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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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1741 - 1750 of 4483 Replies | Last Page

Lucky : that's awesome. Can't wait for those little eggs to be fertilized and then implanted in you!!!

Dandy: you go girl!!!! You can do this sweetie! !!

As for me, I am seeing a vvvfl on my hpt's. Please give me your thoughts. I posted it in the gallery.

7 years ago

Cronins I think I see a very faint line when I look at it. Praying it continues to darken :-)

7 years ago

Thanks lucky! It wasn't therected this morning on my hpt's, so it's got me a little bit excited. My test this morning was stark white, lol. I just don't want to get my hopes up. So I will just have to wait and see if it does indeed darken. Sigh...

7 years ago

Oh wow Cronins I see it. Holly cow! Oh please darken up oh I cant wait till your next test. That looks very real.

7 years ago • Post starter

Thanks dandy! I am hoping that it darkens and was not some sort of fluke, lol. I plan on testing later tonight to double check. It's going to bring the poas addict out in me, lol.

7 years ago

Cronins. I can definatly relate! How exciting! I will be stalking the site to see your next test.
Lucky, I found a sperm bank called midwest sperm bank. I think its about 500 a vial and 125 for shipping. I have enough stock I can sell to do this once or twice along with a us and my drs help. I will talk to her about it if need be. Ill also need to find out how much this lawyer is going to cost me. Still praying for my bfp this cycle xx

7 years ago • Post starter

How exciting dandy! !! Still praying for your bfp this cycle.

I just went out and bought some FRER tests and will retest this late afternoon/evening. Not getting my hopes up too high, especially if it's a BFN, lol.

7 years ago

I have my hopes up for you. Lol. Im one our into a urine hold : ) I plan on testing in about two n a half hours before Clay gets home. Just curious if things are getting darker or lighter. Im betting on lightening before darkening( hopefully)

7 years ago • Post starter

Dandy look into IUI as well if your doctor does them. It's usually about $300 or less and it would give you a higher chance than ICI (which is what you would do at home or basically what having sex is lol). With the IUI they put the sperm right into the uterus where it needs to be to get to the tube to meet the egg, so you are actually getting more sperm where it needs to be than you would with ICI. If you have any questions just let me know, Ive had 8 IUI's lol. I'm becoming a pro at this stuff.
Cronins- I'm excited to see what the FRER shows. Praying this is the one.

7 years ago

Ok Lucky, thank you. Thats what I planed on talking to my dr about. I only had one IUI n it was over 10 years ago. Lol. Im sure things are way different now. : )
I was doing so good on smoking. I was down to like 2 a day n could see the light! Today is different. Ive totaly caved n have to start all over. My nerves are shot!

7 years ago • Post starter

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