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TTC January 2019 Baby

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Hello ladies I have created a new forum for those TTC.

I have been on CTP since June. We conceived on our 7th cycle but ended in a miscarriage. We did try our first cycle after loss but AF decided to show instead. So hear is to 2nd cycle after a loss and hope to get a baby!!!
I have seen a lot of ladies go through the heartache, stress to a I am happy to be following most of you on this journey. Hope you continue to follow me on to the next month.

*It’s all in His Timing *

Praying for my baby and my future baby

291 Replies • 6 years ago • Edited



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Thanks flamingogirl and dragonfly- I am ok I did cry yesterday, but DH and I talked we are just going to stop opk, temp, EPO and just take our vitamins and since I know my fertile period do pre seed every time we BD. I bought these new vitamins for Him and her. Let me see if I can find a picture of it. And I will have glasses of WINE!!! Till ovulation amd then no alcohol of any kind. I will still pop here and there And give updates.

6 years ago • Edited • Post starter

Her is what I bought was about $40 bucks but has everything you need .

user submitted image

6 years ago • Post starter

Yes have some Wine!! I bought those same pills a few weeks ago and started DH on them too!! I wish they sold the men's pills on their own but they don't. I'll have a stockpile of the prenatal eventually as I already had a new bottle of 150 prenatal of the kind I like. lol. I'll start taking this prenatal when I run out of my other brand.

6 years ago • Edited

Hi ladies. I’m hoping someone could help me here. I’m 8 days past iui and just got my progesterone results back, 5.5!! A 3 means you ovulated, but they said a minimum of 8 is needed to sustain a pregnancy. They started me on suppositories. Has anyone used these and ended up with a bfp?

BFP 10/17, MMC - 11/17, IUI#1 - 4/18 BFN, IUI#2 - 5/18 BFN, IVF#1 - 6/18

6 years ago

UGH! I just give up!!!!!! Tested yesterday 11 dpo and nothing! I know, it can still be too early to detect; however, I am feeling today the same as I do EVERY MONTH AF COMES!! It was nothing for me to get pregnant with my daughter. I'm only 31, no health problems, consistent dates for AF, I'm just so flustered!

6 years ago

@Divine122908 - I'm sorry you are feeling so flustered. When nothing happens month after month and the waiting just keeps getting longer I get more frustrated as well. Have you been to see a fertility specialist yet? If I'm not pregnant by August I'm going to get seen and see if there is an issue with either DH or myself.

@Ruby0709 - Good luck with the iui! I hope we positive news soon and that the progesterone helps! I've never had my progesterone levels check or taken suppositories but I've heard some other ladies on here who have had success with progesterone suppositories/supplements. I've got my fingers crossed for you!

6 years ago • Edited

@Ruby0709. I never had my progesterone checked either and I was just googling low progesterone symptoms and I procrastinated for a couple months before I finally bought some. I bought the cream and started using the cream for the first time in January and got my BFP that month. Would of have been farther along if I didn't procrastinate as I was hoping for a August or September baby. I am still taking the cream and hope to stop soon once the placenta fully takes over. I hope the suppositories help you to sustain a pregnancy and keep it.

@FlamingoGirl13. I hope you get pregnant sooner than that as you are quite young if I remember correctly. Hope this is your month.

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6 years ago

@FlamingoGirl13 No, I've not seeked any fertility resources. Don't know if I am quite ready to take it there yet. I guess I just never knew how hard it really can be to conceive. This is my first time trying (well technically my 5 cycle) but my first pregnancy 10 years ago was not planned and between then and now, I've not purposely tried to conceive. I am under a LOT of stress between work and unexpected things constantly popping up in my life at the moment, so maybe I should just take a break, calm my body and nerves, and try in the future. :(

6 years ago

Pretty sure I ovulated the other day and was totally not expecting to so early in my cycle. Hoping we caught that egg! If not then I'm going to get some OPKs again so I can get a better handle on my cycle. Before having my son I usually ovulated on CD 19 if I ovulated this week like I think I did then it was only CD 13.

6 years ago

I have no clue what’s going on with me...I’m either 7 or 8 dpo
Cramps on 4/5dpo

I really expected AF to be here already, as I normally have a 24/25 day cycle. But nadda. But that would be my LP would only be 7/8 days.

Symptoms currently: The tatas seems to be increasing getting sore, light nausea which is odd because normally I would not get morning sickness for a couple more weeks. Headache. The cramping seems to be more dull/non existent

PG test yesturday and today should nothing concrete. I think there might be a line? But it could also be indent...line eyes....I don’t know. I’ll retest in the morning.

6 years ago

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