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Anyone Testing This Week or Next Week??

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I'm expecting AF tomorrow and I really hope that she has decided to leave me alone for a while or more like 9 months. I'm going to be testing in the morning tomorrow but I'm scared and very anxious.

Anyone else that's on just about the same cylce or any words of encouragement.

Good Luck to you ladies!

353 Replies • 8 years ago



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twwtoolong-Thank you....I really am hoping this is something because the only time this would normally happen is the day before AF comes, not three days early. I've really been trying not to read to much into the symptoms and just wait.

I want to test so bad, but I'm afraid!

8 years ago • Post starter

So I tested and it's look like it was positive as going across then nothing smh frer

8 years ago

twwtoolong - maybe we can both test on Monday morning, assuming AF doesn't show by then?

HopefullyAMommy - since you're hesitant to test, maybe wait a few more days? 10/11dpo is still early. Will you just wait to see if AF arrives on Wednesday?

xoxojadorecouture - sorry to hear about your bfn. Maybe it's still early to test. When is AF due to arrive for you?

I am actually experiencing fewer symptoms than I normally do during the TWW. Not sure what that means, if anything.

8 years ago

@ xoxojadorecouture - that really sucks - if I am remembering correctly - AF is stil 4-5 days away, right? Maybe take a break from testing until the day it's due - so hard to deal with bfn's and for most women you won't have enough hcg in your body to get a positive until AF is due! Hang in there and try and stay positive!

@ sophe28 - Let's totally both test next Monday! I think having something different symptom wise is always a good sign! I really hope we both get our BFP's next week!!!

@HopefullyAMommy - I would hold off until the morning that AF is due and then test. I really hope it was implantation bleeding! My fingers are so crossed for you darling!

Hang in there ladies! Hopefully we'll all get our bfp's this month!

8 years ago

Well, I spoke too soon with the "no symptoms" statement. For the past 2-3 hours, I've been feeling like AF could start at any minute. Since my LP is usually 14 days, surely 8dpo is too early for these sorts of cramps/sensations. Not sure if it's a good sign or not.

8 years ago

@Sophe implantation maybe

@tww and @sophe
And yeah AF isn't due til 20dpo I'm 15dpo now or 14 AF is 5 days away it'd just so stressful seeing everybody else test positive early last pg I tested positive 17dpo day of expected AF or after I believe

Maybe we all can test Monday I should be 2 days late then when is AF due for yall

8 years ago

twwtoolong I have only tried clomid once last month. But i have been ttc on and off for 3 years. It is really hard and some days even harder. It just seems like I have been on this quest for so long. I have for you as well :-)

BBDreams it is wonderful to have a supporting husband. Mine really keeps me going and not fall completely in discouragement and despair about not conceiving. as well dear.

Lucidity I am surpprised that those tests have no difference. I am hoping you will be able to find a good one and get your

Sophe hoping for you too

Hopefullyamommy it seems like implantation bleeding to me as well. Almost testing time cheers for you

Sophe what a great inititiative !! a testing group. I might join y all as well . Maybe we will see.

AFM FF decides that there is no Ovulation detection anymore. My temperature is still high and has been somewhat high for the past 5 days so I guess I can confirm some sort or attempt of ovulation. I am feeling much better and maybe we will continue the tonight more for fun lol.

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8 years ago

@Sophe28 - I agree with xoxojadorecouture - maybe implantation cramps!

@xoxojadorecouture - You should totally join us! Especially if you tend to not test positive until later in your luteal phase.

@Lalou3tt3 - You should totally join us too! I say BD as much as you can for fun!!

Fingers crossed for us all ladies!

8 years ago

Excellent, I love it, Bding just for fun :o) The ttc journey really does take the fun out of the fun part sometimes.

I think as a rule we should all have a date with our other halves at some point during the luteal phase well after ovulation and do some romping around.

Sorry husband calling me up, shall I make use of this opportunity... ;oP

8 years ago

15 16 dpo no bfp neg blood think I'm out AF 4 days away

8 years ago

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