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TTC January 2019 Baby

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Hello ladies I have created a new forum for those TTC.

I have been on CTP since June. We conceived on our 7th cycle but ended in a miscarriage. We did try our first cycle after loss but AF decided to show instead. So hear is to 2nd cycle after a loss and hope to get a baby!!!
I have seen a lot of ladies go through the heartache, stress to a I am happy to be following most of you on this journey. Hope you continue to follow me on to the next month.

*It’s all in His Timing *

Praying for my baby and my future baby

291 Replies • 6 years ago • Edited



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161 - 170 of 291 Replies | Last Page

@stronglove13 - lol! Chillin is a great way to be during the tww! I'm at 11dpo and trying to keep the chillin vibe alive. I plan to test on Saturday so we'll see what 13 dpo has in store for me.

6 years ago

Flamingogirl- do you have any symptoms? That may be different than previous cycles?

6 years ago • Post starter

@Beaut1ful38 - I don't really think so. I did have some weird different sharp cramps a few days ago but that could have been something else so I'm not really counting it. My breasts are more tender then normal but I wont count that as a symptom until I see a BFP. My progesterone must be fine if I get these tender breasts cycle after cycle!

6 years ago

One thing that is different is that my breasts hurt more when I'm moving fast or going down a flight of stairs this cycle. Usually I have to touch them to see if they are tender. They just hurt/were tender as I walked briskly back to my desk.

6 years ago

Can someone tell me where the fast forward button is on this TWW!
My BBT has been all over the place this cycle compared to the last. I am sure I ovulated based on other symptoms but I think I missed it on BBT because I didn't temp while I vacation.


6 years ago • Edited

Over the past few cycles do you normally ovulate on the same day or around that day? If you are regular like that then I would assume you ovulated around then. BBT can be hard when our sleep patterns change for some reason. I wish we could fast forward to 14dpo too!

6 years ago

Flamingogirl- sorry been so busy lately. But I had that the month I got my BFP. My boobs hurt from 1dpo on to my BFP. 7dpo cramps like AF and 9dpo very slight nausea and 1 small dizzy spell. 10dpo BFP.

I went ahead a bought more EPO again will try with pre seed and baby aspirin. When will you test?

6 years ago • Edited • Post starter

I have only been really tracking for 2 cycles, but I normally feel ovulation pain around the same time. My cycle is pretty regular with an average of 27 days. My biggest obstacle was the Fibroids I had. They have been removed so I feel like I am just starting my ttc journey even though it's been a very long time.


6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38 - I understand about being busy! Thank you for sharing your timeline of symptoms with us. I liked to know when others feel things. I had low grade intermittent cramps last night for a few hours and again tonight. I usually don’t get cramps until the day I get my AF so that is weird this cycle. I did test this morning and got a BFN. If I don’t get my af tomorrow I guess i’ll test on Monday. Just wanted to update!

6 years ago

@Flamingogirl13. That is weird that you were getting cramps when you don't normally get them. Sorry about the BFN. Maybe it was to early and the HSG needs time to build up. Here's hope the witch stays away. Do you have a long or short luteal phase?

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6 years ago

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