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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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I think I'm out this month... feels like Im Ovulating today... but I don't think we did enough this past week.

So hopefully next month or January will be it! Got my fingers crossed for everybody that is still in the window to get it done!

Mommy925... CONGRATS! Praying with you for a

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11 years ago

@mommy925 congrats! I saw your test and it looks great!

Everyone, thanks for the tips on the softcups. I am glad I asked. Well I bought some softcups yesterday and plan to use them last night when we , but I chickened out! I didn't want to put it in for the first time with DH wondering...WTF ( means What's This For )? I used to wear the Nuva Ring and I heard the concept is similar. I'm just afraid of messing things up.

Now that I'm clear on the softcups...I have a new question. I've heard EWCM can be mistaken for semen. Do you ladies find this to be the case? I'm asking because I had some nice gooey EWCM a little while ago and was wondering if it was actually left over semen from last night. I'm on CD9 and should O in a few days, so who knows. It was more than I usually get, but I suspect it may be the Evening Primrose Oil or the Soy I took CD 4-8.

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11 years ago

I decided to ask Professor Google and I got my answer on the JustMommies website:

Here are some ways to tell the difference between EWCM and semen:

EWCM is stretchy: EWCM is very elastic. If you put it between your fingers, it will stretch without breaking apart. Semen, on the other hand, does not stretch and will break apart if you put it between your fingers and try to stretch it.

EWCM is slippery and clear: While semen may feel slippery as well, it looks white and cloudy. Not clear, like EWCM. EWCM is more transparent and feels very slippery.

EWCM does not absorb easily: If you look at the toilet paper when you use the bathroom and notice mucous on the toilet paper, you can tell if it is actually mucous by waiting a few minutes. If it is semen it will quickly absorb into the toilet paper, whereas EWCM generally will sit on top of the toilet paper.

EWCM will form a ball in water: When you go to the bathroom, let the mucous drop into the toilet water. If it turns into a ball and sinks, it is most likely EWCM. If it dissolves into the water, it is most likely semen.

I think what I had was EWCM. It was very stretchy and did not absorb into the TP. Probably TMI, but I played with it with my index finger and thumb. For about 60 seconds it was a better toy than a slinky

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11 years ago

I had to share, I watched What to expect when your expecting and it is a good movie. It shows the struggle of ttc as well as all other aspects of having a babies such as adopting.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

@holly thanks for that useful info. I appreciate that.

AF is getting ready to be done! YES!!! Me and bf will definitely be tomorrow, i will make sure of it. Hopefully i can get him to cooperate with me the this coming up week and i might just be able to get a by next month..That's a big MAYBE, but a will definitely try my best. I kinda missed being on here talking with you guys.

I'm waiting for my horny goats weed and fertilaid for men so i can try it out. I'm surprisingly in a great mood tonight, it's my last night of work for the week and i have the next 2 days off. Hope everyone else is having at least a decent night if not a good one.

Good luck to everyone, if my doesn't happen next month, then maybe January, never know. But i'm determined to make it happen.

Lots and lots of

11 years ago

@mommy925 , i hope everything works out for you!!

11 years ago

@CutiePie- I totally agree. I was raised pentecostal (not the over the top type lol). But since I've drawn a lot closer to God, I've realized He's my Daddy (and not the finger pointer I felt He was when I was younger). I realized I didnt want a label. Pastor Dave says, "Being a christian means you're a follower of christ...plain and simple". But the labels of pentecostal, baptist, catholic, etc...none of those labels were in the bible...that's manmade. It's amazing when you learn it's not about a's about a RELATIONSHIP with our DADDY . Hoping you caught the egg!

@Lammy-You're dreaming about me!! That's okay I dream out you girls too! Funny you say that...I havent taken a hpt in week. But my bowels are moving really slow. I havent had a normal poo in a couple weeks . I'm taking metamucil too. Thought all the pie would give me the runs but it didnt. I've been having sharp tight uterine cramps too and can tell it isnt my intestines. It's been driving me batty but I'm trying to ignore it. Almost tested this morning .

@holly-ROFL! Dh would probably laugh at me trying to put it in post sex! I was watching the video on softcups today and dh walked in. I slammed my laptop shut and he got this excited look on his face... "Are you looking at Christmas presents for me!!!??" I'm like, "If you want to call it that." Let me know how the soy works. Kinda wish I didnt tell my dr about it so I could try it but I didnt want to take a chance at screwing myself up even more.

@enbutler-I'm curious about the horny goat weed. Dh definitely doesnt need it though. He's a crossfit/stronglift guy and his workout boost his testosterone something fierce. lol. But it would be interesting to see if it would heighten the passion. Sometimes I just want him to rip my clothes off but he's more shy. Yet today he was humping my face while I was writing a post!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

@waiting ROFL. We used to all the time, but slowed down over the past few years. I'm just trying to boost his libido a little. It can be used for women too, but i don't need it . Once i try it out, i'll let you know how it goes.

11 years ago

i was brought up in a house that belived in god we didnt go to chrush or anything but ever since i was little i would alwasy pary to god and i would always ask for the same 2 things ( i remebered all of this last night after i read the post on here ) i waould always ask to be happy and health . as i had a bad childhood and a ever harder teens i paryed for years for these 2 same things my health got worse which made me more unhappy .

i think i had stopped parying for about a year or 2 then when i was 18 i met my dh and have had a very happy 6years and i didnt think about this till yesterday but god did answer my paryers ok my health gets worse every day but im happy .

and i know my nan is watching over me as me and dh have been living together about 18months but when we was look at places to live things would always go wrong but then we would get something better out of it even with dh jobs . i am a strong beliver of everything happens for a reason even more so since we have moved as this house was prefect .

my dh has diffrent views to me but we still got married in a church and we got to middnight mass . i have even found myself to be parying again .

my new motto is not to say if we have kids or cant
i now say WHEN .

tara when are u going to take a test ?

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11 years ago

Yeah, Tara, when you gonna test???

11 years ago

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