5 pregnancy tests so I don't think I'll take another test unless AF is late.

Good luck, ladies!

8 years ago

Morning Sophe28 - I am due around the same time- Sunday/Monday. I was going to wait until Monday to test, if I can muster the patience!

How are you feeling? Any noticiable symptoms? I am trying really hard not to read into anything this cycle, but I started getting heart palpatations this morning (and I only had two sips of my coffee) - I have read this can be a sign, but who knows!

8 years ago

@ xoxojadorecouture
What sensitivity level is your test? With AF still 6 days away it may be a bit to early still. Fingers crossed for you - I don't think you are out of luck in this cycle yet. For both my pregnancies I only registered just after, or at least on the day of my expected period.

@ SheThatHoldsTheKey
What does it mean when you register a heart? Is it the BD (or in plain old english: sex). Im still trying to remember this new baby forum lingo and that's a new one to me.

@ twwtoolong
Ha ha, I just got your name! I had this idea that maybe it was a brand of tea or something (Twinings related for example which is a big brand here in the UK). Then after reading your post on how you were finding this tww sooo long I realise, "Ah ha, that's what the name means!" (I can be slow :o)

How are things going with you?

As for testing this morning I think I need to try another hpt brand as I can't detect any noticeable differences between my First Response Rapid Results tests anymore. Can anyone recommend any brands with a higher sensitivity threshold? The problem with knowing which to get is that they don't say on the box what level they detect from. While they do in the leaflet which is inside the box. I don't want to have to buy each one to find out what I should be targeting.

How are signs and symptoms going for everyone? I'd love to hear any healthy eating tips. (Constipation is a big one for me right now).

Wishing you all baby dust and BFPs xx

8 years ago

@ lucidity - lol - I do love a twinings earl grey, but I created my account when I was in the throws of the waiting game.

The first year or so of trying I really wasn't so bent out of shape during the tww. Since we really started to focus our energies on trying, using opk's, etc and I started charting this month, I find it's far easier to get swept away with all the possible symptoms and predictors on sites like these!

I found two sites comparing hpts and their HcG senstivity levels:

Hope that helps!

8 years ago

Hey Ladies,

Lucidity-I would try the clearblue didgital test. Once I got a bfp on a couple of the regular tests, I would take at least like two on those. I always liked those better, it was easier to read and plus the results were shown in pretty quickly. How are you feeling?

Sophe28-Well let's hope that AF stays away from you. I would say try not to test anymore and try and wait it out as much as you can and see how that goes. Any major symptoms sticking out to you now?

twwtoolong-hopefully the dip is the implantation. Try not to test yet because I think we did everything we could this cycle. You caught the right timing to BD now lets hope that this one is a sticky bean. I'm definitely glad that the work week is back and get get my mind to being busy again.

xoxojadorecouture-oh no! Listen your not out until AF shows up. Try not to think any negative thoughts!

Lalou3tt3-I'm surprised that your doctor is very calm with this as well. It sucks that when people get pregnant and have their babies, they seem to always forget about how hard it is for some women to just get to a bfp. I really do hope that she does become a little bit more proactive for you, so you can see your two lines. How many cycles did you use the clomid for?

shethatholdsthekey-Sounds pretty good so far! Hopefully this is your cycle for your bfp!

Good Luck ladies!

8 years ago • Post starter

So an update on me now ladies.

So this weekend was a busy weekend, so I didn't really get a chance to come on and reply to your responses. However, today I am about 10/11dpo, since I'm not sure when exactly I ovulated, sinice I had like 6 days of positives on my opks, but yesterday I had a nervous breakdown in the bathroom. Dh and I was just fooling around a little bit and I went to the bathroom and I wipe and it was pink. I saw this and it felt like my heart had shattered into a million pieces. I tried to pull it together and went back a couple of hours later and there wasn't pink when I wiped anymore. This never happens three days before AF, since she is due on Wednesday. I went and I checked this morning and nothing. I was going to just get over it and test, but I'm so scared, what if it's negative?

It's so easy for me to tell other people stay positive and keep their heads up, but why is it so hard trying to take your own advice?

I'm so glad to be back at work, I can be busy and not think to much in to this anymore.

8 years ago • Post starter

@HopefullyAMommy - That is just so tough, I am sorry to hear it was a hard weekend- but maybe it's implantation bleeding! It would be around the right timing especially if you haven't seen anything since! :)

Only two more days until you can test! Hang in there - AF hasn't show her ugly face yet!

Take care and keep busy!

8 years ago

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